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Days passed, and before they knew it, the month of May rolled in and Youngjae is celebrating his birthday.  Sungjae helped Joy in the preparation and held the event at the same function room of the country club where Yoona had her birthday party the previous year.  Sungjae was pleasantly surprised when, upon entering the venue, he realized that the party wasn't just for Youngjae but for him as well.  "Surprised?" Joy asked, smiling at his reaction.  "Yeah. How did you know?" he asked her.  "That you have the same birthday as Jaejae's? I remember Sungjin oppa mentioning it before so I confirmed it with Eunkwang oppa," she explained.  Aside from having drinks with his hyung-deul and dinner with his parents, Sungjae never really celebrated his birthday in a big way, as far as he can remember.  But Joy going out of her way to prepare this surprise for him really made him happy.  "Happy birthday, appa!" Youngjae said, hugging and giving him a kiss on the cheeks.  "Happy birthday to you, too, buddy," Sungjae replied, hugging him back.  Lifting Youngjae in his arms, they walked towards where their friends are.  Sungjae glanced back at Joy who was walking a few steps behind them and gave her a smile.  Joy inclined her head, acknowledging his silent thanks.  After greeting their son and grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Yook stood beside Joy and looked on as the guests greet the two birthday celebrators.  "Thank you for doing this for my son," Mrs. Yook said, turning to Joy.  "It's a small thing. He's been very good to me and Jaejae and this is our little way of thanking him," Joy replied, feeling embarrassed.  "I can see how happy he is right now," Mr. Yook observed.  "Oppa is a good man. He deserves to be happy," Joy simply said.  "Yes. He does," Mrs. Yook agreed, smiling at Joy who hasn't taken her eyes off the two Jaejaes.  Glancing around, Sungjae's eyes fell on Joy and his parents.  From the start of the party up until now, he couldn't stop smiling. And seeing his eomma with an arm around Joy's waist and his appa smiling openly at her, added to the good feeling he's having.  Watching the three of them together, he knew that they already consider Joy as their own daughter.  And Sungjae really felt at ease with this knowledge.  At this point, he could honestly say that he is happy.  He is contented.


Joy and Sungjae arrived home after the joint birthday celebration.  Knowing that Joy would be tired from all the preparation of the party, Mr. and Mrs. Yook offered to take Youngjae home with them so she can rest.  After unloading all the gifts from the car, they both collapsed on the sofa.  They were tired, but happy.  Their family and friends came to celebrate the day with them.  Kicking off her shoes, Joy sighed in contentment as she propped up her feet on the coffee table.  "Tired?" asked Sungjae who was slouched against the throw-pillows.  "Yeah. The party was fun but I'm glad it's over," Joy confessed.  "Me, too. I've never celebrated my birthday like this, and I'm not sure if I'd want to again," he chuckled.  "But Jaejae was really happy," he added, straightening up.  "I know, and that makes all this tiredness worth it," Joy said.  Putting her feet down on the floor, Joy turned to Sungjae.  "Oppa. Thank you for making the surprise party for Jaejae happen," she told him.  "Aish! It's nothing. You know I'll do anything for Jaejae. Besides, you also made it as a surprise party for me," Sungjae said.  On impulse, Joy leaned in to kiss him on the cheek as a thank you.  At that exact moment, Sungjae turned his head to look at her, causing Joy's lips to accidentally land on his.  Joy immediately pulled back, her eyes widening from shock and embarrassment.  He stared at her in surprise for a while, before pulling her back towards him.  Holding her head immobile, he kissed her again, harder.  Breaking the kiss after a while to catch their breath, Sungjae looked at Joy intensely, his eyes asking permission for him to continue.  "Oppa," Joy whispered.  "I want you, Sooyoung. No! I need you," he whispered back, touching his forehead to hers, his eyes closed.  Pushing her back against the pillows, Sungjae kissed her again.  Deeper and more urgent this time.  Releasing all the pent-up sexual tension he has been supressing since Joy moved in to his home.  Joy willingly returned the kiss, her arms automatically wrapping around his neck, silently giving her consent.  Without breaking the kiss, Sungjae carried Joy, bridal-style.  Inside his bedroom, he showed her just how much he wanted and needed her.  Throughout the night, they expressed with their bodies their need for each other.

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