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After preparing dinner with Joy, Miran left by 7:00PM despite Sungjae and Joy inviting her to stay for dinner.  Youngjae talked animatedly while they eat, making them laugh as he gave them an account of his day at school.  Sungjae felt he laughed more in the past hour than he did in the past years.  Joy just watched as the two Yooks talk.  She was amused by Youngjae's stories, and fascinated by the sound of Sungjae's laugh which she hears for the first time since she met him.  Come to think of it, today is also the first time I saw him really smile, Joy thought, covertly looking at Sungjae.  His face was brighter, making him look younger.  And more handsome, if that was even possible.  Youngjae, on the other hand, was beaming.  "Were those boys your friends?" Joy heard him ask Youngjae.  "Youngwoo and Youngwan? Yes. They're my best friends," Youngjae said.  "Those two are twins. Add this rascal here, they're known in school as THE TRIPLE THREAT," Joy added.  "You're bullies?" Sungjae asked in shock.  "No! Of course not!" Youngjae strongly objected, shaking his head.  "It's because they are the best players in the soccer team. Their triple play is legendary and is a threat to their opponents," Joy explained, chuckling.  "Ahh! Okay," Sungjae laughed, turning back to Youngjae.  "So what were you talking about earlier? You three kept looking at me. You're not plotting against me, are you?" Sungjae teased him.  Youngjae shook his head, avoiding Sungjae's eyes.  Having raised him, Joy knew he's hiding something based on his expression.  "What is it, Jaejae? Is it a secret?" Joy coaxed him.  Youngjae shook his head again, glancing at Sungjae.  "Can't you tell us?" Sungjae asked him.  Youngjae looked at Joy who encouraged him with a nod.  "Promise you won't get mad," he told Sungjae.  "I won't," Sungjae promised.  "They asked me if you're my appa. And I said yes," Youngjae replied nervously, not looking at Sungjae.  "YOOK YOUNGJAE!" Joy yelled.  Sungjae was thrilled to hear Joy calling Youngjae by his full name.  "Sooyoung. Relax. It's okay," he said.  Turning to Youngjae, he smiled to show that he's not mad.  "That's it?" Sungjae asked him.  Youngjae nodded, still avoiding Sungjae's eyes.  "Jaejae. Look at me," he told him, calling him by his nickname to prove he's not mad.  Youngjae lifted his head slowly to look at his samchon warily.  "It's fine. I'm not mad. You can even call me appa if you want," Sungjae said.  Youngjae's face lit up.  "Really? You'll be my appa?" he asked Sungjae who nodded his head.  Joy started to say something but Sungjae shook his head at her and mouthed, later.  After dinner, Sungjae helped Joy clean the kitchen while Youngjae went to his room to prepare for bed.  Sungjae offered to wash the dishes but Joy declined.  "I'll wash, you dry," she said, handing him a dish towel.  "By the way, I told ahjumma she doesn't have to come on Saturdays anymore. I can make dinner since I'm home anyway. If that's okay with you?" Joy told him.  Sungjae marvelled at the way Joy says the word home casually.  There goes that flutter again, Sungjae thought.  "Sure. But wouldn't that be too much trouble for you? I mean, you could use the weekend to recharge for school," he said.  "No. I love to cook. And I always bake on Saturdays, so it's fine," Joy told him.  Sungjae glanced at the jar when Joy mentioned baking.  "Speaking of which. We're almost out of cookies. Can you make some more?" Sungjae asked her.  Joy looked at him in surprise.  "How did you know it was me?" Joy asked him.  "Ahjumma told me. I thought she made it for me but it turned out, you made it for Youngjae," he confessed sheepishly making Joy laugh.  "Oh, so you're the one. I thought Jaejae's been sneaking midnight snacks," Joy said.  "Guilty as charged," Sungjae admitted.  Joy stared at him curiously.  "What?" he asked.  "Nothing. I just didn't peg you for someone with a sweet tooth," Joy replied.  "Anyway, I'll make more this weekend. What kind of cookies do you like?" she asked him.  "Anything. But chocolate chip's my favorite," he said.  "That's Jaejae's favorite, too. Wow! You two are so alike. You even like the same ice cream flavor and you eat it the same way, too," Joy said.  "So, could we pass as father and son?" Sungjae joked.  "Easily. Which reminds me. You shouldn't have let Jaejae call you appa," Joy said.  "Why not? You let him call you eomma," he argued.  "That's different. He's my unnie's son," she said.  "And he's my hyung's son," Sungjae contended.  "You might not be able to get a girl if they think you have a son," she warned him.  "And what about you? Aren't you afraid that you might not be able to get married if the guys think you have a son?" he debated.  "No. If they can't accept Jaejae, then they're not worth it," she declared.  "Same. You took the role of his eomma because your unnie is not here anymore. I'm doing the same for my hyung," he explained.  Joy started to argue but Sungjae cut him off.  "Aish! If I don't mind it, then why should you? Are you, by any chance, worried that people might mistake us for a couple?" he asked her.  "No! Of course not!" Joy vehemently denied.  "Then there's no problem. Right?" Sungjae said, pinning her with a look.  "Right. I'll go check on Jaejae," Joy said, flustered.  Youngjae came back to the kitchen just as Joy turned to leave.  "Appa, can you help me with my homework?" he asked Sungjae.  "Sure," Sungjae said.  He felt a thrill when Youngjae called him appa.  Wow! This must be how dads feel when their kid calls them, Sungjae thought to himself giddily.  "Appa? Not eomma?" Joy asked him in disbelief.  Youngjae nodded.  "Fine. I'll just check some papers then," Joy said, walking out of the room.  "Please don't be jealous, eomma," Sungjae teased her.  Joy stuck her tongue out at him, making the two boys laugh.

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