What Is Happening?

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Jimin POV

I get up from my breakfast table and attended the door. Tae was standing there in all his glory, still rocking the school uniform. I quickly informed him "give me a minute, and then we will go".

He noded and I hastily run inside and grab my school bag. I yelled a love you to mom and close the door behind me. I greeted him properly with a hug. And we were ready to hit the road. On the way to our school, the talks took a turn to last night and I answered him every question with 'I don't know'.

"What do you mean by you don't know. He is your boyfriend!"

"It's not a big deal okay! It can be that he want space."
I snapped at him.

"Space from what?"

"I don't know!"
I yelled at him and quickly regretted it. The expression on his face was full of hurt but I was hurt too. It was becoming a cycle now, Jungkook always leaves me without telling anything. And I pour my anger to someone else.

I didn't say anything further, indeed I walked faster to the school.

I was regretting coming to school today.

I and Tae didn't talk all day even tho we are lunch together and share some classes. It was awkward and I know I should apologize but I can't make those words when I wanted to say it to him. I message jungkook again.


Are you fine?
(8 pm. Seen)

I know you reach your home safely.
(10pm. Seen)

Take a rest.
Eat well.
(12:05 am. Seen)

Why are you not replying?
(12:30 am. Seen)

Are you ignoring me?
Did I do something?
(3 am. Seen)

Did something happen in college?
(3:15 am. Seen)

Are you asleep?
(3:45 am. Seen)

Can we meet tomorrow?
(4:00 am. Seen)

I am not mad?
(4:02 am. Seen)

Why you are not replying?
(9 am. Seen)

Where are you?
Do you wanna hang out today?
(2 pm. Unseen)

The school finished off and I knew I can not ignore Tae to home and nor I was planning to. So when we get out of school I took his hand in mine and started to walk towards our respective houses. Till the halfway it was silent but then I broke the ice. I apologised
"I am sorry Tae. I know I have no rights to take my frustration on you, but I am worried about Jungkook. He is ignoring me again and I don't know what to do. I always have this doubt in the back of my mind that one day we will end like this."

He hugged me and I take that as an escape from my problems.

"He will come around. Don't worry"
Tae assured.

"I really hope you are right."

"I hope I am right."
Tae whispered. And I think it was not meant for my ears.

Jungkook is uncertain.

"Let's head to home."
I suggested after our hugging session was over. He nodded at me.


It was 9 pm right now and I received a call from jin hyung. That's weird.
And it makes me scared.
I picked the call.

I questioned.

"Hey jimin, sorry for this sudden call. But we need you here."
Jin hyung drops the bomb.

"We? And where? And why me?"

"I will send Yoongi to you and he will inform you about everything. He must be reaching to you any moment now"
He educated.

I yelled.

But before we can continue this there was a horn outside my house. I reached my window and saw yoongi getting out of his car.

I decided to return to the call but it was already ended.

I ran down to yoongi and asked
"What's going on?"

"Get in the car."
He ordered.

"But why? Tell me something. Anything!"
I snapped.

"It's Jungkook."
He informed me.

I didn't waste any second and get in his. I was in decent clothes. A white t-shirt and black sweatpants. Yes completely decent.

I then remembered to ask him what was going on "so hyung, what's happening?"

"Uhh...you see jimin"

"No, I don't actually."
I gave a sarcastic reply.

"Okay okay. So a guy in college throws a party tonight. We all went to it. Me, jin, hobi, namjoon and jungkook. We all were fine until jungkook got drunk and he becomes stubborn."

"So why you need me?"
I asked because I don't understand why they need me.

"So here is the thing. He becomes stubborn that he will stop drinking and go back home only when you come to him."

"What? You can't be serious."
I yelled at him. Wow, I can't believe that. I can't believe him.

"Believe me when I say he is stubborn."

"I completely agree."

We reached the party spot. And anyone can tell that a party was going in there. The sound of music was clearly heard from miles. Or I was overreacting? Yes, I am really. It is not so loud. But you understand what I was saying.
So yeah.

We both get down the car and started walking towards the part house. I entered the house but I was surely not ready to face what was there waiting for me.


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