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"Appa. Why isn't eomma home yet?" Youngjae asked Sungjae when they were having dinner one night.  It has already been more than a week since Joy left hastily.  "She's probably not finished with what she needs to do," Sungjae replied.  "She's been gone for days and she hasn't even called me," Youngjae said tearily, his voice laced with worry.  "Your eomma's fine. Don't worry. I assure you, she'll be home soon," Sungjae affirmed.  "Really?" Youngjae hopefully asked.  "Really," Sungjae nodded.  He was smiling at Youngjae to appease his worry, but at the back of his mind, Sungjae was thinking, Please come home, Sooyoung.


Sungjae and Youngjae were not the only ones who are getting worried about Joy's sudden departure.  Irene, Wendy, Seulgi and Yeri are nearly losing their minds thinking of why Joy hurriedly left and where she could have gone.  "Joy hasn't contacted any of us yet. We try to call her every day, but she's not taking our calls. She's not even replying to our messages!" Irene complained as she paced back and forth in the living room of Chorong and Changsub's home.  It had been more than a week since they found out that Joy filed for an indefinite leave of absence and they still haven't heard from her.  Irene, Wendy, Seulgi and Yeri went there immediately after school ended, while Chorong called Hyolyn to inform her that the girls are on the way to her house.  They were all worried about Joy suddenly leaving.  "Sit down, Irene. You're making us dizzy," Hyolyn told her.  "Sorry, unnie," Irene said as she sat down beside Wendy.  "We're just worried about her. It's been over a week since she left without a word," she explained.  "And that's not like her. She always tells us if she's going on leave," Seulgi said.  "And where she's going and for how long," Yeri added.  "And she had been sick before she left," Wendy remarked.  "What do you mean she was sick?" Hyolyn asked.  "She and Irene unnie got food poisoning about a month ago. Unnie recovered after a couple of days but Joy still vomits occasionally even days after. Sungjae urged her to see a doctor. He even asked us to persuade her but she refused," Wendy elaborated.  "Have you tried calling her again today?" Chorong asked.  She became more worried when she remembered the story of Joy's eomma.  "Yes. During lunch break. And she still didn't pick-up," Irene said.  "Try calling her now. Maybe she's not answering because she knows you're at school," Hyolyn suggested.  Irene nodded.  Dialing Joy's number, she clicked the speaker mode on and placed her phone on the table.  "Unnie," Joy answered after a few rings.  "JOY!/UNNIE!" they all yelled at the same time.  "Where are you?" Irene asked.  "What happened?" Wendy said.  "Are you okay?" Seulgi inquired.  "Unnie! Please come home," Yeri whined.  Joy chuckled on the other line.  "Where are you? Are you still in school?" Joy asked them.  "We're at Chorong's. Where are you, Joy?" Hyolyn repeated Irene's question.  "We're getting worried about you," Chorong added.  "I'm alright. I'm sorry I made you all worry, but I can't tell you where I am. Not yet," Joy apologized.  "Okay. But at least tell us why you suddenly left," Hyolyn urged her.  "I needed time to think, unnie," Joy said.  "Think about what?" Chorong prompted.  "Remember when we both threw up after we took a bite of the Alfredo, Irene unnie?" Joy reminded them.  "Because of the burnt garlic?" Irene replied.  "Yes. Well, it turns out, mine was caused by something a little more serious than that," Joy laughed mirthlessly.  "So, what is it?" Wendy asked worriedly.  They heard Joy take a deep breath before replying.  "I'm pregnant, unnie," Joy declared.  "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" the four younger girls exclaimed while Hyolyn and Chorong looked at each other.  Chorong let out a sigh of relief.  Thank you, Lord, she silently prayed.  "But who's... Sungjae?" Seulgi asked.  Joy didn't answer but her silence on the other line was enough of a confirmation.  "Did he force you, unnie? Is that why you ran away?" Yeri asked angrily.  "What?! No! Yeri, he didn't," Joy objected.  "Then how did this happen? When did it happen, Joy? And for how long has this thing between you and Sungjae been going on?" Irene asked.  "His birthday. After the party. His parents took Youngjae home with them, so it was just me and oppa at home. Please don't ask me how or why it happened. It just did. And it was just one night," Joy explained.  "Does Sungjae know?" asked Chorong.  "No, unnie. I haven't told anyone yet, until now," Joy replied.  "So, when are you going to tell him?" says Wendy.  "Or do you even plan to tell him?" Seulgi added.  "Of course, unnie. He's the father. He has the right to know," Joy said.  "Then why did you ran away?" Yeri asked.  "Because I'm just not sure how to tell him or how he will take the news," Joy confessed.  "Do you think he'll deny the baby?" Wendy said.  "No, unnie. Oppa would never do that," Joy protested.  "Then what is the problem?" Irene asked frustratedly.  "The morning after it happened, Sungjae oppa said that we should get married because we slept together," Joy said.  "And what did you tell him?" Seulgi prodded.  "I told him I didn't want to talk about it," Joy replied.  "So, basically, you turned his offer down. But, why? He's taking responsibility for what happened. Why would you refuse?" Yeri demanded.  "That's just it, Yeri. He doesn't love me. He just feel responsible because he took my... you know. I don't want him to regret that decision when, someday, he meets the woman he would truly love," Joy justified.  "Is that what Sungjae told you? That he wanted to marry you because he felt responsible?" Hyolyn, who kept silent after Joy's revelation, asked.  "Yes, unnie. Well, no. Actually, I asked him if that's the reason and he said it's one," Joy clarified.  Hyolyn scoffed at this, while the other girls exchanged incredulous looks with each other.  "Do you love Sungjae, Joy?" Chorong asked her.  "I do, unnie," Joy confessed.  "Then why won't you marry him?" Yeri asked exasperatedly.  "Because I'd rather leave than make his life miserable being tied to me," Joy explained.  "I don't think I've ever met anyone as clueless as the two of you," Hyolyn sighed in chagrin.  "In any case, you two need to talk soon. You have to tell him about the baby, Joy," she advised.  "I know, unnie," Joy agreed.  "When are you coming home, unnie?" Yeri asked.  "Soon, Yeri. I just need a little more time," Joy promised.  "And please don't worry about me. I'll be fine," she pleaded to her friends.  "You know that's not possible. We'll always worry about you," Irene said.  "Especially now that you're having a baby," Wendy added.  "Be careful. Okay?" Seulgi said.  "And give us an update everyday if you're not coming back yet," Chorong added.  "I will, unnie. I promise," Joy replied.  "I have to go now. And thanks for always caring about me," she added.  "We love you!" they all said, before Irene ended the call.  "I can't believe they still haven't realized it yet," Wendy complained, feeling frustrated.  "Both of them are waiting for the other to say it first because they're scared that if it's not mutual, it's going to be awkward," Seulgi observed.  "But, unnie. It's so obvious. Well, to us, at least," Yeri said.  "So, what do we do now?" Irene asked everyone.  "We need to talk to Sungjae. If we leave this up to those two, it's going to take forever," Hyolyn decided.  "Well, as much as I want to come with you, I can't. But it's Friday, and we all know where those boys are," Chorong said, to which the other five girls nodded.


The men were caught off guard to see the women entering the VIP room.  Except for Sungjae.  He had been expecting this, and he was actually surprised that it took them this long to confront him about Joy.  Eunkwang, Minhyuk, Changsub, Hyunsik, Peniel and Ilhoon was going to tease the girls about checking up on them, but decided against it when, with a dead-serious expression on their faces, they went straight to where their maknae was sitting.  "What the hell is this about?" Minhyuk whispered, as they all inched closer to Eunkwang.  "I have no idea!" Eunkwang whispered back.  "I was half-expecting to see Chorong with them," Changsub nervously whispered, chuckling.  "Since she's the only who's not here aside from Chorong, I think it's about Joy," Ilhoon suggested in a low voice.  "What about Joy?" Peniel asked curiously.  "Shhh! Let's just listen," Hyunsik shushed them.  "Hello, noona-deul, Yeri," Sungjae cooly greeted as the girls came up to him.  "I'm sure you know why we're here," Wendy started.  "If this is about Sooyoung leaving, then yes. I do," Sungjae replied.  "JOY LEFT?!" his hyung-deul chorused in surprise, but he ignored them.  "So, what are you going to do?" Wendy asked him.  "Nothing," he simply said.  "Aren't you even going to look for her?" Irene pressed him.  "No," Sungjae replied.  "WHAT THE HELL, SUNGJAE?!" his hyung-deul yelled angrily, making Sungjae glance their way.  Sungjae calmly stood up to refill his glass before speaking.  "I'm not going to look for her. Because I know exactly where she is, noona. I've always known where she is," Sungjae told Irene.  "But you're still not going to go after her?" Yeri asked, disappointed.  "Oh, I will go after her, Yeri. Don't worry," he reassured her.  "But it's already been more than a week," Seulgi reminded him.  "I'm aware of that, noona. I'm just giving Sooyoung time to think. Two weeks, to be exact" Sungjae said to Seulgi.  "Do you know..." Hyolyn started to say, but Sungjae cut her off.  "That she's pregnant? Yes, I do. On the same day that she did," Sungjae confirmed.  "JOY'S PREGNANT?!" his hyung-deul exclaimed, prompting the women to look at them briefly.  "How?" Hyolyn asked him suspiciously.  "The same way I know where she is," Sungjae smiled cryptically  "So, what's your plan? You already asked her to marry you, and she refused," Hyolyn prompted.  "YOU ASKED HER TO MARRY YOU?!" his hyung-deul yelled, but became silent again when six pair of eyes stared sharply at them.  "Sorry!" the men said sheepishly.  "Please continue," Ilhoon said.  "Don't mind us," Peniel added.  "Noona, you've known me for a long time. Do you think I would accept her refusal that easily? I never liked losing. I definitely don't like losing what's mine. And Sooyoung is mine. She was mine the minute she opened her door that first time we met," Sungjae declared, returning to their conversation.  "Do you love her, Sungjae?" Hyolyn asked him.  "Isn't it obvious?" he asked back.  "Not to Joy," Irene said.  "And that's the reason why she turned you down," Yeri added.  "You should've told her," Wendy advised.  "Growing up in an orphanage kind of made her insecure when it comes to affection. She wouldn't know that you love her unless you tell her," Seulgi explained.  "She knows you love her even without telling her," Sungjae countered.  "That's different. Joy received love from her eomma and her Sohee unnie, so she knows all about family love. And that's what she's getting from us," Irene said.  "So how is it different with me giving her love?" Sungjae questioned.  "She's never been in a relationship before so she's unfamiliar with the romantic kind of love. Joy knows you care about her but she think it's just brotherly love and nothing more," Wendy explained.  "That's crazy. We wouldn't be having a baby now if I see her as a sister," Sungjae said in disbelief.  "Joy may look hot but she's actually naive and innocent," Seulgi said.  "Does she love me?" Sungjae asked his friends, feeling insecure for the first time in a long while.  "Yes. She does. She loves you so much that she doesn't want to tie you down out of guilt and responsibility," Yeri assured him.  "Just tell her how you feel, Sungjae. You both deserve to be happy," Hyolyn advised him.  Sungjae nodded.  Everyone is already getting worried and he knows he couldn't put off what he needs to do any longer.

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