Chapter 41 - Our Last Moment.

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Jessica sat up and stared at Uncle Chulo and seen a deep bite mark inside of his neck. Blood was spurting out of his neck so quick and so fast and by the look of Uncle Chulo's face, she could tell that he was dead. She looked at Daniel and see him wiping all of the blood off of his mouth, and giving Uncle Chulo and angry look. He looked at her as she jumped up, and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you so much, Daniel!" Jessica whined. "I didn't know that you were a vampire!"

"This bastard tried to kill me!" Daniel joked.

Jessica let go of Daniel, and she felt something wet on her shirt. She looked down and seen blood on her lower jacket. She looked at Daniel's waist and seen that he was still bleeding from his gunshot wound. When they seen the amount of blood on Daniel's waist, both of them started to get a little worried.

"Holy shit." Daniel whispered.

"We need to cover that up, babe." Jessica said in a worried tone.

"But how?"

"Here. Lift up your shirt."

Daniel lifted up his shirt and both of them gasped at his wound. It was gushing out a great amount of blood and they looked at each other in shock. Jessica snatched off her jacket, then double tied it around his waist to hold the blood in. She lifted up and looked at it, then looked back at him.

"Are you good?" She smiled.

"Yeah! I'm good." Daniel nodded as he kept his eyes on his jogging suit jacket.

"Alright. We need to go grab DJ!" Jessica said as she looked around.

"But what room is he in?"

"I don't know. Jade and Sean took him."

"Well, there are 2 floors in this place. 20 rooms on each floor, so I guess we'll search in each of them." Daniel said.

"We cant take the elevators because this place is so abandoned, so we'll have to walk." Jessica moaned.

"Alright. Come on. Let's go."

But searching in each of the rooms, wouldn't be as easy as it sounded. The hallways were extremely long on each floor. The doors were widely spaced out and the hallways ran a long way to the stairs. Still, they weren't going to stop until they found DJ. They began searching on the first hall on the first floor where Uncle Chulo's body was. Searching inside of each room thoroughly.

But they'd searched in about 7 rooms, and 2 suites within the hour. Nothing. Not even a trace of DJ. And as far as they were concerned, they weren't even sure if they were still in the building. What Jessica had also noticed, is that Daniel was becoming physically weaker. He went from racing around the rooms, to walking a little slower in each room. She knew that it was because of the bullet, but she began to worry about his health.

"Only a few more rooms, Daniel." Jessica said in a concerned tone.

"Alright. Let's go.." Daniel panted as he slowly walked out of the room with her.

Right when they were about to enter another room, Daniel stepped to the side and began to cough violently. He glanced at his hand and seen blood droplets scattered across his hand. He also seen that they were on his lip, so he began to wonder.

He realized that he was coughing up blood.

"Babe, are you okay?" Jessica asked in a scared tone.

"Yeah...yeah i'm fine." Daniel nodded.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah baby. I'm fine!" He smiled as he fixed his posture.

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