Chapter 9 - Bitch! [Part 1.]

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Jessica felt better the next day, but she didn't leave her bed. She looked outside, and seen Daniel playing basketball with his friends. Since they were friends, she was finally able to go outside and play without a problem.

She jumped out of bed, threw her hair into a ponytail, put on some basketball shorts and a beader, rushed down the stairs, and went into the backyard from the back window. She stood outside and smiled.

"You wanna play?" Daniel asked as he made a layup, then stopped. "Don't worry. They know that we're friends now."

"Come on man. No girls." Justin groaned.

"Look I know she's gonna lose. I just want her to feel like she can play." Daniel whispered to him.

"Sure. How are we gonna split up into teams?" Jessica said as she stepped off of the stairs, and onto the court.

"Me, Malik, and Lewis against you and Daniel." Justin said as he snapped his fingers and turned around. "Let's go."

"Hold on man!" Daniel shouted. "I need at least one boy on my team!"

"Naw Daniel you wanted her to play!" Malik laughed. "You go ahead and pair up with her.

"Don't worry, Daniel. We won't lose." Jessica smirked as she grabbed the ball.

Daniel was bummed. He knew that he was going to get schooled by his friends, and he knew that they were gonna talk about it for days. They gave Jessica the ball, and she made her way towards the basket. Right when everyone was crowding around her, she spun around, stepped behind the 3 point line, and made a clear cut shot. Daniel and the boys looked at her with their mouth's gaped open.

"3 points for us. Let's go!" She said throwing the ball into their chests.

Malik worked his way around Jessica and Daniel, then shot att the basket. He missed as Justin rebounded the ball, and attempted to shoot again when Jessica lunged into the air, and blocked the ball. Daniel grabbed the ball and spun around the boys, when he made a fade away jumper behind the 2 point line. They now had 5 points.

"Fuck!" Lewis shouted in frustration.

"You guys must be on your period because you're playing like little bitches!" Jessica said as she gave Daniel a handshake.

"Man chill, alright? We gotta warm up first." Justin growled.

"Sounds like you guys are trying to come up with an excuse for us kicking your asses!" Daniel laughed in a sarcastic way.

"Alright I done had enough of this shit!" Malik shouted as he grabbed the ball. "Y'all wanna play foreal? Lets play foreal!"

Malik dribbled the ball and danced around for a bit, when he passed it to Justin. Daniel was playing good defense, when he passed the ball to Lewis. Lewis dribbled around for a bit, then passed it to Malik. Malik barged right into Jessica, and sent her flying onto the cement basketball court when he made the layup. Malik and his group had 2 points.

"Damn Malik you gotta chill!" Daniel said as he gave him an angry look, and kneeled down to Jessica. "She a female! You can't be rough on her like you would be on us."

"Come on, Jessica. You wanted to play with the boys and now you can't handle it?" Malik smiled as he looked down at her. She was still trying to get off of the ground.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah Daniel. I'm fine.." Jessica said, squinting her eyes as she struggled to get up.

Jessica glanced down at her left arm, and seen a long scratch mark that she contained from falling. She turned it over, and her arm was bleeding pretty bad. The blood was dripping down her wristbands, and Malik's jaw dropped at the marks.

"Jessica...i-i'm so sorry.." Malik said as he covered his mouth.

Jessica didn't say anything. She stood up, closed her eyes, smiled, and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes, shrugged, and looked at Malik.

"Come on. Let's play!" She cheered as she clapped.

"Don't you want to clean up your arm?" Daniel said as he looked at her in a worried way.

"Nope. Cleaning up marks is for pussies." Jessica smiled. "I came to play and win."

Daniel dribbled the ball around just to distract the three, when he passed the ball to Jessica. Jessica stepped back behind the line, and they prepared to see her make a three pointer. Suddenly, she charged at the basket. She lunged in the air with Malik, as she wiggled the basketball around, knocked him out of the air with it, then dunked over Justin and Lewis.

"Wooooooooo!!" Jessica shouted as she hung onto the rim.

"Hell yeah!" Daniel said giving her a handshake when she jumped off of the rim. "That's what the fuck i'm talking about!"

Jessica stood over Malik, and seen that his nose was bleeding. She grabbed a towel that was sitting on the bench, kneeled over Malik, and cleaned his nose for him. He opened his eyes, and gave her an evil glare.

"You guys aren't the only one's who don't know how to play ball." Jessica winked as she helped him up. "Don't take my 'girlyness' for weakness."

They played a few more rounds until Angela came home, then they got right back to parting their seperate ways. Jessica went into her room and seen that she had text messages from Belle and Keith, asking why she hadn't come to community service for the last 3 days. Belle had a clue, but Keith didn't. Rakim still hadn't responded to her text messages, but she was hoping that he would come to community service tomorrow to protect her from Eric's ways.

Justine wouldn't let her miss another day, so she was forced to go. The next day, she applied make-up to the side of her face, and it covered it up pretty good. This would be the first time that she seen Eric since the fight. She was scared out of her mind, but she was ready also.

But when she walked into community service, she couldn't believe what she saw.

She seen Eric giving Jade a kiss, and holding her hand at the table. She wasn't upset at the fact that they'd gotten back together because she didn't like Eric, but she couldn't believe that Jade had just betrayed her like that. Jessica even trusted Jade a little bit more than Belle, but all of these thoughts made it's its way out of the window.

"What the hell is this?!" Jessica shouted as she stomped her way in front of them.

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