Chapter 18 - All Falls Down.

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"Daniel this is Ernest. Ernest, this is Daniel." Justine smiled. "And this is Jessica."

"What's up man?"

Daniel didn't move. He continued to hang onto Jessica's hand as he gave the man an evil look. Ernest noticed the amount of rage in Daniel's eyes, so he backed up and inched next to Justine.

"Happy birthday, Jessica." Justine smiled as she led him into the kitchen.

"Thanks." Jessica smiled. She coudln't believe that out of everyone, Justine remembered.

"Y'all got it smelling good around here!" Ernest smiled. "I'm about ready to eat so-"

"Actually I only made enough for 7 people, so you won't be eating tonight." Daniel grinned.

"Daniel. Cut it out. There's enough for him." Justine growled. "Come on, Ernest. Let's go."

The whole entire dinner was awkward. Everyone was eating, but Daniel was sitting still staring at the man. He'd never been so angry before, and he definitely was not about to let another man take his fathers place. Justine had got up from the table and used the bathroom so that they could get adjusted to Ernest.

"I'll be back. I have to use the bathroom." Justine coughed as she chewed her food.

Meanwhile, Daniel was ready to get right to buisness.

"You will never replace my father. Ever!" Daniel growled at him.

"Woah woah woah little man." Ernest said as he shook his head. "I'm not trying to do that."

"Oh yeah right!" Angela laughed. "You're only going after my mom because he's rich, and because her husband was murdered."

"Your father was murdered?" He asked in a serious tone. "Your mother told me that he was dead, but she didn't tell me that he was murdered. Who killed him?"

Everyone at the table froze, then looked at Jessica. She looked down in embarrassment.

"Woah you''re telling me that SHE killed your father?" He asked in confusion.

"I didn't mean to do it.." Jessica mumbled.

"Then why are you guys gunning at me?" Ernest asked. "She's the reason why i'm here! She's the reason why he's gone! She's the reason why you're greiving!"

Suddenly, Jessica stood up and shoved him out of his seat while Justine was walking in. Justine's face went from calm, to angry.

"Jessica, upstairs. Now!" She shouted as she watched Jessica stomp up to her room, and slam her door.

"Jess!" Daniel said as he followed her.

"Daniel you better sit your ass down in that damn chair do you understand me?!" Justine demanded as he looked at her, and slumped back into his seat.

"This is bullshit." He growled. Suddenly, Justine smacked him as he looked angrily to the side.

"You better watch your mouth young man do you understand me?" She said. Daniel didn't respond.

"Do you understand me?!"

"Yes mom!" He said loudly as he inched near her face.

"We're gonna have a normal dinner damnit!" Justine said as she helped him up. "Wether you like it or not!"

From now on, everyone ate in silence. Daniel finished his food quickly then threw his bowl into the sink angrily. He stomped up the stairs and right into Jessica's room as he plopped on the bed next to her, and kept his angry face on. But when they looked at each other, they couldn't help but to smile. Jessica adored Daniel's presence, and Daniel adored Jessica's presence.

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