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D-DAY.  Joy arrived at the courthouse with Youngjae.  Her lawyer, Oh Hayoung, as well as Irene and Seulgi were already inside to give support when she entered.  Wendy and Yeri couldn't come since it's a Friday and they still have classes, and they could not find another teacher to substitute for them.  A few minutes later, Sungjae arrived with his parents, followed by Minhyuk, Eunkwang, Changsub and Ilhoon.  Irene scowled when she saw Ilhoon, making the latter chuckle when he saw her reaction.  As confident as ever, Sungjae approached Joy.

"So? Are you prepared to be disappointed?" Sungjae asked her arrogantly.

"Don't start counting your chickens until the eggs are hatched," Joy replied pointedly.  Youngjae hid behind Joy, a little intimidated by Sungjae's tall figure.

"Stop it, *adeul," Mrs. Yook admonished, lightly tapping Sungjae on the arm as she walked pass him to where Joy and Youngjae are standing.  "Hello, Joy. Hello, Youngjae," she greeted them, giving Joy a motherly hug while she gingerly pinched Youngjae's cheek.  Sungjae was stunned to see her mother hug Joy.

"Hello, Mrs. Yook," Joy greeted back.

"Good morning, halmeoni," Youngjae said brightly, his awe of Sungjae slightly disappearing when he saw his grandmother.  Mrs. Yook winked at Youngjae, making the boy giggle, remembering her words the previous day about hitting Sungjae.

Mr. Yook walked up to them, seeing the interaction between the two.  "Good morning, Youngjae," Mr. Yook said, smiling at the young boy.

"Good morning, harabeoji," Youngjae timidly greeted back.  Mr. Yook beamed at being called harabeoji.

"It seems you and halmeoni have a secret. Can you share it with me?" Mr. Yook asked him.  Youngjae glanced at Mrs. Yook who nodded her consent.  Stealing a quick peek at Sungjae who was watching the scene curiously, Youngjae whispered to his grandfather what Mrs. Yook told him.  Mr. Yook laughed after hearing what his grandson told him.  "And you can be sure your halmeoni will do that," he said, looking at Sungjae.

"What?" Sungjae asked his father, his brows knitting in suspicion.  He felt like his parents and nephew are conspiring against him.  Mr. Yook just shrugged his shoulders but couldn't stop smiling.  Seeing Joy trying to stop herself from laughing, Sungjae turned to her.  "What is it?" he asked her.

"Ask your mom," Joy told him, composing herself.

"Eomma?" Sungjae turned to her mother.

"You'll know soon enough," Mrs. Yook told him, patting his cheeks.  Sungjae was about to ask his mother again when they were called in by the court staff.

"Jaejae, stay here with Seulgi unnie, okay?" Joy said.  She doesn't want to expose the boy in the court room.

"I'll stay with him, too," Mr. Yook volunteered.

"Thanks," Joy said as the rest of the group went inside.

Heading to their respective counsel's table, they all stood waiting for the judge to enter the room.  "The Honorable Judge Park Misun," the court clerk announced.  They all sat down after the judge took her seat.

"After reviewing both petitions, I have come to a decision. Although both parties presented valid points, ultimately, I have to consider the welfare of the child," Judge Park said.  "Ms. Park, you have proven that you are more than capable of being a mother to Youngjae. But because you are young and single, and with limited resources, I cannot help but be worried that a day might come when you'll find it hard to raise the child alone. It is for this reason that I cannot grant your request for adoption. I'm sorry, Ms. Park," Judge Park declared.

Joy nodded in disappointment.  Irene reached out to squeeze her shoulder in encouragement.  Judge Park then turned to Sungjae.

"On the other hand, Mr. Yook, I have no doubt that you will be able to support the child, seeing that, even at a young age, you are already financially stable. Add the fact that you have your parents to help you in bringing him up," Judge Park said.

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