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In keeping with his promise to Youngjae, Sungjae made it a point to leave the office every day by 6:00PM, or 6:30PM at the latest, to make it home in time for dinner.  Any unfinished work he has, he would just bring it home with him.  Apart from eating dinner with Joy and Youngjae, Sungjae also made sure to spend time with them before bedtime, whether they do school and office work together or something as mundane as talking.  Sungjae know this made Youngjae happy, and, by extension, it also made Joy happy.  What Sungjae didn't know is that, it also made the people around him happy.  His parents, his Miran ahjumma, and his hyung-deul and noona-deul, can now rest easy knowing he's not wearing himself out with work.  His hyung-deul also got to have more personal time with their significant others.  The staff working closely with Sungjae, who feels compelled to stay while he is still working in the office, now also enjoy more time with their families since they, too, can go home early.  Every Friday is still Sungjae's night out with his hyung-deul, but like he promised to Youngjae, he didn't stay out too late.  He may not get to have dinner with Youngjae and Joy, but at least Joy wouldn't have to stay up late waiting for him.  Sungjae sends Joy a text before he leaves the office and when he's already on his way home.  This way, Joy wouldn't have to worry and she'll know when to expect him home.  Sungjae played golf with his hyung-deul on Saturdays, and their Sundays are spent with his parents.  Either his parents would drop by his house for lunch or the three of them visits the older Yooks.  This pattern continued in the following weeks.  One Friday, however, Eunkwang told them he won't be joining them for golf the next day.  "Hyolyn is having a party for Yoona's seventh birthday next Saturday, so I'll be helping her in the next few days" Eunkwang said.  "And that reminds me. You all have to be there unless you're prepared to suffer your noona's wrath," Eunkwang warned them.  "Sure. I'll bring Sooyoung and Jaejae with me," Sungjae said.  "You'd better. Your noona really wants to meet Joy and Youngjae," Eunkwang said, then turned to his other brothers.  "In fact, you all have to bring your girls. Her exact words were: TELL THE GUYS TO BRING THEIR GIRLS. I WANT TO MEET THE LADIES WHO MADE THEM FALL ON THEIR KNEES," Eunkwang said in a perfect imitation of Hyolyn, with one hand on his hips while the other is wagging a finger at them, making his *dongsaengs crack up.  "I'll ask Wendy if she's free," Minhyuk said.  "Ditto with Seulgi," Hyunsik added.  "I'll tell Yeri to bring her camera. We'll be the official photogs. It's a good chance for her to work on her action shots," Peniel volunteered.  "I'll see if Chorong is up for it. She's been complaining of leg cramps. But she would most likely come. She hasn't seen her Hyolyn unnie for a few weeks now considering how close we live from each other," Changsub said.  "Tell Hyolyn nooona, I have no one to bring," Ilhoon said dejectedly.  "She's actually expecting you to come with Irene," Eunkwang told him.  "Didn't you tell her Irene's not talking to me?" Ilhoon asked him.  "I did. But she was hoping you'd have gathered enough courage to talk to her by then," Eunkwang explained.  "Don't worry, Iruna. I'll bring her with me," Minhyuk offered.  "Like she'll come if she knows I'm there," Ilhoon scoffed.  "Oh, believe me, she will. She misses her unnie and Chorong so she'll grab this chance to see them," Minhyuk said confidently.  "Then maybe you'll get the chance to talk to her there," Hyunsik said hopefully.  "And with that, I bid you all adieu. I'll see you all next Friday. No, not all of you. Just you, four," Eunkwang said pointing to Minhyuk, Hyunsik, Peniel and Ilhoon.  "You two, I'll see you in the office on Monday," he added, nodding at Changsub and Sungjae.  That Saturday, for the first time since they all got together, they played golf without their oldest brother.


On Sunday, Sungjae, Joy and Youngjae went to Sungjae's parents' house.  As soon as Sungjae parked the car, Youngjae got off and ran to his grandparents who had been waiting.  "Halmeoni! Harabeoji! I missed you!" Youngjae said, hugging them at the same time.  "We miss you, too, dear," Mrs. Yook said, hugging Youngjae back.  Sungjae and Joy followed, with Sungjae carrying the fruit basket they bought on the way.  Sungjae kissed his mom and gave his dad a hug, while Joy was hugged by both of the older Yooks.  "You guys act like you haven't seen each other for a long time when you just saw each other last weekend," Sungjae commented, laughing.  "It's just how it is," his mom told him.   "Woah! Halmeoni. That's a big tree," Youngjae exclaimed when he saw the Christmas tree in the living room as they entered.  Youngjae marveled at the holiday decoration at his grandparents' house.  "Eomma! When are we going to put up a tree at our house?" Youngjae asked Joy.  Joy didn't know how to answer his question. She wasn't sure if Sungjae would want to decorate his house for the holidays.  Seeing Joy flustered, Sungjae answered for her.  "Well, Jaejae, I actually don't have Christmas decors at home," Sungjae explained.  "You don't?" Youngjae asked him in disbelief.  "Eomma, maybe we can use our old ones?" Youngjae turned to Joy.  "We left ours at the old apartment, remember?" Joy reminded him.  "Oh! Too bad," Youngjae sighed.  "But we can buy some decors, right?" Sungjae said, trying to cheer Youngjae up.  "Really, appa? Can we also get a tree? And an angel tree-topper? And stars? And lights?" Youngjae asked hopefully.  "Anything you want," Sungjae assured him.  "Can we go today?" Youngjae asked excitedly.  "Not today. We have school tomorrow, so we need to be home early," Joy said.  "When?" Youngjae pouted.  "Saturday?" Joy said, unsure, so he looked at Sungjae for confirmation.  "We can't this Saturday," Sungjae said.  "Oh, right. You're playing with the samchon-deul on Saturday," Youngjae said glumly.  "Actually, we're going to a birthday party on Saturday," Sungjae announced.  "We are?" Joy asked in surprise.  "Whose birthday is it, appa?" Youngjae asked.  The mention of a birthday party took his attention away from the previous discussion.  "Yoona. She's Hyolyn noona's niece," Sungjae told him.  "Hyolyn noona's Eunkwang hyung's girlfriend," Sungjae clarified to Joy when he saw she has no idea who Hyolyn was.  "Oh, how is Yoona?" Mrs. Yook asked.  "Hyolyn noona still takes care of her when Yoona's appa goes on a business trip. She's turning seven on Saturday," Sungjae said.  "Seven? Wow! Time really flies fast. She was about three or four the last time I saw her," Mr. Yook said.  Just then, the maid announced that lunch is served.  They headed for the dining room, their current discussion temporarily forgotten.  They stayed at the Yooks until after dinner.


They were on the way home when Youngjae asked about Yoona.  "Appa! Is Yoona nice?" he asked.  "Yeah, I guess so," Sungjae replied.  "Why aren't you sure? Have you not met her yet?" Youngjae questioned him.  Joy started to chuckle but immediately stop when Sungjae gave her the 'don't laugh at me' look.  So she bit her lip to keep from laughing.  "Appa. Why aren't you sure?" Youngjae repeated.  "Well, it's because she is nice but there are times when she throws small tantrums. Especially when her appa has to go on a business trip and has to leave her with Hyolyn noona. Which is quite often," he explained.  "Why not with her eomma? Are her parents divorced?" Joy asked, her curiosity piqued.  "No. Hyolyn noona's younger brother is a widower. They lost Yoona's eomma to kidney failure about four or five years ago, so noona helps his brother in raising Yoona since his job requires him to go on trips frequently. When he does, Yoona stays with her and Eunkwang hyung," Sungjae told them.  "Maybe she also misses her eomma, like me," Youngjae said pensively.  "Then I'll be nice to her even if she's not," Youngjae declared.  "Yes, you should. But I'm sure Yoona is a nice girl. I mean, Eunkwang oppa is nice, and he helps take care of her," Joy said.  "But Sungjae-ssi, are you sure it's okay for you to bring us?" she asked, turning to Sungjae.  "Yes, I'm sure. Eunkwang hyung said Hyolyn noona really wants to meet you two. And you'll also meet Changsub hyung's wife, Chorong noona," he assured her.  "Okay. At least Eunkwang oppa and Changsub oppa will be there, too, so it wouldn't be too awkward, if ever," Joy said.  Eunkwang oppa? Changsub oppa? And she still calls me Sungjae-ssi even when we've been living in the same house for some time now, Sungjae thought to himself, slightly irritated.  When they reached home, Youngjae went straight to his room to clean up and get ready for bed.  "Sooyoung," Sungjae called to her.  "When are we going to buy the decors?" he asked Joy when she turned around.  "We can do it on Wednesday, if you're free. Some of the teachers are going to a school board meeting so classes will only be until two," she told him.  Sungjae checked his phone for his schedule.  "Wednesday's fine. I only have one meeting, so I can leave early," he confirmed.  "I'll tell Jongkook to bring you to the office after school on Wednesday," he added.


DONGSAENG – younger sibling

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