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It was a bright spring morning.  Cloudless blue sky.  Beautiful flowers blooming.  Fresh and cool breeze.  A perfect day for a wedding.

And that's exactly what is happening at the golf club.

Inside one of the villas, six ladies are fussing over the beautiful bride, making sure that everything is perfect up to the last detail.  Outside, seven gentlemen are waiting in front of the altar that was set-up amongst the beautiful flowers in the club's garden, while the guests are chatting among themselves.  Everyone's attention was drawn to the aisle as the host announced that the event was about to start.  The door opened to reveal the women one by one, but Sungjae only have eyes for Joy who looks ethereal in her gown.  How did I ever get to be this lucky? Sungjae ask himself as he watched Joy smilingly walk towards him.  Holding out his hand, Sungjae reached for Joy who happily placed her hand on his.  "You're so beautiful, my love," Sungjae whispered to Joy as she stood beside him.  "Thank you. And you are very handsome, yeobo," Joy whispered back.  As the priest stepped up to the altar, Joy and Sungjae turned their eyes to the front, looking at the other pairs who also happened to be their family: Eunkwang and Hyolyn, Minhyuk and Wendy, Changsub and Chorong, Hyunsik and Seulgi, Peniel and Yeri, Ilhoon and Irene.  Sungjae squeezed Joy's hand, prompting her to look at him.  They exchanged smiles as they both send up a silent prayer of thanks for letting all of them find their own happiness.  Joy and Sungjae focused back on the priest as he started the ceremony.  "Dearly beloved," the priest began.  "Today, we are gathered here to witness the union of Eunkwang and Hyolyn," he continued.


After the ceremony, the reception followed at the banquet hall of the club house.  The newly weds, Eunkwang and Hyolyn, had their first dance as husband and wife while their family and friends looked on happily.  Nearing the end of the celebration, Hyolyn was pulled away by her sisters back to the villa, claiming she needs to change for their honeymoon trip, leaving Eunkwang to join his brothers who were drinking at the bar.  "So, how does it feel to be married?" Minhyuk asked him.  "Wonderful," Eunkwang replied, grinning from ear to ear.  "Wow. This club house has been a witness to all our happiest moments," Changsub commented.  "Yeah. First, yours and Chorong noona's wedding. Last year was Sungjae's and Joy's. Now, it's Eunkwang hyung and Hyolyn noona," Ilhoon agreed.  "And next year, it will be Minhyuk hyung and Wendy. Then me and Seulgi," Hyunsik added.  "So we'll have two weddings next year. What about the year after?" Sungjae said, directing the question to Ilhoon and Peniel.  "I'm actually planning to propose to Irene after this," Ilhoon confessed.  "I just hope I don't get stood up again," he added in jest, recalling what happened between him and Irene at Changsub's wedding, making his brothers laugh at the memory.  "I'm just finalizing the deal with the house. Then I'm going to ask Yeri to marry me," Peniel said.  Just like Sungjae before them, Peniel, Minhyuk, Hyunsik and Ilhoon also bought houses at where Eunkwang and Changsub live.  This is all in preparation of starting a family with their respective partners.  "For years, Changsub hyung and Eunkwang hyung are the only ones in a committed relationship. But now, all of us are either married, getting married or planning to get married," Hyunsik commented.  "Who'd have thought that Sungjae meeting Joy would result to all of you falling like flies?" Changsub chuckled.  "Meeting these great women and making them ours is the greatest thing that ever happened to us," Minhyuk professed.  "We are lucky," Ilhoon remarked.  "We are blessed," Peniel amended.  "I'd like to propose a toast," Eunkwang announced, raising his glass.  "To being together in all the ups and downs," he continued as his brothers raised their own glasses.  "To always having each other's back," Minhyuk proclaimed.  "To being each other's strength," Changsub declared.  "To friendship," Hyunsik professed.  "To brotherhood," Peniel asserted.  "To family," Ilhoon pledged.  "Until the end," Sungjae vowed.  "Until the end," they said as one, clinking their glasses together to seal their covenant.


All the guests gathered at the club house's driveway to send Eunkwang and Hyolyn off to their honeymoon.  After congratulating the newly weds, Sungjae and his hyung-deul stepped aside to look at the happy scene before them.  Sungjae watched as Joy, Yeri and their unnie-deul hugged the bride, their faces beaming with happiness for their Hyolyn unnie who is glowing.  Always atuned to her, Sungjae turned to look at Joy just as she started walking towards him.  Opening his arms, Joy gladly stepped inside it, wrapping her arms around his waist.  "You look happy," Joy teased him, tilting her head to look at him.  "Well, it is a happy day," Sungjae said, kissing her lightly on the lips.  "Yes. I know I'm handsome, yeobo," Sungjae chided Joy as she continued to stare at his face.  "Aish!" Joy chuckled, lightly slapping him on the arm.  Hugging Joy tightly to him, Sungjae looked around.  He saw his brothers locked in their own embrace with the love of their lives.  He saw Youngjae wiping Yoona's tears and trying to comfort her as the girl cried because her imo and samchon will be gone for a while.  Glancing to the side, Sungjae saw his parents smiling from ear to ear.  Sungjae couldn't stop his own smile from forming on his face as he watched his appa play with his son, Jaeyoung while his eomma held his daughter, Heejin, named after his Sungjin hyung and Joy's Sohee unnie.  He still can't believe that Joy gave birth to twins the previous year.  Peniel hyung is right, Sungjae said to himself.  We are indeed blessed, he sighed in contentment.  "What was the sigh for?" Joy asked him.  Seeing her furrowed brows, Sungjae assured her.  "Don't worry. It's a happy sigh," he told Joy.  "I love you, yeobo," Joy said, cradling his face in her hands.  "And I love you more, Sooyoung," Sungjae replied before dipping his head to kiss her.



If you read my previous works, you'll notice that I always keep it short.  I don't really like writing long stories because the plot tends to become dragging and boring.  I actually have this bonus chapter done when I published the epilogue and I was debating whether to add this or just leave the story as it is.  But there were some requests for an additional chapter, so here it is.

For @greenteaheaven @KkieepY @YanneRioflorido

Thank you and I hope you like this bonus.

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