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Sitting behind his desk in his office, Yook Sungjae, President of Yook Industries and considered as one of South Korea's youngest tycoons and listed as one of the world's most eligible bachelors, couldn't stop his tears when he learned the fate of his brother and his family.  Minhyuk told him about what happened to them from what Irene told him, as well as the information gathered by his investigator.  Understanding what their maknae is feeling, Minhyuk and their two other friends, Lee Changsub and Lim Hyunsik, let him cry in silence.

"All those years and hyung was just in Jeju," Sungjae whispered to himself.  "I wish I could've seen him even just one last time," he said softly, his voice full of regret.  Pulling himself together after a while, he wiped his tears then turned to Minhyuk.  "Where is the boy now?" he asked him.

"Youngjae, has been living with his mother's sister since the accident," Minhyuk told him.  "Well, she's not really her sister. But they grew up in the orphanage together, and they were really close," he clarified.

"Do you have any information on her?" Sungjae asked.

Pulling out his notes on the information that Irene gave him, Minhyuk read it to Sungjae.  "Her name is Park Sooyoung, but her friends call her Joy. Twenty-five years old. Single. Works as an elementary school teacher. She has been teaching in the same school with Irene for four years. She's renting a one-bedroom apartment. Sleeps in the living room because she gave up her room for the kid," Minhyuk said.  "And she's planning to file a petition to adopt him," he added.

"Wait," Changsub interjected.  "She's young and single, but she wants to adopt the boy? Isn't she worried that she might not be able to get married if she does that?" he said in disbelief.

"According to Irene, Joy wants to make sure that Youngjae won't be taken away from her by the system or by anybody. And she doesn't care if that means she never gets married," Minhyuk confirmed.

"Well, I can understand why she's protective of the kid," Hyunsik piped in.  "Being an orphan herself, she knows how hard it is to grow up without a family and a stable home. She doesn't want the boy to experience that," he explained, turning on his psychologist mode.

"The boy won't grow up without a family. He's got me and my parents," Sungjae said.

"So what are you planning to do?" Changsub asked Sungjae.

"I'm going to bring the boy home, of course. Eomma and appa would want to take care of him. He's my brother's only child," Sungjae said, leaning back on his chair.

"And how are you going to do that?" Changsub asked him again.

"I need to speak to that woman. I'll pay her back for taking care of my nephew. She can even name her price," Sungjae declared.

"I don't think it's going to be that simple, Sungjae," Hyunsik warned.

"And why not?" Sungjae questioned.

"From Irene's description, Joy is fiercely protective of the boy. And she loves him more than anything else that she's willing to be unmarried for the rest of her life. She's not going to give him up easily," Hyunsik said.  "No! Make that, she's not going to give him up. Full stop," he finished.

"What about a boyfriend?" Sungjae asked.

"None. And she's never had one," Minhyuk verified.

Sungjae nodded as he processed the information.  Rising from his chair, Sungjae strode towards the large window in his office, shoving both hands in his pockets.  "So, she has no family, no money, no properties. But on the other hand, we have all that," Sungjae reeled off.  "The court will never grant her petition, so she might as well give up now before she even starts," he said confidently, turning around to face his hyung-deul.

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