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Wendy arrived at the bookstore just in time to see the last few participants of the book signing enter the lounge.  "Wait!" she yelled as the bookstore staff started to close the door.  Wendy ran up to the staff and showed her ticket.  "Sorry, I'm late. Traffic," she said, trying to catch her breath.  The girl smiled and showed her inside before closing the door.  Wendy scanned the room for available seats.  Unfortunately, the only empty chairs were the ones at the back, a little far from the platform.  Good job for being a slow-poke, Wendy. Now all the good seats are taken, Wendy berated herself.  She was about to take a seat when she heard someone call out her name.  Looking at the direction where the voice came, Wendy saw Minhyuk walking towards her.  "Atty. Lee. Hi!" Wendy greeted.  "It is you. I thought I was mistaken. Please call me Minhyuk," he said.  "Minhyuk-ssi. It's nice to see you again," Wendy said.  It had only been a few days since she first met him during the meeting between Joy and Sungjae in his office.  "Are you here for the book signing?" Wendy asked him.  "Yes. I am," Minhyuk replied.  "Me too. Unfortunately, I was late. So, not only did I end up sitting here at the back, but I might not be able to have my book signed as well," Wendy sighed in resignation.  "You're a fan?" Minhyuk asked her.  "You could say that. I have all of his books except the first two. It's always sold out," Wendy admitted.  "Maybe I can help you with that. Would you like to meet him after?" Minhyuk offered.  "Really? Would that be possible?" Wendy said hopefully.  "Yeah. He's my client, actually. I can introduce you to him later and have him sign your book," he assured her.  "That would be lovely," Wendy said.  "Come on. Sit in the front with me," Minhyuk invited her.  "Won't he mind?" Wendy asked him worriedly.  "Nah! He's always happy to meet a fan. Especially a pretty one," Minhyuk said, casually taking her hand in his and pulling her with him.  Wendy's cheeks turned pink from embarrassment.  She is used to being called pretty but somehow, it was different when the compliment came from Minhyuk.  And the fact that he was holding her hand, left her speechless and her heart drumming.  After the book reading, they waited until the autograph signing was finished and the other event participants left.  In the end, Wendy did not only have her book signed, but the author also promised to send her autographed copies of the two books she had been looking for.  As a token of her gratitude, Wendy invited Minhyuk for coffee.  Over a delicious cup of cappuccino, they found out that they had a lot of common interests.  Minhyuk offered to drop Wendy home first before driving back to his office.  "Thanks again, Minhyuk-ssi," Wendy said as they stopped in front of her house.  "Wendy, can we drop the formalities? You're best friends with my cousin, Irene. Your other best friend Joy is fostering Youngjae with my youngest brother, Sungjae. Your other best friend Seulgi is with my other younger brother Hyunsik. So we're practically a family. You can just call me Minhyuk. Or oppa would even be better," Minhyuk told her.  "Oh! Uhm, okay. Minhyuk oppa," Wendy said tentatively.  "That's better," Minhyuk said.  "Thank you again," Wendy said before stepping out of the car.  "Wendy!" Minhyuk called out to her before she could enter her home.  Turning around, she saw Minhyuk striding up to her.  "One of my clients invited me to an art exhibit opening this Sunday. Would you like to be my plus one?" Minhyuk asked her hopefully.  "I'd love to," Wendy gladly accepted, not knowing that the art exhibit, and the dinner afterwards with his family, will be the start of something sweet and wonderful.

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