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December 24 (the morning before Yook Industries Christmas party)

"Oppa, it's barely half past nine in the morning. Where are we going this early?" Yeri asked Peniel as she got in his car.  Peniel settled behind the wheel before he replied, "we're meeting some of my friends for brunch."  Surprised, Yeri looked at the denim shorts, nude-colored cardigan over a white shirt and sneakers she hurriedly put on when Peniel texted her that he was on his way to pick her up.  "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Yeri grumbled.  "If I did, would you have agreed to come? I didn't think so," Peniel said when she didn't reply.  Glancing at Yeri, Peniel saw her gnawing at her lips, sign that she was worried.  "Relax. I'm sure they'll like you," he assured her.  "I should have dressed nicer," Yeri remarked.  "Pshh! Trust me. They're most likely wearing something similar to what you have on. Besides, we won't be staying too long. We still need to prepare for tonight's party," Peniel said, waving away her concerns.  Stealing a glance at Peniel, Yeri belatedly noticed that he himself was dressed casually in an all black ensemble of denim cut-off shorts and black shirt, completing his outfit with white sneakers and black baseball cap.  Arriving at the location, they immediately saw his friends seated at a shaded table outside the café.  True enough, Peniel's friends are dressed in either ripped jeans, cut-off shorts or sweatpants.  As she and Peniel got off his car, Yeri could feel their curious stares, especially when Peniel took her hand in his.  Introducing her to Amber, Ashley, Jamie, Jackson and Matthew, Yeri learned that, aside from the fact that they all grew up in America, they all have a passion for photography.  Yeri gradually relaxed given that she also shared their interest for taking beautiful pictures.  In addition to that, they were all genuinely friendly.  The only awkward moment came when all the girls went to the washroom and posed a question to Yeri.


Peniel noted Yeri's silence during their drive home.  She has been like it since she and the other girls came back from the restroom, Peniel thought.  Worried that his friends might have offended her, Peniel spoke up.  "You're unusually quiet. Did the girls made you feel uncomfortable?" Peniel asked Yeri as they neared her house.  "No. They were very nice. All of them, actually," Yeri answered.  "But, oppa. Why did they assume that I'm your girlfriend?" she added.  "Well, that's because, at one time or another, everyone has introduced a girlfriend or a boyfriend to the group. Everyone, that is, except me. I've never been in a relationship because I've never been interested enough in a girl before to be in one. And I'm not into casual dates, so I told them when I do bring someone, it's going to be my girlfriend," Peniel explained.  "Then why did you bring me?" Yeri asked curiously.  "Why do you think?" Peniel asked her in return.  Yeri shrugged.  "I don't know. Maybe because, like you guys, I'm also interested in photography?" she said carefully.  Although she has her suspicion, she didn't want to be presumptuous.  Peniel laughed at her safe answer.  Parking his car in front of her house, Peniel turned to Yeri.  "I'm not sure if you really don't know the answer to your question or you're just playing coy, so let me clarify," Peniel said before giving her a brief kiss on the lips that rendered Yeri speechless for a moment.  "I was going to ask you tonight after the party. But I should've known those nosy girls would pre-empt me," Peniel confessed.  "So, will you be my girl?" Peniel asked her earnestly.  "Seriously? You kissed me before asking? Gangnam style much?" Yeri chuckled.  "Chicago style," Peniel said smugly.  Yeri rolled her eyes in disbelief.  "Well? What's it gonna be?" Peniel prompted her.  Yeri huffed loudly before opening the car door to get out.  Turning back to Peniel, Yeri glared at him.  "You know what?" Yeri began in a serious voice that made Peniel nervous.  "I'll just see you tonight," she continued in the same tone, before adding, "boyfriend."  Yeri gave him a quick peck on the lips before running towards her front door, giggling.  Glancing back, she waved to Peniel who was looking at her with a silly grin on his face.  "Love you, girlfriend," Peniel yelled before happily driving away, leaving Yeri with a happy blush on her face.




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