Chapter 24 - One of our Own. [Part 2.]

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Daniel was relaxing in Jessica's lap like he always did. She was playing in his curly hair while she played Guitar Hero by herself. Daniel was tired so Jessica just sat in the dark and played soft songs. It was Feburary and Jessica was wondering how she was going to manage to find comfort when she left.

The next day was Valentine's day. Jessica woke up extremely late because of her stressing. She looked at her clock and it was 2:30pm. She ran downstairs and seen Daniel asleep on the counter with 2 omelettes made. There was a dozen roses sitting next to her plate with a card. There was a small card on the side of the petals. Jessica covered her mouth and smiled as she silently walked over to the card and read it. It was an indication that he'd been down there waiting for a while.

"Jessica, you are truly my best friend. Roses aren't enough to express how I feel about you. You're amazing. Happy Valentine's day. ♡ "

- Daniel.

Jessica was smiling and happier than ever. She leaned over him and poked him in the shoulder as he woke up. He blinked lowly for a few moments, then jumped up when he seen Jessica.

"Oh Jess. I-I got you some roses and some-"

"I seen it, Daniel. Thank you." Jessica smiled as she gave Daniel a kiss on the lips. "I have your Valentines gift too. It was something I forgot to give you on Christmas."

Jessica pulled out her purse and dug her hands inside of there. She scrambled around, then she finally pulled out a diamond watch. The watch had a little bit of blood on it, but she felt that it was right to give it to him. Daniel took the watch, then looked back up at Jessica. He knew what it was immediately, and he began tearing up instantly.

"It was the watch your dad was wearing the last night he was alive." Jessica said in a soft tone. "It was evidence for me and my mother to keep until I leave but I felt that you deserved to have it. Angela, Vanessa, and Jojo might have other items, but you have the last thing he was wearing."

"Thank you." Daniel weeped silently as he gave Jessica a huge hug.

Tears were streaming down his face and onto her shoulders, and Jessica knew that he was more than happy with his gift. He leaned up and gave Jessica a long kiss, then went right back to hugging her.

Never did he think that he would go from hating someone so much, to being afraid of losing them every minute they weren't in his sight.

Later on, Justine had came home and wen't straight to her room. Daniel and the rest knew that she would be down because of the passing of their father, so they all decided to surprise her by baking her a cake with her favorite flavor. Strawberry. Daniel and Joseph carried up the cake, while Jessica, Vanessa, and Angela barged into her room and cheered.

"Surprise!" Everyone cheered as they walked inside of her room. Justine lifted up out of the bed, wiped her tears, and smiled at everyone.

"Oh my god. You guys made this for me?" Justine smiled as she seen Jeffery walked inside.

"Okay mom we're not gonna lie, Jeffery helped us out." Vanessa laughed. "He made the strawberry icing from scratch."

"They did the rest though." Jeffery laughed as he pointed to everyone.

Justine tried some of the cake, and they loved it. Everyone stayed inside of Justine's room, ate cake, and watched a long movie. Jessica wasn't related to them in any sort of way, but she felt like she was finally apart of a full family. She had her man by her side, along with what she considered her siblings.

At night, Eric invited Belle over to have a good time. In reality, he was setting her up.

Belle arrived over at Eric's house and seen that everyone was over there. She arrived there, and Eric was sitting on the couch with a gun. She immediately knew that something was wrong with this meeting. Jade, Keith, and Sean were also sitting on the couch.

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