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"Don't run around like what you do with me, okay? You might tire your halmeoni and harabeoji too much," Joy reminded Youngjae.

"Yes, eomma," Youngjae replied.

"It seems there won't be any problem with Youngjae getting close to his grandparents," Atty. Oh observed.  They were now in the elevator, on their way up to Minhyuk's office.

"Youngjae easily opens up to people, which sometimes worries me, but not in this case. I'm actually glad that he readily accepted Sungjin oppa's parents. I wish I could say the same when it comes to him and his samchon," Joy said.

"He's scared of him?" Atty. Oh asked.

"Not scared. More like, awed, I guess," Joy explained.

"Well, there is something imposing about the younger Yook," Atty. Oh agreed.

They got off at the twenty-first floor and went to Room 2103 where Minhyuk's office was.  Atty. Oh knocked once then opened the door.

"Good morning. We're here to see Atty. Lee. I'm Atty. Oh Hayoung and this is my client, Ms. Park Sooyoung and her nephew Youngjae," she said to Minhyuk's secretary.

"Atty. Lee is not here yet but the others are already in the conference room," the secretary said as she led the way.  They saw Wendy and Yeri already in the room as well as Eunkwang, Changsub, Hyunsik and Peniel but the Yooks haven't arrived yet.

"Oh! Where are halmeoni and harabeoji?" Youngjae asked, looking around.

"They're still on the way. They'll be here in a few minutes," Eunkwang told him as Joy and Atty. Oh went to the left side of the conference table where Wendy and Yeri are already seated.

"Are you okay? Sorry we couldn't be there yesterday," Wendy apologized, rubbing Joy's arm.

"Yeah, unnie. We couldn't find a substitute. Sorry," Yeri explained.

"It's okay. I understand. I wasn't really expecting anyone to come since it's a school day. Although I'm glad Irene unnie and Seulgi unnie were there," Joy said.

The door opened and Minhyuk strode in followed by Irene and Ilhoon, who were arguing, followed by Seulgi who was trying hard to stop herself from laughing.

"WILL YOU TWO STOP? You've been at it since we entered the building. If you don't, I'll lock both of you in the stockroom until you resolve your issues," Minhyuk threatened.

"She started it, hyung," Ilhoon said, earning a glare from Irene.

"I don't care who started it. I'm ending it," Minhyuk declared, silencing the two.

"What the hell did you do to make Irene hate you so much?" Changsub laughingly asked as Ilhoon sat beside him.

"I have no idea," Ilhoon said.

On the other side of the table, Joy and the others were also asking Irene.  "What was that all about, unnie?" Joy said.

"Don't ask," Irene replied.  Knowing Irene's temperament, they didn't push her to talk.

Hyunsik, who was previously chatting with Youngjae, now have his eyes focused on Seulgi.  Sensing that someone was staring at her, Seulgi turned her head towards his direction.

"Sikkie?" Seulgi said, her cat-like eyes widening in surprise.

"Hello, kitten. Long time no see," Hyunsik said lazily in his baritone voice.  Hearing the way they called each other, everyone's attention and curiosity is now on the two of them.

"You know each other?" Eunkwang asked.

"Of course. We were..." Hyunsik started to say when Seulgi cut him off.

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