Chapter 11 - Right through me.

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They arrived home, and everyone was already there. Jessica had went into her room, took a shower, and prepared for bed. But the minute she was about to get in the bed, someone knocked on the door. She ignored it, until Justine called her down.

"Jessica!!" She shouted.

"Yeah?" She whined.

"Come here."

Jessica slumped out of her bed, and walked down the large stairs. When she got to the door, she seen Lisa standing outside. She put on a fake, yet tired smile as she walked to the front door.

"Well, I guess i'll let you guys talk alone." Justine groaned as she walked up to her room. Lisa watched her walk upstairs, then looked back at Jessica.

"Hello Jessica. Do you feel better?"

"I'm okay." Jessica moaned.

"Well, you can come back to Community Service. Under one condition." Lisa said.


"You have to apologize to Jade."

"Excuse me?" Jessica snapped. "I have to do what?"

"Look I know that it sounds crazy, but you attacked her first."

"The bitch talked about my mother!" She interrupted. "She disrespected my mom right in front of me and she really thought that I was just gonna let her do it? No!"

"Jessica, you need to be the better person. Don't let Jade get to you like this!"

"Forget being the better person. She talked about my mother, so she deserved that ass whooping." Jessica snarled, not budging.

"Alright. Well, I guess you'll continue to serve out your suspension." Lisa said as she shook her head. "And honestly, i'm highly disappointed in you. I expected you to be a way more mature than this but in all honesty, you're turning out to be just as much of a bitch as she is."

"Well i'm becoming a bitch, and you're becoming fatter by the second. You tell me which one is better?" Jessica snapped as she grinned at her.

Lisa shook her head at Jessica, walked off to her car, and drove off. Jessica felt a little bad about the comment that she made about Lisa's weight, but she didn't care. She put her mother first before anyone. Jessica made her way back up to the bed, but she was no longer tired. She checked to make sure that everyone was asleep, so that she could spend some time with someone that she was growing close with.


Jessica crept into his room, and seen him laying frontwards on his bed. He looked at her, then lifted up in his bed.

"I'm ready for another round of Guitar Hero. If you're willing to play." She smiled.


Daniel and Jessica played teams on Guitar Hero. One thing he couldn't keep his eyes off of, were her wristbands. He knew what was under there, and she didn't even know that she knew. She continued to play, but she noticed that Daniel was messing up on his turn because he wasn't paying attention to his plays.

"Daniel what the hell are you doing?" Jessica giggled.

"OH! Sorry.." He said, breaking his focus from her wristbands.

After they got done playing, they went downstairs, made themselves a fully loaded sandwhich, then went back upstairs to his room. They are their sandwhiches, watched basketball on tv, then had small talk in between. They both flipped over on his bed, laid there, and stared at the ceiling. Even though they were in a house with a variety of things to do, they were bored extremely quick. As a 12 and 13 year old, it was easy to get bored fast.

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