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As she was fixing their dinner, Joy knew she couldn't put off talking to Youngjae about the judge's decision any longer.  To butter him up for the talk, she cooked his favorite comfort food, spaghetti, and baked his favorite chocolate chip cookies, for good measure.  Youngjae is a sweet little boy who never once threw a tantrum.  He is only eight, but he is mature for his age.  But the discussion they were about to have is more serious than which superhero pajamas to wear or if he can have a cookie before dinner.  She is sure that he would love to spend time with his grandparents, but she doesn't know how he feels about staying with them from time to time, since that might be a part of the agreement.

Taking a deep sigh to steady herself, Joy called Youngjae to eat.  "Jaejae, time for dinner," she said.

"Oh, wow! Spaghetti," Youngjae beamed when he saw what she prepared for dinner.

"I also made cookies," Joy told him.

"Really, eomma? You're the best," Youngjae grinned as he sat down to eat.  They were halfway their meal when Joy brought up the subject.

"Jaejae," Joy called his attention.

"Hmm?" Youngjae said, looking up from his food.

"About what the lady said in the courthouse," Joy began.  She could see how the boy tensed up but he kept his focus on her.  Joy continued.  "Well, she said I cannot adopt you," she told him.

"Why not? Did she tell you to give me to samchon?" Youngjae asked, worry in his eyes.

"No, no, no. Nothing like that. There are reasons why she can't let me adopt you, but she's also not giving you to them," Joy assured Youngjae.  "But she told us to share. It could mean you'll have to stay with me for sometime, and then you'll stay with them another time," she explained.

"You mean like my classmate, Jonghyun?" Youngjae said.

"What about him?" Joy asked.

"His eomma and appa don't live together anymore, so he stays with his eomma when there's school, but he's with his appa every Saturday and Sunday," Youngjae told her.

"Yes. Something like that. But sometimes it could be longer than a weekend. Will you be okay with that?" Joy asked him.

Youngjae was about to say yes when he thought about something.  "Will I be living with samchon?" he asked.

"Well, I don't know if he lives with his *bumonim, but you'll most probably be spending most of your time with your grandparents," Joy explained.

"Then that's okay," Youngjae nodded in agreement and continued eating, no longer worried about the judge's decision.  Joy marveled at Youngjae's adaptability in whatever changes that happens in his life.  That went well, Joy thought, smiling at his understanding.

After dinner, she instructed him to wash up and prepare for bed while she washed the dishes.  Youngjae headed for the bathroom after helping Joy clean up the table.  "Make sure to brush your teeth well. I'll come to tuck you in later," she yelled after him.

"Okay, eomma," Youngjae yelled back.  After washing up, Youngjae got ready for bed.

"Sleep well. We need to meet with your samchon tomorrow," Joy reminded as she tuck him in.

"Can we get ice cream after?" Youngjae asked.

"Sure. Or you can go with halmeoni and harabeoji while I talk to your samchon. They're coming tomorrow, too, because they want to see you again," Joy told him.

"Really? Okay then. Goodnight, eomma," Youngjae said happily.

"Goodnight, Jaejae," Joy said, turning off the lights except the night light.

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