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"The first time I saw Eunkwang was during the freshmen orientation. He was sitting quietly at the back row of the auditorium, trying to be inconspicuous. He wasn't the kind of guy that you would notice just by breathing, unlike Sungjae. But for some reason, he caught my eye. For the next two years, I would see him during our classes together or around campus with the other students. Eunkwang is quite shy but he is very popular among the other students, especially with the girls. While I was fully aware of him, I don't think he knows I even exist. We didn't formally meet until our junior year, when we both became members of the school's Glee Club. I was on my way to the auditorium to audition for the club when the most beautiful voice I've ever heard hit my ears. It was Eunkwang singing. So, anyway, we both got in and that's when we got to introduce ourselves. Because of the activities of the club, we started talking. Slowly, we became friends along with the other club members. But he never hung out with us. He would always leave immediately after class or club meetings. Then one day, when my friends and I went to a café, Eunkwang was the one who served us. That's when I learned that he's sending himself to school. When I asked him about it, he said his parents offered to pay for his tuition but he refused. His younger brother was in high school at the time and Eunkwang knows that sending two kids to school can be expensive so he wanted to lighten the burden of his parents. Needless to say, I was impressed with his sense of responsibility. The more I got to know him, the more I see his charms. And before I knew it, I already fell for him. I knew it was mutual. I could see it in his eyes whenever he looks at me. But up until we graduated, he never said anything and so we parted with me thinking that maybe I misread him. Two years after graduation, our club had a reunion. Eunkwang was already working at Yook Industries then and he was still single. When I saw him, I realized that my feelings never changed in the same way that he still looks at me the way he used to when we were still in college. That's when I decided to make the first move. So I got his number from our club president and sent him a text after the reunion. I would invite him out for coffee or ask him to help me choose a gift for appa or for any trivial reason that I could think of. Eventually, he became comfortable with me that sometimes he would be the one to invite me out for coffee or ask me to accompany him somewhere. We became each other's constant date. Until one day, I confronted him. I don't know if I just had too much to drink or I was getting tired of waiting but I suddenly found the courage to confess to him. He admitted that he likes me, too. He said he was attracted to me from the moment he saw me enter the auditorium during our freshman orientation, and that attraction kept growing everyday but he had to stop himself because he still had plans for his family. He also told me that for the same reason, he still couldn't allow himself to commit to anyone. I felt so frustrated that I couldn't stop myself from crying. Eunkwang was the first and only person who made me cry. I told him that waiting for him is like waiting for the rain during a dry spell and I couldn't do it anymore. I didn't contact him after that and I didn't answer his calls. I guess my being a drama queen worked because after a few days, he came knocking on my door. I wasn't able to say anything because he grabbed and hugged me tight the minute I opened the door. He admitted that after our graduation, he thought we'd never meet again. When we met at the reunion and he found out that I was unattached, he thought he had been given a second chance and he didn't want to waste it so he asked me if I still want to be with him. Well, duh?! A year after we became a couple, Eunkwang bought our house and put it under both our names. Instead of a promise ring, he gave me a promise house. He asked me to wait for a little more while he fulfills his dreams for his parents and then we'll get married. But he doesn't really need to ask. For someone as special as Eunkwang, I'd be willing to wait no matter how long it takes."

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