Chapter 43 - Conscience.

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"Police have found a 41 year old man murdered inside of his home." The newswoman said. "It was forced entry because the door was kicked in, and this was the home that belonged to a man named Keith Kennedy. He was shot twice and his head, and he was killed instantly. Police are looking for witnesses and people who might have information on this killing. If you're one of them, call the Miami City Police Department." The newswoman said. "I'm Melinda, back to you Bob."

Jessica glanced at the tv, and smiled. First job well done. However, this job was sloppy. She'd never killed before, so she had to pick an outfit that she was going to kill in. She walked up to her room and picked out a black leather jacket with some black pants, and a white fitted tank top. She also picked out some black leather boots to go along with it. She pulled out a case that she had ordered before, and it was full of everything she needed. It had a really long gun in the middle, bullets inside side pocket, two grenades in the corners, and a knife in the bottom part. She grabbed the pistol and the knife, and placed it on the outside of the suitcase.

She also took a small picture of her and Daniel, and placed it in her pocket. If she died doing these dangerous acts, she wanted Daniel's picture to be on her body for identification. She also grabbed a picture that she was going to leave on the property to let them indicate that she was there. She grabbed the laptop and began to search for Rakim's location, when she got a call from DJ.


"Are you coming to my game against the Lions today?" DJ asked. "I got front row seats for you, mom."

"Oh i'm sorry sweetheart but I can't make it." Jessica panted.

"Aw come on mom. This is gonna be the best one." DJ moaned. "It'll definitely take your mind off of what happened to dad."

"I know sweetheart, but I won't be able to make it." She said in a sad tone. "I'll come to the next one. I promise!"

"Alright." He said in a bummed tone.

"I love you."

"I love you too, mom." DJ cheered. "Bye!"


Right after getting off the phone with DJ, Jessica looked through yellow pages to find Rocky. She found a Rakim Rogers, and she knew that that was him. She searched for his adress and location, and got a home in an area where she used to live in Sanford. At night, she put on her killer outfit, some black gloves, and made her way over Rakim's.

However when she got there, he was leaving somewhere else. She unparked her car, and followed him to wherever he was driving. Rakim drove to a strip club with an unidentified man who looked like he was roughly 15 years younger than him. Jessica knew that he was going to be there for a minute, so she drove around the corner to get her a bacon loaded BLT from Quizno's. She drove back into the parking lot, enjoyed her sandwhich and pop, then sat there for as long as Rakim was going to make it.

2 and a half hours later, she finally got her chance. Rakim had walked out with the man that he came with. Even better, was that they were the last to leave the club. The man had rode back in a taxi, and Rakim made his way to his car. Jessica threw on her black mask, cocked her gun back, and made her move. She came behind Rakim, grabbed him by his neck, and placed the gun on his temple.

"Yo, what the hell?" Rakim shouted as he wrestled around in her arm.

"Don't fucking move or i'll blow your gotdamn head off!" Jessica shouted. "Do you know who I am?"

"I can't see you if i'm being gagged ma'am!" Rakim said in an irritated tone.

"Stay right here." Jessica demanded.

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