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Joy expected Sungjae to drop them off in front of their building but, to her surprise, he got out of the car and walked them up to their apartment.  She wasn't worried about him seeing their home since he has already been there once.  She is more worried about him leaving his car on the street.  When she voiced her concern, he merely shrugged and quipped, "it's just a car."  Rich people, she thought to herself.  Unlocking the front door, Joy turned to him.  "Would you like to come in?" Joy asked him.  "No. You two should get some rest. I'll get going now," Sungjae said.  Joy nodded.  "Thank you for bringing us home," she said, then gestured to Youngjae.  "Thank you for the lunch, samchon. It was delicious," Youngjae politely said, not quite looking at him.  "I'm glad you liked it," Sungjae replied, looking at the boy.  "Eomma. I'll go to my room now. Goodbye, samchon," Youngjae bowed slightly before going to his room.  Sungjae sighed.  "He'll warm up to you soon enough," Joy said.  Sungjae nodded.  "Send me a list of the things you want to put in storage and I'll arrange it for you. Are you bringing any furniture?" Sungjae inquired.  "I'm not sure. I've actually been planning to change Jaejae's bed since it's already old. Plus it's a baby bed. And being tall seems to run in your family. Jaejae's tall for his age, so he's practically outgrown it. Other than that, everything in his room is basically built in," Joy told him.  "You should probably just leave it. I'm sure eomma's going to want to decorate his room," he suggested.  "I think you're right. Anyway, I'll just call or text you if there's anything," Joy finally said.  "Okay. I'll see you both next Saturday. Goodbye, Sooyoung. And make sure to double-lock this door," he reminded her, before turning to leave.  Doing as he instructed, Joy made sure the door is securely locked before heading for the kitchen.  The past two days had been tensed and she needed to relax.  And for her, baking is the best therapy.

Sungjae went back to his car that is being guarded by two bulky men.  "They'll be moving in to my house next week. I plan to get a driver for them but I haven't talked to Sooyoung about it yet. If she approves, I'll get you to do it. You're the one I trust the most. Then the others would either be a back-up or posted at the school. Wait for my instructions. Until then, continue with the original set-up," Sungjae said to the bigger one.  "Yes, Boss," Kim Jongkook, a former Special Forces soldier, replied as Sungjae got into his car.  Unbeknownst to Joy, Sungjae hired bodyguards to monitor them 24/7, the day after he learned about Youngjae.  Initially, it was to make sure that Joy won't run with the boy once he files for custody.  Eventually, it was to keep both of them safe.  From the moment they stepped out of the building until they come home, two of Sungjae's men follows them and reports to him once they are safely back in their apartment.  Then they are relieved by two other men who monitors the building through the night.  Although the Yooks have an amicable professional relationship with other businessmen in South Korea, there are still those who are envious of the success of others.  Once the public knows about them, the rotten ones can get through him and their business by harming Youngjae, or Joy, being that she is his eomma.  And he doesn't want to take any chances.

Back in Joy's apartment, Youngjae came out if his room as soon as Sungjae left.  He went to the small kitchen where Joy was taking out the ingredients she needs for the cookies she was planning to bake.  "Eomma," Youngjae called her, sitting at the table.  "Am I going to live with samchon?" he asked worriedly.  Joy stopped what she was doing and faced him. "What made you ask that?" Joy said, stalling.  "I heard you two talking," Youngjae said without looking at her, playing with his toy car.  "He wants us to move in to his house, and I said yes. Since he agreed not to transfer you to a different school, I thought I should compromise. Is that okay with you?" Joy asked him.  "So, you're also coming?" Youngjae clarified.  "Yes. He wants both of us to live with him," Joy said.  "Then it's okay. I thought it was just me," Youngjae said, finally smiling from relief.  "Eomma. Aren't you afraid of samchon?" Youngjae asked, the thought entering his mind.  "No. Why? Are you?" she asked him.  "I don't think he likes me. He doesn't smile at me like halmeoni and harabeoji," Youngjae said.  "Of course, he likes you. He's just not used to kids yet. But once he gets to know you, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun. Remember harabeoji said you and your samchon likes the same ice cream flavor?" Joy told her.  "I guess so. Maybe he likes cars, too," Youngjae said.  "So, we need to start packing. Do you want to bring anything from your room with you to his house? Bed? Chair? Study table? Anything?" she asked him.  "Just my toy chest. And the pictures. And can I bring my Capt. America lamp with me?" Youngjae said.  "Of course. And we can decorate your new room with Avengers, if you want," Joy suggested.  "Yes, I do. I already told halmeoni and harabeoji that I want my room filled with Avengers," Youngjae told her.  "You did? When?" Joy was curious.  "This morning, when we went out for ice cream. Halmeoni said she's going to prepare a room for me at their house so I have somewhere to sleep whenever I stay over with them," Youngjae told her.  "Oh, okay. Then maybe she can do that with your room at your samchon's, too," Joy said.  Youngjae nodded, satisfied with their conversation.  Joy went back to preparing the ingredients for the cookies while Youngjae continued playing with his toy car.  "Eomma," Youngjae called her again after a few minutes.  "Hmm?" Joy turned around to look at him.  "Are you going to have your own room at samchon's?" Youngjae asked her.  "Well, he said he's got a lot of room. So, yeah. I think I am," Joy replied.  "That's good. I always feel bad that you have to sleep on the couch because you gave your room to me. Now you can have your own room, too. I'm glad we're going to live at samchon's," Youngjae said happily.  Joy was surprised with what the little boy said.  She didn't know he'd been feeling that way.  "Jaejae, come here," she said, calling him over.  "You know I love you, right? And that I will do anything for you. You don't have to feel bad about me sleeping on the couch. You should have told me how you felt. You can always talk to me, okay?" Joy said, giving him a hug and kissing the top of his head.  "Okay. But I'm still glad you'll have your own room now," Youngjae said, hugging her back.


Sungjae arrived at The Big Wave where his hyungs are already waiting for him.  After parking his car, Sungjae dialled her mom's number.  "Eomma," Sungjae said the when his mom answered his call.  "Yes, adeul? Are you still at Joy's?" Mrs. Yook asked.  "No. I just dropped them off. I'm at Ilhoon hyung's place now. I'm meeting the hyungs," he replied.  "Oh! Okay. Is there anything you need?" his mom said.  "Yeah. I need you to help me fix two rooms at my house. They're moving in next Saturday so we have to finish it by Friday. Maybe you can ask Sooyoung what they need," Sungjae informed her.  "Who're THEY? And who's Sooyoung?" Mrs. Yook asked.  "It's Joy. She and Youngjae are moving in to my house," Sungjae clarified.  "Wait! They're moving in to your house? Sungjae, did you forget to tell me something?" Mrs. Yook scolded him.  "It's part of our deal. I agreed not to transfer Youngjae to another school and in return, they'll move in with me. I've been to their place, eomma, and it's not a safe area, especially for a woman and a child. Her apartment door doesn't even have a peephole or a proper lock. Not to mention, it's a one-bedroom apartment so Sooyoung sleeps in the couch while Youngjae takes the bedroom," Sungjae explained.  "I'm sorry I didn't have the chance to tell you earlier. Maybe you can ask Sooyoung to go furniture shopping with you," he added.  He didn't tell her about the bodyguards.  It's better that only he knows about it.  "Okay. I'll call her and see if she's available tomorrow. I'm still mad at you for not telling me earlier but I'll let it pass since I'm so happy that they are moving in with you," she said.  "But why your house? Why not with us?" she asked as an afterthought.  "Mine is nearer to Youngjae's school compared to yours," he simply said.  "You can hire a driver for them if they stay at our house," Mrs. Yook suggested.  "I haven't discussed it with Sooyoung yet," he said.  "Hmmm! Fine. I'll call Joy now," Mrs. Yook said skeptically before ending the call.  Sungjae looked at his phone, smirking.  He's got a pretty good idea what's running through her mom's mind now that he told her about Joy and Youngjae living with him.  Entering the club, he went straight to their exclusive area.  "Finally, he comes," Changsub announced when he saw Sungjae come in.  "Took you long enough," Ilhoon said, handing him a drink.  "I had to discuss some things with Sooyoung about the move next week," he said as an excuse.  "Ohhh! Sooyoung!" Hyunsik and Peniel giggled while hugging each other.  "Shut up!" Sungjae told them, chuckling.  "So, everything's set then?" Minhyuk asked.  "Yeah. Eomma's going to ask Sooyoung to shop for things. She'll probably ask her to go tomorrow," Sungjae said, taking a sip of his drink.  "But why your place, maknae?" Eunkwang questioned him.  "It's nearer to Youngjae's school compared to appa's. I already told you that," Sungjae reasoned out.  "That's it?" Eunkwang pried.  "Should there be any other reason?" Sungjae retorted, avoiding his question.  "We don't know. Maybe something more personal, as in, you like Joy?" Minhyuk said.  "Hyung, I've only known her for a short time," Sungjae said, neither denying nor confirming Minhyuk's words.  "Well, we wouldn't be surprised if you do like her. She's beautiful. And nice, too," Hyunsik said.  Sungjae turned to look at him sharply.  "You like her, hyung?" Sungjae asked him with a serious tone.  "Aish! Don't worry, maknae. Hyunsik hyung's very small eyes is focused only on Seulgi," Peniel teased.  "Like yours is not on Yeri?" Hyunsik teased him back.  "YAH! YAH! You two. Make sure you're not going to play around with those girls. They're friends of Irene and Joy, remember?" Minhyuk warned them.  "Don't forget Wendy, hyung," Peniel sniggered at Minhyuk.  "Shut up!" Minhyuk said, good-naturedly.  "Okay. Okay. We get it. You each fell for one of the girls," Changsub said softly before shouting, "FINALLY!" and raising his arms towards the sky in an act of gratitude, laughing like crazy.  "But seriously, guys. Don't fool around with them if you don't want to earn the wrath of Irene," Ilhoon told them.  "TALKING FROM EXPERIENCE!" the other six chorused, teasing Ilhoon.  "SHUT UP!" he yelled jokingly at his friends who are laughing hard like lunatics.  Sungjae enjoyed the banter, thankful that their attention was diverted away from him.

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