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As Hyunsik predicted, Joy did rush the filing of her petition.  She is currently seated in the office of the lawyer that handles all the adoption process of the orphanage she and her Sohee unnie grew up in.  Lawyer Oh Hayoung is perusing the documents she has provided, while Joy nervously waited for her opinion.  After a while, Hayoung put down the papers and looked at Joy.

"I'll be honest with you. Based on your financial and civil status, it doesn't look good," Atty. Oh said, enumerating the same points that both Minhyuk and Seulgi said before.  "Didn't they leave a will or any document that designates you as Youngjae's guardian if something happens to them?" she asked Joy.

"None. It was all just verbal. Probably because they didn't expect to leave Youngjae this soon," Joy said.

"Is there something else I should know?" Atty. Oh asked Joy, seeing her worried expression.

"Sungjin oppa's family recently learned about Youngjae, and now they want to take him," Joy confessed.

"Well, that could pose another problem, especially if they are more financially stable than you. That, and the fact that they are a family. Unless you can show the court that they are not fit to be in the child's life, it's highly unlikely that the court would grant your petition for adoption. If you can discredit their characters, the judge might rule in your favor and deny them even a partial custody. But if they are a good family, the most you can get would be a joint custody," Atty. Oh informed her.

"I don't think it would be that easy to discredit them," Joy chuckled dismally.

"Why? Are they upstanding citizens of South Korea?" Atty. Oh joked.

"Actually, they are," Joy replied seriously.

"Just who exactly is this family?" Atty. Oh curiously asked.

"The Yooks," Joy disclosed.

"Yooks? As in Yook Industries?" Hayoung asked in disbelief.  Joy nodded in confirmation.  "Girl, you are fighting a Goliath," she said.

"I know," Joy acknowledged.  "So would you still take my case?" she asked Atty. Oh hopefully.

"Oh, yes. If I couldn't get you that adoption, I would at least make sure that you get a fair deal," Atty. Oh promised her.


Joy could breathe a little easier now that she knows she has someone on her side who is going to make sure that she won't get the short end of the stick in this fight.  She was on her way to pick Youngjae up from the home of their landlady who usually looks after him when she needs to go somewhere when she got a call from Irene.

"Yes, unnie?" Joy said, taking the call.

"Joy, are you free today?" Irene asked her.

"I was just about to pick Youngjae up. I just came from a meeting. I got a lawyer, unnie," Joy excitedly informed her.

"That's good. Anyway, that's why I'm calling you. Minhyuk oppa would like to meet with you, if that's okay," Irene said.

"If he's going to stop me from adopting Youngjae, tell him to forget it," Joy said firmly.

"No, no. It's nothing like that. He just wants to apologize for what happened with Sungjae," Irene assured her.

"Okay. I'll just tell Mrs. Hong that I'll be a little late in fetching Youngjae," Joy replied after some consideration.

"Thanks. I'll text you the restaurant's address," Irene said.

After talking to Mrs. Hong who was more than happy to keep Youngjae with her for a few more hours, Joy headed to the restaurant where she was directed to a private room when she gave Minhuyk's name to the hostess.  Joy saw Irene seated at a table with a good looking guy who stood up when she entered.

"Unnie," Joy called out to Irene as she approached the table.

"Joy. This is my cousin, Minhyuk," Irene said as an introduction.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet me, Ms. Park," Minhyuk said, offering a handshake.

"Call me Joy. Not even my students call me Ms. Park," Joy said pleasantly, shaking the offered hand.  Although she was a little skeptic with Minhyuk's motives, Joy trust Irene.  So if she said this isn't to discuss Youngjae's adoption, she believed her.

The waiter served their food as soon as they sat down.  They were already having coffee after their meal when Minhyuk mentioned the incident with Sungjae.

"Joy, I'd like to apologize about what happened between you and Sungjae the other night. He and Sungjin hyung were very close when he was still alive, so he was a little, shall we say, emotional when he learned of what happened. He's been looking for him ever since hyung left their home, and he wasn't expecting that the next time he hears news of him, it's going to be that kind of news," Minhyuk explained.

"I understand, Atty. Lee," Joy said.

"Minhyuk. Let's not be too formal," Minhyuk corrected her.

"Minhyuk-ssi," Joy amended.  "I guess I over-reacted myself. He caught me by surprise. But who wouldn't be? He came by late at night. Unannounced, if I may add. Barged into my apartment and declared he's taking Youngjae home. While I, on the other hand, have no idea who he was," she said.  "There was only Youngjae and me in the apartment, so you understand why I became defensive. I have a young boy to protect," she added.

"Speaking of Youngjae. Are you really decided on adopting him?" Minhyuk asked Joy.

"Oppa! You promised," protested Irene who had been quiet during their conversation.

"It's okay, unnie," Joy said to Irene.  "Yes. I am," Joy said, turning back to Minhyuk.  "Sungjin oppa and Sohee unnie took care of me when they were still alive. They helped put me through college, making sure that I have an education to fall back on. Taking care of Youngjae now that they're gone is the only way I know how to pay them back for everything they did for me. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not just doing this out of responsibility. I love Youngjae from the moment he was born, and I promised them that I will protect him no matter what it takes," Joy told Minhyuk.

"But given the circumstances, the court might not grant you that petition. You're aware of that?" Minhyuk asked her.

"Of course," Joy acknowledged.

"I won't lie and tell you that I can make Sungjae change his mind. But I can promise you that whatever the outcome would be, I will make sure that you wouldn't be cheated out of Youngjae's life," Minhyuk guaranteed her.

"Thank you, Minhyuk-ssi. That's all I could ever ask and hope for, knowing that I'm slamming my head against a wall," Joy said.

"It's good that you know that," Sungjae butted in, walking into the room.

"Sungjae! How did you know we're here?" Minhyuk asked in surprise.

"Your secretary told me since you didn't tell me you were going to have a meeting," Sungjae said, looking at him with accusing eyes.

Minhyuk nodded in resignation.  His secretary has the biggest crush on Sungjae so he was not surprised that she easily gave the information to him.

Sungjae turned back to Joy.  "Now that you know what you're up against, it would be wise for you to concede now, Ms. Park," Sungjae suggested.

Picking up her bag, Joy thanked Minhyuk and Irene, before facing Sungjae.  "I never turn away from a fight, Mr. Yook. Youngjae is the only family I have left, and I will fight for him. I will not just hand him over to you on a silver platter. You can't have him. Over my dead body," Joy asserted.

Sungjae looked at her from head to toe before speaking.  "Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Sungjae said with a smirk before he leaned closer to Joy.  "Or it would be such a waste," he whispered in her ear, winking at her as he straightened up.

Joy arched an eyebrow at him before turning away from him.  Walking out of the room with her head held high, she was trying hard not to scream in irritation.

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