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"Hyung, are you throwing me under the bus?" Sungjae confronted him as soon as they entered Minhyuk's office.

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that, Sungjae," Minhyuk said, offended.  "I will always be on your side. I just want to smooth things out after what happened between the two of you," he explained.  Sungjae looked at him skeptically.  "Okay. I also wanted to get a feel of the situation. We both know that it's unlikely that the court will rule in her favor with regards to the adoption. And she knows it too. So, I thought maybe I could convince her to an agreement on custody instead. But because of your stubbornness, Joy's more determined now in filing the petition," he confessed.

"Oh, so you're on first name basis now," Sungjae said scathingly, noting Minhyuk's casual use of Joy's nickname.  "Do you like her, hyung? I won't blame you if you do. After all, she's really beautiful," he ranted in a slightly irked voice.

"I like her because she is a nice person. And she's Irene's friend. But I don't like her the way you think," Minhyuk clarified to Sungjae who just kept staring at him quietly, arms folded on his chest.  Minhyuk turned sharply to Sungjae when he caught on something that he said.  "Wait. You think Joy's beautiful?" he smirked.  "Are you jealous, maknae? Do you like her? Is that why you're being hostile?" he teased Sungjae.

"What?! No! I just want to be sure you're not going to sell me out," Sungjae denied.

"Sungjae, we've been friends for years. We're like family. We've been through a lot. And not once did I, or any of your hyung-deul, ever thought of leaving you hanging. Are you seriously doubting me now?" Minhyuk said, obviously hurt.

"I'm sorry, hyung. It's just that learning what happened to Sungjin hyung and knowing about Youngjae is stressing me out. Eomma and appa has been asking me about the kid. They really want to see him. Be with him. And I don't want to disappoint them," Sungjae said as an apology.

"I understand, Sungjae. I know how you're feeling, but we also need to be realistic. You can't cut Joy out of Youngjae's life completely. One way or the other, you two will need to reach a compromise," Minhyuk said.  Sungjae nodded.


The days following Joy's filing for the adoption of Youngjae, and Sungjae's counter-filing for full custody has been stressful for both parties.  Thankfully, they have their friends supporting them.  Minhyuk and Hayoung, who are representing Sungjae and Joy respectively, are working hard to get a ruling on their client's favor.  In the middle of all the chaos, the person greatly affected is Youngjae.

"Eomma, are they going to take me away from you?" Youngjae asked Joy one night as they were preparing for bed.

"Who?" Joy asked him.

"Appa's family," he replied.  Knowing that Youngjae is really scared of what could happen, Joy hugged him tight.

"I will never let that happen, Jaejae. I promise you that we will always be together," Joy vowed to Youngjae.

"Pinky-promise? Even if they win, you'll stay with me?" Youngjae said, raising his pinky finger to Joy.

"Pinky-promise," Joy said, locking her own finger with his.  Only then did Youngjae settle down to sleep as Joy silently prayed that she will be able to keep that promise.


The case went on for a few months.  The day before the judge hands down the decision, Joy was in her classroom checking test papers when a student informed her that she has a visitor.

"Miss Joy. Someone's here for you," the girl said from the doorway.  Turning her attention to the door, Joy was surprised to see Sungjae's mother.

"Oh! Mrs. Yook. Please come in," Joy said, rising from her chair and bowing to the older woman.  "Thank you, Seulbae," Joy said to the girl.  "What can I do for you, Mrs. Yook?" she said as soon as the student left.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you at work, Joy. May I call you Joy?" Mrs. Yook asked as she sat down on the chair indicated by Joy.

"Of course. And it's okay. I'm done with my classes for the day," Joy said, sitting back down.

"I'm glad. It's just that we'll know the decision tomorrow, and I can't seem to relax. Anyway, I just want to tell you that whatever the verdict is, I hope that we can both still be a part of Youngjae's life. He's my only grandchild but I would never dream of taking him away from you, despite of what my stubborn son may have told you. If the court favors us, I hope you will help me take care of him. In the same way that if you win, you will still let us see him as much as possible," Mrs. Yook said.

"Please don't worry, Mrs. Yook. I know what it's like to grow up without a family, and I don't want Youngjae to go through that. If the court grants me the adoption, I assure you that you will still be a big part of his life," Joy promised, taking the older woman's hand in hers.

Their attention was diverted when Youngjae came running in.  "Eomma! Are we going home now? Oh!" Youngjae asked, stopping midway when he saw Joy's visitor.  Walking slower, Youngjae went beside Joy.  "Good afternoon, *halmeoni," he said as he bowed in greeting.

"Hello, Youngjae. You remembered me?" Mrs. Yook asked, thrilled at hearing Youngjae call her halmeoni.

"Yes, halmeoni. You're appa's eomma," Youngjae replied.  He recalled meeting her and his *harabeoji on the first day of the custody hearing.  He also remembered meeting his *samchon who looks a little like his appa.

Mrs. Yook smiled, turning to Joy.  "Are you going home?" she asked her.

"Yes. School's ended for the day," Joy replied.

"Let me drop you off," Mrs. Yook offered.

"Oh, no. It's out of your way. We can just take the subway," Joy said.

"Please. I want to spend even just a short time with Youngjae," Mrs. Yook pleaded.

Knowing how the older woman felt, Joy agreed.  "Okay. If it isn't too much bother," she conceded.

The three of them sat at the back of the car with Youngjae in the middle.  Mrs. Yook looked at Youngjae when he noticed him stealing glances at her.  "Is there something you want to ask me, dear?" she said to Youngjae, smiling at him.

"If the lady gives me to you, are you going to stop eomma from seeing me?" Youngjae asked her, the lady being the judge who is hearing the case.

"Of course not. If the judge decides that you should live with us, I will ask your eomma to come with you," Mrs. Yook promised.

"Really, halmeoni? You will do that?" Youngjae said, perking up.  But he suddenly became sombre when he remembered Sungjae.  "But, halmeoni, what if samchon doesn't agree?" he asked worriedly.

"Oh, he won't dare disagree with me when I make my decision. I'll smack him on the head if he does. He may be bigger than me, but I'm still his eomma," Mrs. Yook declared confidently, making Youngjae giggle.

Arriving at their apartment, Joy and Youngjae thanked Mrs. Yook for giving them a ride.

"Would you like to come up?" Joy asked Mrs. Yook.

"No, thank you. I know you both had a long day at school and we all have a big day tomorrow. You should rest," Mrs. Yook declined politely.  Joy nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, halmeoni," Youngjae said.

"You're welcome. I'll see you both tomorrow," Mrs. Yook said, waving goodbye as her car drove off.


HALMEONI - grandmother

HARABEOJI - grandfather

SAMCHON - uncle

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