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Joy was still fuming mad when she met with Irene, Seulgi, Wendy and Yeri the following morning.

"I swear, if it wasn't for Youngjae, I would've hit him right then and there," Joy declared.

"Youngjae heard your argument?" Seulgi asked worriedly.

"No. Thankfully he was already asleep when that awful man came," Joy replied.

"He said he'll see you in court?" Wendy asked Joy who nodded in confirmation.

"So what are you going to do, unnie?" Yeri asked her.

"I need to get a lawyer," Joy said.

"OMO!" Joy, Wendy, Seulgi and Yeri jumped in surprise as Irene suddenly slammed her palms on the table.

"Aish! I can't believe he did that," Irene said.  Pulling out her cellphone, she dialed Minhyuk's number.  "Oppa!" she yelled as soon as he picked up.

"Hello to you, too, Irene," Minhyuk sarcastically said on the other line.

"How dare your friend do that?" Irene told her cousin.

"Which friend? Ilhoon?" Minhyuk chuckled.

"What? No! I don't give a rat's ass about that jerk!" Irene said, unaware that she was on speaker.

Jung Ilhoon's eyes widen and his mouth formed a perfect "O" from indignation.  He was in Minhyuk's office to discuss a contract, and was about to retort when Minhyuk, laughing soundlessly, signaled for him to stay silent.

"So which friend are we talking about?" Minhyuk asked Irene, grinning at Ilhoon who was scowling.

"Yook Sungjae!" Irene yelled, clearly irritated.

Minhyuk instantly sobered up, sitting upright upon hearing the name.  "Why? What did he do?" he asked Irene, praying that Sungjae didn't do anything foolish.  But Minhyuk knew, it was wishful thinking.

Irene relayed to him everything that Joy told her about what happened the previous night.  "Aish! That stubborn mule," Minhyuk said, rubbing the back of his neck in frustration.  "Please apologize to Joy for me. I'll talk to Sungjae about this," he promised Irene.

"Make sure you do, oppa, or else," Irene warned before abruptly ending the call.

"So what's that all about?" Ilhoon asked him.

"You know that Sungjae's been looking for his brother, right?" Minhyuk said.  When Ilhoon nodded, Minhyuk gave him an update.

"Wow! Small world," Ilhoon said when Minhyuk was done.

"Too small, I'd say," Minhyuk agreed.

"Does the hyung-deul know?" Ilhoon asked.

"Changsub and Hyunsik does. They were with Sungjae when I dropped by and told him about what I found out. And I'm guessing Sungjae told Eunkwang shortly afterwards. You know how much Sungjae looks up to him. I don't know if he already told Peniel as well," Minhyuk said.

"Probably not. I was just talking to him this morning and he didn't mention anything," Ilhoon said.

"Aish! I need to talk to that kid. We already told him not to do anything rash and to let me handle it first. He just complicated the situation. Irene's gonna kill me if I don't fix this," Minhyuk said, massaging his temple.

"Your cousin is still a spitfire, I see," Ilhoon chuckled upon hearing Irene's name.

"Nah! She just really hates you," Minhyuk teased.

"Shut up, hyung. I'll see you later," Ilhoon snickered as he leaves Minhyuk's office.


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