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Placing the flowers in the vase, Joy stood in front of her mother's niche at the columbarium.  "Hello, eomma! I'm sorry I haven't been able to visit you. Things got a little crazy. I have so much to tell you," she said as she began telling her mom about everything that went on since the Yooks found out about Youngjae.  She told her about Sungjae and what happened between them.  She was so absorbed in what she was doing that she failed to notice a lone figure standing in the corner who has been watching her since she arrived and is now quietly making his way to her.  "I really wish you're here, eomma. You and Sohee unnie. I'm so confused. I could really use your advice. I promised myself that I will never fall for someone rich, but I did. I love him so much, and..." Joy was saying when a deep, familiar voice cut her off.  "If you love me, then why did you leave?" Sungjae asked her.  "Oppa!" Joy squealed, suddenly turning around in surprise, losing her balance.  Sungjae quickly grabbed her by the waist, keeping her steady.  For a minute they just stared at each other, not saying anything, their faces close together.  Then Joy stepped out of Sungjae's arms.  "How did you know where to find me?" Joy asked him nervously.  "I always know where you are, Sooyoung," Sungjae scoffed, putting his hands in his pockets.  "Jaejae misses you. And the hyung-deul and noona-deul and Yeri are getting worried," he added.  "Is that why you're here? Because they told you to come?" Joy chided, refusing to look at him.  "Coming here is my decision. Going after you is my decision, too. I just didn't follow you sooner because I knew you needed some time to think. But make no mistake. I have no intention of letting you get far away from me," he told her.  "You lied to me, Sooyoung," Sungjae continued when Joy remained silent.  "When did I lie?" Joy asked, looking back at him.  "You said you'll marry me if I got you pregnant. But instead, you ran away," he said, looking directly at her.  Joy was caught off-guard.  "How...? Did they tell you?" Joy asked him suspiciously.  "They didn't have to. I know everything when it concerns you and Jaejae. Don't ask how, but I knew it on the same day you found out you're having our baby," Sungjae said.  Joy nodded as realization dawned on her.  Bodyguards, she thought to herself.  "We're you even going to tell me?" he asked her accusingly.  "Of course. You're the father and I would never deprive my baby of knowing you," Joy said indignantly.  "Our baby," Sungjae emphasized, correcting her.  "Fine! Our baby!" Joy said acidly.  "I am going to tell you. I just didn't know how to do it without making you feel like you're obligated to marry me," Joy said.  "I'm confused. You said you love me. If you do, then why won't you marry me?" Sungjae asked her.  "Oppa. I'm not going to tie you down just because you got me pregnant. If I agreed to marry you, sooner or later, you'll feel trapped, and you're going to hate me for that. I don't want that to happen," Joy told him.  "I could never hate you, Sooyoung. And why would I feel trapped being married to you?" Sungjae said.  "Because someday, you're going to meet the woman you'd want to marry," she said bitterly.  "Why would I look for someone else when you're already my wife?" Sungjae asked, rubbing his face.  He was starting to get irked with Joy's arguments.  "Because you don't love me!" Joy spouted, stomping her foot in frustration.  Sungjae was so surprised with her outburst that he was quiet for a few seconds.  Then he started laughing hard.  "I'm glad you find this funny," Joy scowled at him, as he continued to laugh.  "Stop it!" Joy yelled, slapping him on the arm.  "I'm sorry. I can't help it," Sungjae chuckled.  "Okay! Okay! I'll stop," he said, putting both hands up in surrender when he saw Joy glaring at him.  "But you are funny. Considering you're a teacher, I didn't realize how unobservant you are," Sungjae added.  "What do you mean?" Joy asked him.  "I mean, everyone can clearly see how I feel about you. But you are totally clueless," he said, flicking Joy lightly on the forehead.  "What are you saying?" Joy asked in confusion, rubbing her forehead.  "I'm saying that I love you. Yes! I. Love. You! I love you from the moment you threw me out of your apartment. No, wait. That's not true. I love you as soon as you opened your door," he said.  "But you were rude to me. You threatened to take me to court. Which you did, by the way," she reminded him.  "Well, it's your fault," he told her.  "How is it my fault? It was only our first meeting and I haven't said anything except confirm to you that I'm Park Sooyoung?" she said in disbelief.  "Because you surprised me. So I went on the offensive. When Minhyuk hyung told me that an unmarried teacher was taking care of my nephew, I was expecting an ahjumma. But then, you opened the door. You were wearing faded pajamas and an old cardigan over your shirt, your face devoid of any make-up and your hair was rumpled as if you just got out of bed. But you were every inch as beautiful as hell. Then you got all feisty protecting Jaejae. I'm not bragging, but women tend to throw themselves at me. But you? You threw me out. It was a first for me. You didn't care who I was, or what I can give you. All you cared about was making sure that Jaejae is safe. And that's when I decided," Sungjae said.  "Decided what?" Joy asked warily.  Sungjae pulled her to him, hugging her lightly and resting his chin on the top of her head, before replying.  "That you're going to be my wife and the mother of my children," he declared confidently.  "Aren't you being presumptuous?" Joy said.  "Nope. It's called confidence. I swore I would do anything in my power to make you fall for me. But first, I had to make sure that no other man can get near you," Sungjae said.  Joy slightly pulled away from his embrace to look up to his face with a questioning look.  "Why do you think I made sure that you and Jaejae live with me?" he asked, looking down at her.  "Because you don't like where we live and your house is nearer to the school than your parents' home?" Joy pointed out sarcastically, recalling his reason.  "Aish! You know I could have easily gotten you a new apartment. But I wanted you to live with me so I can keep an eye on you and Jaejae, and be able to show you that I am a good person. Kind of hitting two birds with one stone. But it backfired on me, though," he confessed.  "How?" Joy said.  "Well. Instead of just making you fall in love with me and bonding with Jaejae, you made me fall more in love with the two of you," Sungjae explained.  "I've never been this happy and contented. I never really thought that was possible. At least not for me, although I've seen how happy my parents and hyung-deul are in their relationships," he added.  "And now we're adding another member to our family. All that's left is for us to get married, and everything will be perfect," he said, removing his arms around Joy.  Pulling out a ring from his pocket, Sungjae got down on his knees.  "So? Ms. Park Sooyoung. Will you give me the honor of being your husband?" he asked her.  Joy nodded, happy tears running down her cheeks.  With a wide smile, Sungjae stood up and placed the ring on her finger.  "I love you so much, soon-to-be Mrs. Yook Sooyoung," he said, hugging her tight.  "I love you, too, oppa!" Joy replied, hugging him just as tightly.  "But what about your parents? What would they say? Do they approve of me?" Joy asked him belatedly.  "Of course they do. And if I know eomma, which I do, she's already planned our wedding in her head since that day at the amusement park," Sungjae assured her.  "And if that is not enough to convince you, maybe the ring would. That is the ring appa gave to eomma when he proposed. Eomma gave it to me when I told them that I'm going to ask you to marry me," he added.  Breaking their embrace, Sungjae turned to face her eomma's niche.  "Eommoni, I hope you will give us your blessings. I promise to love and cherish Sooyoung just as much as you do, if not more. I will never hurt her and I will do everything in my power to protect her," he vowed, taking Joy's hand in his.  They looked at each other in surprise when a blue butterfly landed on their joined hands.  "I guess she approves of me," Sungjae smiled, putting an arm around Joy's shoulders.  "I guess she does," Joy agreed happily, wrapping an arm around his waist.  "Let's go home," Sungjae whispered to Joy, kissing the top of her head.  "Home," Joy said smiling sweetly at Sungjae.

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