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During their drive home, Joy was surprised when, instead of driving straight home, Sungjae made a detour to the area where Eunkwang and Changsub live.  "Are we going to Eunkwang oppa's or Changsub oppa's first?" Joy asked.  Sungjae smiled but kept silent, leaving Joy wondering.  She got more curious when, after driving past Changsub's house, they turned towards Eunkwang's but didn't stop there either.  Instead, Sungjae pulled up in front of a gate, five houses down from his eldest hyung's home.  As Sungjae rolled down his window to key in a pass code, Joy thought to herself, what on earth is going on?  When the electronic gate opened, revealing a beautiful house, Joy gaped in awe.  Sungjae steered the car inside, finally stopping in the driveway.  Getting out of the car, he rounded to Joy's side and opened the door for her.  "Let's go," Sungjae said, gently pulling Joy out of the car.  "Oppa. Why are we here? Whose house is this?" Joy asked him as she stepped out of the car.  "You'll see," Sungjae replied mysteriously as he walked ahead of her.  "Bring eommoni," he added, prompting Joy to look back at the urn she left on the car seat.  She smiled when she remembered Sungjae telling her before they left her hometown that he already made arrangements to transfer her eomma's ashes.  It has always been her plan but, unfortunately, she hasn't been able to come up with the money needed to purchase a new vault at a columbarium in Seoul.  So when she was told that she could bring her eomma home with her, Joy couldn't be any happier.  Joy's attention was brought back to the present when she heard the buzz of the front door.  "Come on," Sungjae beckoned to her, pushing the door open.  Picking up the urn, Joy followed Sungjae.  "Oppa. Whose house is this?" Joy asked him again as he ushered her inside.  When Sungjae opened the lights, Joy's eyes were instantly drawn to a large, framed photo atop the mantle of the fireplace.  It was a picture of her, Sungjae and Youngjae in front of a tree.  It was their first photo together.  The one Sungjae took with his cellphone after they finished decorating their first Christmas tree at home.  Along with it were their photos at Disneyland and pictures of other family members that were displayed in Sungjae's house.  "Oppa?" Joy looked at Sungjae inquiringly.  "It's ours," Sungjae finally said.  As if on cue, two fur balls came running into the living room, followed by Youngjae, Sungjae's parents, Miran ahjumma and all their friends.  "EOMMA!" Youngjae cried as he ran to hug her.  "I missed you, Jaejae," Joy said, putting the urn down on a side table.  Joy hugged Youngjae back as she kissed the top of his head.  "I missed you, too, eomma. Please don't be gone too long again," Youngjae said, burying his head in the crook of her shoulder.  "I won't. I promise," Joy swore, tightening her arms around Youngjae.  "Abeonim, eommoni," turning to Mr. and Mrs. Yook, Joy shyly greeted them.  "Welcome home, *uri ttal," the older couple said, pulling Joy in a tight embrace.  "Ahjumma," Joy greeted Miran after the older Yooks released her.  "How are you feeling, Joy?" Miran asked her as she, too, hugged Joy.  "Very happy," Joy replied, glancing at Sungjae who was quietly, but happily, watching everything.  Finally, she faced the unnie-deul and oppa-deul.  "Hi!" Joy greeted sheepishly.  "Don't you dare run away again. Ever!" Hyolyn playfully scolded her before pulling her into a group hug.  When Sungjae heard the women started to sniffle, he decided to curb a potential emotional episode.  "Ya! Ya! Break it up," Sungjae said in jest.  "You're squishing my woman," he added as he pulled Joy to his side, making everyone laugh.  "But seriously, I'd like to thank everyone for coming to welcome back my soon-to-be wife in our new home," Sungjae said while Joy proudly showed off her engagement ring.  "We'd also like to thank all of you for always being there for us despite the dramas," Joy said.  "We'll try not to have any more in the future," Joy added in jest.  "Well, those dramas made our lives less boring anyway, so it's fine," Ilhoon remarked.  "Besides, we all have our own share of dramas and you two were also there for us," Irene commented.  "And that's the most important thing. All of us always being there for each other," Eunkwang pronounced.  "AMEN!" everyone chorused.


After everyone left and Youngjae went to bed with the two furballs, Sami and Haetnim, in tow, Sungjae and Joy went out to the garden and sat on the covered swing.  "So? Do you like the house?" Sungjae asked her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.  "It's beautiful, oppa," Joy replied, leaning her head on his shoulders.  "But why did you buy this? And what about your other house?" she asked him in return.  "I put it in the market. I wanted a place with a bigger backyard so you and Youngjae can have a space to relax, just like at the house in Jeju. I thought you might want your own garden nook when you want a little peace and quiet or if you want to read a book or knit. And Jaejae is always so full of energy so I had a small basketball court built for him. And since we planned to adopt Sami and Haetnim, we also need ample space for them to run around," Sungjae explained.  "I originally bought this place with those things in mind. But it turned out to be good timing because we'll have a new family member soon," he added with a smile before kissing the top of her head.  "Were you surprised?" Sungjae asked her.  "Very. Especially when Sami and Haetnim came running out. I had no idea that we got them. You never said anything to me about it after Christmas," Joy said.  "Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you. This is also the reason why I wasn't able to go immediately after you. I wanted everything to be ready when you come back home. I'm glad you like it," Sungjae said.  "I don't like it, oppa. I love it. And I love you. Thank you very much for everything you've done for me and Jaejae," Joy professed as she wrapped her arms around his waist, lifting her face to look at him.  "I love you more, Sooyoung. Thank you for giving me a family and for showing me what love and happiness really means," Sungjae said, giving her a peck on the lips.  "Well, like it or not, you're stuck with me now, oppa," Joy teased him.  "And what a sweet way to get stuck," Sungjae chuckled before claiming her lips for a deep kiss.


URI TTAL   --   our daughter




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