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Weeks has passed since Sungjae's marriage proposal and Joy could feel how much he really wants to talk about what happened between them.  But, thankfully, he didn't bring the subject up again.  She was still confused, so she tried to stay away from him to avoid any possible confrontation.  Joy wanted to tell Yeri and her unnie-deul but she doesn't know what to say.  Her attention was brought back to the present when Irene coughed.  The five of them were having a late lunch at their favorite restaurant after attending a morning seminar required by the school.  "Are you okay, unnie? What's wrong?" Yeri asked when she saw Irene's expression after taking a few forkful bite of her food.  "There's something off with this Chicken Alfredo," Irene said, taking a sip of her iced tea to wash off the after-taste.  "I thought I was just imagining it but, yeah, it tastes different," Joy agreed, having ordered the same.  "I think there's too much garlic," Seulgi said, tasting the pasta.  "It tastes like burnt garlic," Wendy added after trying it for herself.  Joy and Irene sniffed their food to check if it is already spoiled.  The strong smell of garlic assailed their noses, prompting both of them to run to the bathroom to throw up.  "I really hate the smell of garlic," Irene said when they came back to the table, sniffling.  Her nose slightly turning red due to an oncoming colds caused by her allergy.  "I'm okay with it, as long as it's not too much," Joy said.  Irene and Joy ended up ordering salad just to be sure they won't throw up again.


Joy was feeling nauseous again when she came home.  "You're home. Are you okay? You look pale," Miran said when she saw Joy walk into the kitchen.  "Hi, ahjumma. My stomach doesn't feel good. Irene unnie and I were served bad food at the restaurant earlier," Joy said when Miran touched her forehead to check for fever.  "You don't feel hot, but your skin is clammy. Go and rest. I'll take care of Youngjae's dinner before I go home," Miran told her with a smile.  "Thanks, ahjumma. You're the best," Joy said sweetly, giving Miran a hug.  "I'll just check on Jaejae before I turn in," she added, heading towards his bedroom.  "Jaejae. I'm home," Joy said, knocking lightly on Youngjae's door before entering.  "Eomma! Are you okay? You don't look well," Youngjae said worriedly when he saw Joy.  "Yeah. It's something Irene unnie and I ate earlier," she replied.  "I'm going to bed now. Ahjumma will prepare your dinner before she leaves, okay? I'm sorry I can't eat dinner with you. I just don't really feel good," Joy apologized.  "It's okay, eomma. Just take a rest," Youngjae said, giving her a reassuring hug.  "Thanks, angel. Don't forget to clean up and brush your teeth before you go to bed," she reminded him, kissing him on the top of his head.  "Yes, eomma," Youngjae replied.

Youngjae just started dinner when Sungjae arrived.  "Appa!" he exclaimed. Youngjae was surprised to see his appa home early after weeks of coming in late.  "Hey, buddy!" Sungjae said, ruffling Youngjae's hair.  "Eomma's sick," he worriedly informed Sungjae.  "I know. Ahjumma called me," he replied.  "She's in her room. She hasn't come out since she arrived earlier," Miran told him.  Sungjae nodded.  "Jaejae, I'll look in at your eomma first. See if she wants to eat," he said.  "Okay, appa," Youngjae replied.

"Sooyoung?" Sungjae knocked softly on Joy's bedroom door, slowly pushing it open when there was no answer.  Joy was sleeping, her face pale.  Quietly walking to her bedside, Sungjae lightly felt her forehead to check her temperature.  Joy stirred, slowly opening her eyes.  "Hey! How are you feeling?" Sungjae asked her in a soft voice.  "Awful. I already threw up twice since I came home," Joy complained, her voice raspy.  "You want to eat? Ahjumma made dinner," he offered.  "Nah! I'd probably just barf again. I'll just sleep it off. I hope Irene unnie is doing better than I am," she said weakly.  "I'm going to sue that restaurant," Sungjae said, clearly upset.  "Don't be silly, oppa. We regularly eat there, and this is the first time it happened," Joy chuckled.  "Fine. Get some rest, then. Jaejae and I will check on you later," he said.  Joy nodded as she closed her eyes to sleep.  He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before going out of her room.  Sungjae smiled as he closed the door.  He doesn't know if Joy has forgotten that she's been giving him the cold shoulder treatment or she just doesn't have the energy to argue.  Either way, he was glad.  He knows it's wrong to feel happy that Joy is sick, but he couldn't help but be pleased because it thawed the cold silence that has been going on between them for the past weeks.  Going back to the kitchen, he told Youngjae and Miran that Joy went back to sleep as he sat down to join Youngjae for dinner.  "Okay. I made soup for her just in case she feels hungry and cannot keep any food down. Just heat it up for her," Miran instructed Sungjae.  "Thanks, ahjumma," Sungjae and Youngjae chorused as they waved goodbye to her.

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