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Ilhoon caught up with Yeri and Irene at the garden next to the children's playground.  Quickly but carefully grabbing Irene by the arm, Ilhoon stopped her from running.  He turned to Yeri as Irene tried to pull away from his grip.  "Can I talk to your unnie alone?" he asked Yeri.  "Sure! See you guys later," Yeri readily agreed, all too happy to leave and let them talk.  Ilhoon pulled Irene inside the alcove as soon as Yeri left.  "Okay, we're alone. There's no one to hear us. Now, can you tell me why do you hate me so much?" Ilhoon asked Irene, letting go of her arm.  "Because you made a fool of me!" Irene yelled at him.  "I did what?! When? When did I ever do that to you, of all people?" Ilhoon yelled back.  "At Changsub and Chorong's wedding," Irene said.  Ilhoon scoffed.  "No, no, no. The way I remember it, I asked you to meet me at the pavilion. I waited for over an hour but you never showed up. I only learned that you already left because Eunkwang hyung told me when he found me there, stupidly waiting for you. So if there's anyone who made a fool of someone, it's you. You left me hanging," Ilhoon said.  "No. I went there. And I saw you with Bomi," Irene denied.  "Bomi?" Ilhoon asked confusedly.  "Chorong's cousin? Remember her?" Irene reminded him sarcastically.  "Yeah, I remember her. But what has she got to do with you ditching me?" Ilhoon said.  "A lot. And I didn't ditch you. I told you, I went there," Irene insisted.  "Okay. So you went there. But you didn't stay," he replied.  "I stayed long enough to see you kissing her," Irene said heatedly.  "But apparently not long enough to see me push her away," Ilhoon scoffed.  Irene shook her head in denial.  "I told you to meet me there so I could ask you to be my girlfriend. Why would I kiss someone else?" Ilhoon argued.  "You... You want me to be your girlfriend?" Irene stuttered.  "Yes!" Ilhoon yelled.  "Why?" she asked.  "Why? Because I love you, that's why! I knew that from the first time I asked you out. I was just waiting for you to feel the same way. I thought you did, but I guess I was wrong," Ilhoon sneered.  "I do love you. That's why it really hurt me when I saw the two of you together," Irene admitted.  "You say you love me, but you didn't trust me. It was so easy for you to judge me without hearing my side. You say you love me, but it was so easy for you to turn and walk away from me. So, tell me. How is that love?" Ilhoon said bitterly.  "I had to leave because it hurts so much, it was breaking me. It was the first time I ever felt something like that and it scared me," Irene tearfully explained.  "It's also the first time for me and it scared me, too. But I know I could overcome it if you were by my side. We could overcome it together," Ilhoon said, turning away from Irene.  "I'm sorry," Irene cried.  "I'm sorry. I should've trusted you," she said, hugging him from behind.  Ilhoon sighed, putting his hands over hers for a minute before pulling away.  He turned around to face Irene, staring at her tear-stained face.  Irene remained silent, waiting for him to say something.  He sighed again then pulled her to him, wrapping her in a tight embrace.  "So? Would you be my girlfriend?" Ilhoon asked Irene, resting his chin on the top of her head.  "I thought you were going to let me go," Irene sobbed, hugging him back just as tightly.  "Yah! I didn't held on this long just to let you go that easy," he chided her.  "So, Ms. Bae Joohyun? Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked her again.  "Yes! Mr. Jung Ilhoon, I will definitely be your girlfriend," Irene declared.  Ilhoon laughed before dipping his head to seal their deal with a kiss.


A/N: I wrote this part a day before CUBE announced Ilhoon's departure from BTOB. Going back to his conversation with Irene, I thought maybe this is what he wants to say to the fans who easily turned their backs on him. For me, BTOB will always be 7TOB. And I promise that, in every story that I will write, Ilhoon will always be a part of BTOB.

UPDATE: Thank God, Ilhoon has come home.

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