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Parked at the roadside shoulder, Hyunsik turned to face Seulgi.  "So, what happened to us, Seulgi? I thought we were happy. At least, I was," Hyunsik said.  "I was, too," Seulgi protested.  "Then why? Why did you drop me?" he asked her.  "Because I was falling in too deep, and I got scared," she replied.  "So you decided to just up and go, because it was easier than talking to me," Hyunsik said sarcastically.  "Because it was easier to just leave me wondering if I did something wrong. Because it was easier to walk past me and act like you don't know me. Because it was easier to pretend I didn't exist," he said, his voice starting to rise again in frustration.  "I was so stupid to believe that you loved me as much as I loved you. But you know what's more stupid? I'm still stuck, asking myself what the hell happened," he berated himself.  "I did love you. I still do," Seulgi professed.  Hyunsik shook his head.  "It's already in the past. You don't need to lie to me to make me feel better," Hyunsik told her flatly.  "But it's true, oppa. Everything was simple at the start. And then you started talking about getting married and having kids, building a family. I had always wanted to be a Psychologist but I was so happy being with you that if you ask me to give it all up and just be your wife, I would do it in a heartbeat. I love you so much that I was starting to lose myself, and it terrified me. I told myself I don't want to become like eomma. She loves appa so much that she sacrificed everything for him, and ended up losing her identity and being appa's shadow. Or so I thought. When I realized I was slowly turning into her, I panicked," she explained.  "And so you ran," Hyunsik finished for her.  "Yeah. When eomma noticed that you stopped coming to the house, she asked me if we broke up. So, I ended up telling her everything. That's when I learned that appa never asked her to give up her dreams. It was her own decision because she wanted to take care of me and oppa. She said it was the best decision she ever made in her life. Appa even asked her if she wants to continue her study to become a teacher, but she refused. She said she gets to live that dream by being a mother and a teacher to me and oppa," she said, looking at Hyunsik who just remained silent, looking back at her.  "After that, I wanted to talk to you. To explain and to ask if you would take me back," Seulgi continued.  "Why didn't you?" Hyunsik wanted to know.  "Because by then, you and Hani were already dating," she replied.  "Who's Hani?" he asked.  "Ahn Heeyon. From the College of Nursing. I would always see the two of you together. So I knew, it was too late for me," Seulgi said.  "We were doing a project, but I never dated her," Hyunsik told her.  "Seulgi. I loved you so much that I would have supported you in whatever you wanted to do. I was so proud whenever you would get an achievement. I would never ask you to sacrifice or give anything up for me," Hyunsik added, taking her hands in his.  "You keep saying loved. As in, past tense. So you've moved on, huh," Seulgi said, pulling her hands away.  Hyunsik laughed, taking her hands back in his.  "Are you kidding me? I couldn't even date other girls because they weren't you," he said.  "You never dated since then? Not even once?" Seulgi asked him.  "Not even once. But you did," he stated.  "I did, at first. But I stopped after two or three times. It was pointless anyway since I always find them lacking. I didn't realize I was comparing them to you until a colleague pointed it out to me. That's when I admitted to myself that I still wasn't over you," she confessed.  "So what do we do now?" Hyunsik teased her.  "I don't know. Start over?" Seulgi said.  "Or we can pick up where we left off," he suggested.  Seulgi stared at him but did not reply.  "Unless you're not interested anymore," Hyunsik sighed, turning away from her.  "Oppa," she said, tapping him on the shoulder.  She gave him a peck on the lips as soon as he faced her.  "I love you, oppa," Seulgi smiled at him, her eyes shining.  If it was possible, Hyunsik's eyes would have widened in surprise.  Instead, he kissed her deeply before telling her, "I love you. Always."

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