Chapter 20 - Heavenly Father.

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Jessica had arrived back home, and she felt good that she'd patched things up with everyone. She walked right past Daniel's room, took a 20 minute shower, got lotioned and dressed in her pajamas, then snuggled up inside of her bed. She didn't have plans on sleeping with him tonight.

Then all of a sudden, Daniel walked inside of her room.

"Get out of my room, Daniel."

Daniel ignored her. He picked her up out of her bed, then walked to his room. He laid her down on his bed and she was still upset. She looked down at his bed, and it was way larger than hers. She knew that it was because she was staying inside of the guest room, but his bed amazed her. It was way softer and cozier than hers, so she was a slight bit jealous.

"No Daniel. This isn't gonna wor-"

Suddenly, Daniel towered over her by putting his two palms next to her, and slowly crashing his lips over hers. Jessica's anger immediately flew out of the window. She wrapped her left arm around his shoulder, and continued to kiss him as he laid her down. They made out for roughly 3 minutes, when Daniel stopped kissing her.

"You see how quick I can make you shut those lips?" Daniel smiled at her.

"Oh shutup!" Jessica said in embarrassment as she shoved his shoulder.

"Are you sleeping with me tonight?"

"No. Not tonight."

"Come on babe. I'm soorrrryyyyyy." He play whined as he leaned down, hugged, and smooshed his face into Jessica's waist.

"Sure. Why not." Jessica said, easily giving into him as she sunk under his covers, and laid on top of his chest. "But I have to get up early for Community Service."

"It's alright. You know i'll ride with you and Jeffery." Daniel smiled as he kissed her on her forehead.

"For some reason, I just thought about that movie Baby Boy." She said as she scoffed. "I hate corny movies."

"I hate corny movies too. Have you ever seen Titanic?"

"Yes, Daniel!" Jessica said in an irritated tone. "What was she saying? Oh Jack! Come fly with me or something like that?"

"I don't know but the part in the movie that made me cut it off is when she was on the end of the boat, and when Jack was holding her, she said: "I'm flying!" Daniel snarled. "After that I had to cut that shit off. I couldn't take it anymore."

"Oh my god. And when he was dying in that water and said: "You're the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Yes!" Daniel shouted. "I was like 'Shut the fuck up!' You've only known each other for two days!"

Daniel and Jessica laughed very hard at the past few jokes they had made. They slowly stopped laughing, and wiped their tears from the funny conversation that they head.

"Goodnight. My night and shining armour." Jessica joked. "May this sleep bring us closer within our souls."

"Goodnight my sweet Princess." Daniel scoffed. "Hopefully me and you can make love on the beach one day, and set off into the horizons of the thousand suns."

"Alas, may our souls forever be as one." She laughed as she leaned up, and gave Daniel a kiss. "But foreal. Goodnight big head."

"Goodnight Jess."

Four hours later, Daniel woke up in the middle of the night. Jessica wasn't in bed, and he was looking around the room for her. He tried to cut on the lights, but they wouldn't work. Suddenly, he seen someone cut on a lamp in his room that he'd never seen before.

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