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At around midnight, Sungjae awaken to a cramping feeling on his left arm.  Checking what's causing it, he saw Joy sleeping beside him on the couch, her head using his arm as a pillow.  Seeing how peaceful she looked, he couldn't stop himself from staring at her face.  She's beautiful even when she's sleeping, he thought.  He was debating whether to wake Joy up or just carry her to her room when he felt her stir.  Not wanting to be caught watching her, Sungjae closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.  Joy slowly woke up, feeling disoriented.  Her eyes snapped open when she felt someone breathing heavily beside her.  She looked up to see Sungjae's sleeping form next to her.  Joy's eyes widened when she saw how close their faces were.  Careful not to disturb him, she slowly got up.  Joy decided not to wake him up to avoid any awkwardness.  She arranged the throw pillows around Sungjae so he would be more comfortable.  Sungjae opened his eyes a crack when he sensed her leave the room, but closed it again when she came back.  He felt her drape a blanket over him, then leave again.  Sungjae kept his eyes closed for a few minutes, waiting if she'll return to the living room again.  When he was sure she wasn't coming back out, Sungjae opened his eyes.  Getting up, Sungjae headed to his own room to sleep.  Passing in front of her door, he paused for a second.  Sungjae smiled to himself as he went into his room.


Sungjae woke up again a few hours later.  He showered then went to the kitchen where he found Joy preparing breakfast.  "Good morning, Sooyoung," he greeted her.  "Good morning, Sungjae-ssi," Joy greeted him back.  "You're not going to the office?" she asked him, seeing his casual clothes.  Sungjae always work on Saturdays but he doesn't feel like going today.  "I think I had a little too much to drink last night," he joked.  Joy laughed softly.  "Would you like some coffee?" she offered as she prepared a plate of toasts, bacons and eggs.  "I'll get it. How about you?" he asked her.  "Yes, please, with cream and sugar. Thanks," she said as she continued cooking.  Sungjae leaned back on the counter and watched her discreetly as he waited for the coffee maker to beep.  It was his first time seeing her wearing a shirt and shorts.  He sighed as he gave an appreciative look at her long, creamy-white legs.  What the hell, Yook? he silently scolded himself.  Straightening up, he focused on making their coffee to distract himself.  He served their coffee just as Joy finished placing food on the table.  Joy arranged the plates and utensils handed to him by Sungjae before they sat across each other.  Picking up the newspaper, Sungjae divided it into sections, giving the front page and the society and entertainment sections to Joy, while he kept the business and sports pages for himself.  They were eating in companionable silence when Sungjae's phone rang.  "Good morning, eomma," he said, picking up the call.  "Good morning, adeul. Can you try calling Joy for me? She's not answering her cellphone and the one at your house just keeps on ringing," his mom said.  "Sooyoung? She's sitting here in front of me right now, having breakfast," Sungjae said.  Joy looked up when she heard her name.  "What is she doing in your office?" his mom asked, confused.  Sungjae laughed.  "I'm at home, eomma," he replied.  "Oh. You're running late today," Mrs. Yook observed.  "I'm not going to the office," Sungjae informed her.  "You're not?" she asked him in surprise.  "No," he said.  "Why?" his mom asked again.  "Do I need to have an excuse for not working on a weekend?" Sungjae laughingly asked his mom.  "No. I was just surprised, that's all. You always work on Saturdays. Anyway, I wanted to ask Joy to meet us for lunch later, if she's not busy. And since you're there, you should come, too," his mom said with finality.  "Okay. I'll tell Sooyoung," Sungjae replied before hanging up.  "Tell me what?" Joy asked curiously.  "Eomma asked us to meet them for lunch," he told her.  "If you're not busy, that is," he said as an afterthought.  "Sure. I just need to check some book reports then I'm free for the day," Joy said.  "Okay. We'll leave at eleven," he said.  She nodded her ascent.  After their meal, Sungjae started cleaning up the table, taking the dishes to the sink to wash.  "Just put it in the sink. I'll wash it later," Joy said.  "Aish! You already cooked breakfast. I'll do it so you can finish those papers before we leave," he suggested.  "Oh. Okay. Thanks, Sungjae-ssi," Joy said.  "I'll just be in my room then. I'll see you later," she said.  Sungjae nodded, looking at her retreating figure.


Meanwhile, back at the amusement park.  "Yeobo, what's wrong?" Mr. Yook asked when he saw his wife's stunned look.  "Oh, nothing. It's just that your son is at home instead of in his office," she told him.  "Really? That's a first," he said, surprised.  "I know," she agreed, a smile forming on her lips.  "Harabeoji! Let's go," Youngjae said, grabbing his grandfather's hand, pulling him towards the rides.  "Okay, okay. Slow down," he laughingly told his grandson.  Mrs. Yook followed slowly, a nice thought forming in her mind.


At quarter to eleven, Sungjae knocked on Joy's door.  "Sooyoung? Are you ready?" he asked.  Joy opened her door, already dressed.  "Yes, I am. Shall we go?" she said as she stepped out of the room.  "Yeah," he said, leading her to his car.  They were on their way to the restaurant when Sungjae got a call.


"Maknae! Where are you?" Changsub said as soon as Sungjae answered.  "Hyung. Sooyoung and I are meeting appa, eomma and Youngjae for lunch," he replied.  "Sooyoung? Oh, you mean, Joy," Changsub said.  "Yes," Sungjae confirmed.  "So you're not coming to the office today?" Changsub asked.  "Nope," Sungjae answered.  "Aish! You should have told me and Eunkwang hyung last night. We're here at the office when we could've spent the day with our ladies," Changsub scolded him.  "Sorry, hyung. I planned to go there later but eomma called me when she couldn't reach Sooyoung on the phone. She asked us to meet them for lunch when she learned I was home. I didn't know they picked Youngjae up from school yesterday so they could take him to the amusement park this morning," he explained.  "Youngjae spent the night at your parents' house?" Changsub asked him.  "Yeah," Sungjae replied.  "So it's just you and Joy at your house last night? Did anything interesting happen?" Changsub teased him.  "Aish! I'm driving, hyung. I'm hanging up now. Don't call again," Sungjae said, then pressed the END button.  "Who was that?" Joy asked.  "Changsub hyung," he said. "Why did he call?" she asked.  "To ask if I'm going to the office. And probably about something else that completely slipped his mind," Sungjae said laughing.


"Well? What did he say?" Eunkwang asked Changsub.  "He's not coming in today," Changsub said.  "What? Why? Is he okay?" Eunkwang asked worriedly.  "Oh, don't worry, hyung. He's fine. He and Joy are on their way to meet his parents and Youngjae for lunch," he said.  "Aish! Why didn't he tell us last night?" Eunkwang complained.  "My sentiments, exactly," Changsub said.  "Let's just go home. Hyolyn will be very happy indeed," Eunkwang said.  "You know what, hyung. I think there's something going on with our maknae. It's not like him to ditch work just because his eomma asked him to meet for lunch. I mean, he usually meet imo after work, even when she asks him out to lunch," Changsub said pensively as he and Eunkwang walked to the parking lot.  "You think it's because of Youngjae and Joy?" Eunkwang asked.  "Yes. But I think it's primarily because of Joy," Changsub said pensively.  "Oh, and get this. They were alone in his house last night," he added, wiggling his eyebrows.  "I can't wait to tell the boys about this," Changsub giggled naughtily, rubbing his palms together.  Eunkwang flicked him on the forehead.  "OUCH! Hyung!" Changsub protested, rubbing his forehead.  "So, what did he say about our game tomorrow?" Eunkwang asked him.  "Oops! I forgot to ask. Sorry," Changsub said sheepishly, earning another forehead flick from their eldest brother.

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