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Day of the move in.  Joy decided to leave everything in the apartment, except for the small TV which she bought and Youngjae's toy chest and Capt. America lamp.  Those, she brought with them, along with their clothes and personal belongings.  The appliances were already there when she moved in, and all the furniture she bought were second hand.  At least it would be of use to the next tenant. Unless they're picky, she thought.  Mrs. Hong, Joy's landlady was sorry they were moving out but was happy that they were relocating to a nice neighborhood.  Youngjae promised that they'll visit her from time to time.  After saying their final goodbye to her, Joy and Youngjae got in the car that Sungjae sent, the moving van following them.  Sungjae wasn't home when they arrived but the older Yooks were there to welcome them.  Youngjae was thrilled to see his new room just as much as his grandparents were excited to show it to them.  Three times the size of his old bedroom, it was also a haven for any Avengers fan.  From the bedding, to the curtain, to the smallest detail, the room screams of Avengers, most especially Captain America.  It has a walk-in closet and own bathroom.  While Youngjae and his harabeoji explored his room, Mrs. Yook showed Joy hers.  It was the first door before Youngjae's and Sungjae's room.  Joy's jaw dropped when she stepped inside.  It was almost as big as her entire apartment, and just like Youngjae's, it also has a walk-in closet and she has her own bathroom as well.  But what she really love about it is the decoration.  It was entirely decorated in her favorite green color.  "Do you like it?" Mrs. Yook asked her.  "I love it. But how did you know I like green?" she asked the older woman.  "Youngjae told me," she replied.  "Thank you," Joy said to her.  "No, Joy. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of Youngjae's life," Mrs. Yook said, hugging her.  "It's what Sohee unnie and Sungjin oppa would have wanted. And I'm also glad because I could see how happy he is, knowing he has a family apart from me," Joy said sincerely.  "Eomma!" Youngjae suddenly burst into the room, followed by Mr. Yook.  "Wow! Your room is so pretty, eomma," Youngjae said, stopping in his tracks.  "Do you like it? Halmeoni made this for me. And I heard she got help from a little elf," Joy said to Youngjae.  "Nah! I just told her your favorite color," Youngjae said bashfully.  "Thank you, halmeoni, for giving eomma a pretty room. And thank you for my room. I really love it," Youngjae said, hugging his grandmother.  "You're welcome, dear," Mrs. Yook said, hugging him back.  "Hey! I helped, too," Mr. Yook said to Youngjae.  "Thank you, harabeoji," he said, turning to his grandfather to hug him, too.  They were interrupted by a soft knock.  "Lunch is ready, madam," the woman said when Mrs. Yook opened the door.  "Thank you, Miran," she said.  "Let's have lunch first," Mrs. Yook announced.  As Miran served their lunch, Mrs. Yook introduced Joy and Youngjae to her.  "Miran, this is Joy and Youngjae. They'll be staying with Sungjae from now on," she said.  "Youngjae is Sungjin's son and Joy is his wife's yeodongsaeng," she added.  "God bless their soul," Miran said, knowing what happened to the couple.  "Miran helped me with the two boys when they were kids, especially with Sungjae. You can trust her to look after Youngjae if you need to leave him with someone," Mrs. Yook told Joy.  "Hello, Miran *ahjumeoni. Now eomma can go out on dates because there's someone to look after me when she goes out," Youngjae said.  Joy's eyes rounded with Youngjae's words.  "YOOK YOUNGJAE!" Joy said, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment.  "But it's true. Whenever someone asks you out, you always say you can't because no one is going to look after me," Youngjae argued.  "I don't go out with them because I don't want to. Not because I have to take care of you," Joy explained.  "You lied to them? But, eomma, you said lying is bad," Youngjae reminded her.  "I didn't lie to them. I just don't want to hurt their feelings by telling them directly that I don't like them," Joy explained.  "So you did lie because you didn't tell them the truth," Youngjae insisted.  "I didn't lie. I made an excuse," Joy said.  "What's the difference?" Youngjae asked innocently.  Joy opened her mouth to reply but no explanation came to her mind.  "I could never win an argument with you," Joy said, giving up.  "Aigoo! You're just like your samchon at that age. We could never win with him," Mr. Yook said.  "We still couldn't, yeobo, unless I pull out the mom card. He's still as stubborn today as when he was little. Just like you," Mrs. Yook said to her husband.  "But your son is more stubborn," Mr. Yook argued.  "Now I know it's in your blood," Joy teased Youngjae.  "Yeah. I know now, too, why I'm so handsome. It's in the blood," Youngjae said confidently, making the four adults laugh.  "Aigoo! You're really like your samchon," Miran said, smiling in amusement.  After lunch, the Yook's left so Joy and Youngjae could settle in.  Youngjae went to his new room to take a nap.  Joy started unpacking with the help of Miran.  "Ahjumeoni," Joy said to Miran.  "Just call me Miran. Or *ahjumma, like Sungjae does," Miran told her.  "Oh! Okay," Joy acknowledged.  "You've been with the Yooks long?" Joy asked as she put her clothes in the wardrobe.  "Since Sungjae was born. But I had to leave when my daughter had her baby. He was about fifteen then anyway, so he doesn't really need a nanny. But the two boys always kept in touch with me. When Sungjae moved in here, he asked me if I want to work for him. I was already retired, but I thought, why not? He wanted me to live here but I told him, I needed to go home to my family every day. I'm not that young anymore so I want to spend time with them as much as possible. But I couldn't refuse him either. So we agreed that I'll come in everyday to cook and clean for him. Oh, except on Sundays," Miran said.  "I'm really glad that you and Youngjae are here now. At least someone would actually eat the food I cook," she added.  "So, he doesn't really stay at home much?" Joy said.  "He practically lives in his office. Every morning, he leaves early then comes home late. Even on Saturdays, he's in the office. On Sundays, he's either at his parents' house or playing golf with his hyung-deul. Maybe now that you're here, he'll stay home more often," she hopefully said.  Highly unlikely, Joy thought.  "Do you wait up for him?" Joy asked.  "At first. I wanted to make sure he'll eat before he goes to bed. But as stubborn as he is, I couldn't force him to have dinner. And he instructed his driver to take me home by six, but I told the driver to make it seven. I just leave a note before I go so he'll know what food I cooked in case he wants to eat," she told Joy.  "But has he always been like that?" Joy wanted to know.  "Like what?" Miran asked confusedly.  "Sulky, I suppose? If you want to put in a nice way. Does he even know how to smile?" Joy said, making Miran laugh.  "Oh, he used to be a carefree boy. Always laughing and always curious. Kind of like Youngjae. But he changed when his hyung left home. He became moody. Moreso, when he had to take over the company when his father got sick. It was only a year after he graduated. He was barely out of his teens when he had to shoulder the responsibility of running a big company. Needless to say, he matured practically overnight. I heard that the Board Members were doubtful of him at first since he's too young, but he proved them wrong when he doubled their sales in just a year after he took over. Sungjae is really good at what he does. And he was lucky to have people that sincerely want to help him. You've met them? His hyung-deul?" Miran asked her.  "Yes. I have," Joy replied knowing exactly who she was referring to.  "I'm really glad he has them. They, somehow, filled a part of Sungjin's place in his life. And they really love him. He's not just a friend or a boss to them. He's the baby brother that they would protect, no matter what," she said with a grateful sigh.  They turned to the door when Youngjae came in, fresh from his nap.  "Eomma," he said as he came up to her, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.  "Would you like some snack?" Joy asked him.  "Do we have cookies?" he asked.  "No, we don't. I'm sorry. But I can bake some later," Joy said.  "Why don't I make you a sandwich while your eomma make the cookies?" Miran offered.  "Okay," Youngjae readily agreed, warming up to her.  Miran left at seven after showing Joy where everything was around the house.  She also showed her what's in the pantry and in the refrigerator, in case she wants to cook or bake something.  In turn, Joy told her that, if Sungjae approves, she doesn't have to come on Saturdays.


AHJUMMA – older woman

AHJUMEONI - formal version of ahjumma

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