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It was already dark when they reached home.  Sungjae asked Joy and Youngjae if they're still up for the movie marathon.  "Let's just do it tomorrow, appa. We still need to pack for our trip to Jeju," Youngjae said, deciding for the three of them.  Sungjae looked at Joy for confirmation.  "Well, you heard the boss. We need to pack," Joy said playfully.  "Okay. Tomorrow, then," Sungjae said.  "Anybody wants dinner?" Joy asked the two Yooks.  "Not me, eomma. I think my belly will burst if I eat some more. I'll just clean up and go pack," Youngjae replied, patting his stomach.  "Goodnight, eomma, appa. Merry Christmas again," he said, giving both Joy and Sungjae a kiss on the cheek.  Youngjae went to his room without waiting for their response, obviously excited for the upcoming trip.  "What about you?" Joy turned to Sungjae.  "I was planning to cook some ramyeon. You want some?" he asked her.  "Sure," Joy said, following him to the kitchen.  "Should we make popcorn for the movie marathon tomorrow?" Sungjae asked Joy.  They were now seated at the island counter, eating the ramyeon and kimchi Sungjae prepared.  "Or we can just buy chips and dips like what Jaejae and I do," Joy suggested.  "Then delivery for lunch and dinner?" he asked rhetorically.  Joy nodded.  "How long is Harry Potter in total?" Sungjae was curious.  "About twenty hours," Joy estimated, giving him a sheepish smile.  "That long?! You can finish it all?" Sungjae asked in awe.  "No. Jaejae usually fall asleep by the time the fifth movie starts. Me, about halfway through the sixth film," Joy giggled.  "Frozen 1 and 2 is around four and a half. Wow! That's a whole day," Sungjae marvelled.  Joy laughed.  "You really know how long Frozen is," Joy teased him.  "What can I say? I love Olaf," Sungjae chuckled.  "So does Jaejae," Joy replied.  "He's so going to love Disneyland. He'll get to see Olaf in person," he said excitedly.  "Oppa, you shouldn't have told him that," Joy said, sobering up.  "Told him what?" Sungjae asked in confusion.  "Visiting Jaden and Jaxon in the US," she clarified.  "Why not?" he asked her again.  "Jaejae will look forward to it. And it'll break his heart if it doesn't happen," she explained.  "Of course it will happen! Sooyoung! I will never break any of my promises to Jaejae," he guaranteed.  "So, you're really going to take Jaejae to the States?" Joy smiled, feeling assured.  "We're going to take Jaejae to the US. The two of us," Sungjae corrected her.  "But for now, you need to pack your bags for Jeju," he added.


Their movie marathon the following day started as soon as Sungjae and Youngjae woke up.  Joy wanted to have breakfast first but both Yooks voted against it, so they ended up eating cereals and fruits in front of the television.  Lunch was pizza and pasta, while dinner was fried chicken, both ordered via food delivery.  A few minutes after the fifth movie, Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix started, Joy glanced at the two boys seated beside her.  She chuckled when she saw that they were already asleep.  Sungjae lay prone on the couch, head thrown back on the backrest of the sofa with one arm lightly cuddling Youngjae against him.  Picking up her cellphone, she took a picture of the two then covered them with the blanket before focusing again on the movie.

Joy stirred when she felt someone gently shaking her awake.  Opening her eyes, she saw that it was Sungjae.  Realizing she fell asleep herself, she looked to check on Youngjae.  "I already carried him to his room," Sungjae told her, anticipating her question.  "You should go to bed, too. We still have a few hours before we leave for the airport," he said, pulling her up to her feet.  "I'll see you later, oppa," Joy said when they reached her bedroom.  "Later," Sungjae nodded, heading for his own room.


Sungjae, Joy and Youngjae were met at the airport by Mr. and Mrs. Yook by mid-morning, arriving in Jeju an hour before lunchtime.  After checking in at the Jeju Marevo Beach Hotel, they agreed to meet at the hotel's restaurant for lunch after freshening up.  "Let's go, Jaejae," Joy said when they were at the front door of their hotel room.  "He's sharing a room with me," Sungjae said, pointing to the door across hers.  "But..." Joy began then stopped.  Of course. Jaejae needs a man's influence, Joy thought to herself.  "Okay. I'll see you in a while, then," she said before going inside her hotel room.

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