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Park Sooyoung, or JOY, as her friends fondly call her, was eating lunch at the Teachers' Lounge with her colleague, Bae Joohyun (IRENE), when there was a soft knock on the door followed by the entrance of an eight year old boy.

"Eomma! Jingoo's having a birthday party this Sunday. Can I go?" the boy, Youngjae, asked Joy as he came up to her.

"Can we talk about this at home?" Joy asked back.

"But he needs to know now," Youngjae said.  "So, can I go? Please," he pleaded, giving Joy the puppy-eyes.

"Aish! Don't look at me like that!" Joy protested.  She can never say no to him whenever Youngjae give her that look.  "Fine. But there are conditions and we're going to talk about it later," she told him.

"Okay. Thank you, eomma," Youngjae agreed, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before he happily ran out of the room.

"I would gladly give an arm for that kind of energy," Irene sighed, smiling at the boy's retreating back.

Joy laughed.  "I feel you, unnie. Teaching twenty ten-year-old kids, five days a week makes me feel ancient by the time weekend rolls around," she said.  "Thankfully, I have Youngjae with me. His energy is so infectious that I forget I'm tired," she added, smiling.

"Speaking of Youngjae. Have you thought about what you're going to do?" Irene asked Joy.

"Yes. But I still need to consult a lawyer to be sure," Joy replied.

"I could ask my cousin if he can help. Although family court is not really his specialty, he might be able to give you an advice," Irene offered.

"That would be great, unnie. Thank you," Joy said.

Their attention was diverted to the doorway when Son Seungwan (WENDY), Kang Seulgi and Kim Yerim (YERI) came in.  They flopped onto the chairs around the table, each one letting out a deep sigh.

"Oh. My. God! Day's not over yet but I feel like all the energy has left me," Wendy complained.

"I swear, if I have to break up another fight today, I will be the one fighting with these kids," Seulgi said.

"Try running after kids dashing off in four different directions," Yeri piped in.

The five of them became friends when they came to teach at the school.  Being the most recent additions to the faculty, and the closest in age, they naturally gravitated towards each other.  Seulgi has been the Guidance Counselor for a year when Joy started teaching Science at the school almost four years ago, the same year as Irene who started teaching Math only a couple of months earlier than Joy.  The following year, Wendy came to teach English, and then Yeri six months later, as the Music/Arts/PE teacher.

"Then savor this blessed one hour of freedom, before we go back to that jungle, also known as classroom. Eat up to power up," the motherly head teacher, Mrs. Cho, advised them.

"AMEN TO THAT!" the five of them said.

"Anyway, as I was saying. I'll ask my cousin for some advice," Irene said, going back to their topic.

"Thanks, unnie. I'll give you a copy of the documents I have just in case he needs to check it," Joy said.

Knowing what they were talking about, Yeri turned to Joy.  "Unnie, are you sure about this?" she asked Joy.

"I'm sure, Yeri. I've been taking care of Youngjae for the past three years so this is basically just a formality," Joy told her.

"But adopting a child is a big responsibility, Joy," Wendy said.

"I know, unnie. But I have to do it to make sure he won't be taken away from me," Joy explained.

"But you being young and single could be a problem," Seulgi said.

"What do you mean, unnie?" Joy asked her.

"Well, I'm no expert since I'm not a lawyer but I've been a resource person for some cases in the family court, so I know that the court considers the status of the petitioner. In your case, there are a number of things. Aside from your age and civil status, you're only earning minimum wage, with few benefits. Plus, you don't own a house or any property. And you have no relatives that could help you out, just in case. The court might question your capacity to support Youngjae financially," Seulgi explained.  Seeing Joy's crestfallen face, Seulgi quickly took her hands in hers.  "I'm sorry, Joy. I didn't mean to discourage you. I'm just telling you of the aspects that the court would look into. But don't lose hope. You have been Youngjae's guardian for the past three years. The court would also take that into account," Seulgi said, consoling Joy.

"Thanks, unnie. At least I know now what to prepare for," Joy said, smiling at Seulgi.

"Well, they have to consider it. You're Youngjae's only relative, after all," Yeri said confidently.  Joy smiled, thankful for their support.  "But, unnie. Aren't you worried that you might not be able to get married if you adopt Youngjae?" Yeri asked her.

"Yeah. As it is, him calling you eomma is already a drawback to those men who wants to date you," Seulgi added.

"If they can't accept Youngjae, then they're not worth it," Joy declared.

Youngjae is the only child of her sister, Sohee and her husband, Sungjin, who both died in a car accident three years ago.  She had only been teaching for a year when it happened, leaving the then toddler, Youngjae, in her care.  Although they were not blood-related, Joy and Sohee, who was six years older than her, grew up like sisters at the orphanage where Joy was taken to after her mother died when she was a child.  Joy never met his father whom her mother left before she found out that she was pregnant with her.  She knows nothing about him, except what her mom told her, saying that he is a good man but they are better off apart.  Joy doesn't even know what he looks like since, as far as she knows, her mom didn't keep any picture of him.  Her Sohee unnie left the orphanage when she turned 18, with the promise that she will come back for her when she earns enough money to support both of them.  After putting herself through college and finding work, Sohee fulfilled her promise and took Joy to live with her.  A few years later, Sohee married Sungjin, and the two of them took care of her.  With the college fund Joy's mother left to her and the couple's salary, Joy finished college with a degree in education.  She owes what she is now to them.  And now that they are gone, taking care of Youngjae is Joy's responsibility.  Not only because she feels indebted to them, but because she and Youngjae only have each other as family.  Most of all, she loves him like her own son that she's willing to do anything to make sure he'll be safe.  The bell rang signaling the end of the break, snapping Joy back to the present.

"Well, whatever you decide, we'll be here to support you," Wendy said as they all headed to their respective classes.

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