Chapter 13 - Closer.

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The next day, Justine told everyone that they were flying out to Joe's grandmothers house, or what they called their 'nana', so that they could all collect some of the things that his mother was giving away that she kept of her only child. She felt that the children needed to have whatever memory that they could get of their father.

Having their own private jet, they didn't have to wait for or board a flight at a busy airport.

They went to their uncles mansion, boarded the private jet that Joe left over at his house, then made their way out. Everyone sat in the way front, as Daniel and Jessica sat in the back. Jessica acted like she got to the backroom first, and that Daniel followed her because he always stayed back there. They acted like they argued over the back for a while, when Justine told them to be quiet and get over it.

3 hours later, the pilot set flight.

2 hours later, they landed in Chicago, IL. Their nana had a huge house to, because Joe had given his mother a home first the minute he got rich. They all arrived, and she informed them that everyone got to pick out something that they wanted to keep. However, their nana kept the best things for them.

But when their nana seen Jessica, she lost her mind.

"This is the little bastard who murdered my son?" Their nana growled.

"Yeah!" Vanessa laughed.

"I'm gonna go unpack my bags, Daniel." Jessica growled as she walked to the guest room, and shut the door.

"Well we're going over Aunt May's house for a large dinner and celebration." Their nana smiled. "Are you guys coming?"

Everyone nodded their heads, except for Daniel.

"Well I would go, but I don't feel good." Daniel lied. "I think i'm gonna stay here?"

"Are you sure, Daniel?" Justine whined. "I really wanted you to see your second and your third cousins."

"I'm positive, mom." He moaned. "I promise that i'll go tomorrow!"

"Whatever Daniel." She growled.

Everyone left, and Daniel looked out the window of his grandmothers home, watched them drive off, then rushed into the guest room with Jessica. She was sitting on the bed with a sad look on her face, and Daniel put on a fake smile.

"Ignore my grandmother. She's just like my father. She never holds her tongue." Daniel joked as he sat on the bed with her.

"That's kind of like your whole family." Jessica joked as her and Daniel leaned back into the pillow, squinted their eyes, and laughed extremely hard at her joke.

They slowly stopped laughing as Jessica turned her head to him. He was smiling and looking ahead, but Jessica was observing him. He was cute, he had a caramel skin color like his mom except that it was a slight bit darker, and he had perfect teeth. To Jessica, he beat Eric by a mile.

She leaned in and gave Daniel a long kiss on his face. When she stopped, she lifted up and covered her face as Daniel lifted up afterwards, and smiled at her.

"Why didn't you kiss me on the lips?" Daniel smiled. "Do you think I have herpes or something?"

"No I just....I don't know how to kiss." Jessica said as shs turned around, and smirked at him. "I've never kissed a boy like that, and my other boyfriend that I had in Community Service tried to kiss me, but he really didn't know what he was doing."

Daniel's face got softer, as he leaned in, and started kissing Jessica on her lips. His long kiss beat Eric's by a long shot. It wasn't forced, they were starting to like each other, it was soft, and it didn't feel like he was doing it to try to make the moment feel right. 

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