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Jimin POV

The whole week I didn't see Jungkook and Tae was also behaving different after our talk about Jungkook. So today is Saturday. Tae and me decided to have a sleep over at his place because my parents are going out the town and they don't want to leave me alone. I was excited because I have plan everything out to speak to Tae today's night. I had also spend the whole week to clear my thoughts and feelings.

I am going to tell everything to Tae and ask him about the questions that are in my mind from a week now.

I was brought back to the world by the voice of my mom coming from downstairs. I quickly went downstairs

"Jimin baby, go get your bag and then we all are leaving"

I nod and run to take my bag. It only have some clothes, phone, speakers, books and some snacks.
Mom and dad are giving me a ride to Tae's house. When I reached his house I kiss my mom and dad on their cheek and said
"have a safe journey and call me. Love you. Bye now"

I run to the door and compose myself, after that I ring the door bell and withing seconds the door was opened by Tae. He greeted me with a bone cracking hug and said loudly
"I miss you chim"

I giggle at his words and notice Mrs. Kim coming towards us. I then make him pout by saying
"we met yesterday only, how can you miss me?"

Mrs. Kim laugh at my words. She then welcomed me
"I am happy to have you now Jimin. We both can dump Tae."

He whined

I giggle and nod at her words. We then enter the living room and I see Mr. Kim there, so I bowed and greeted him. He give me a pat on my shoulder and greeted me with a large smile. He is a handsome man and there is no doubt in it.

Tae then draged me to his room. We then played video games for a while and after that we were just cuddling on the sofa. I think this was the best time to talk to Tae. So I started
"Tae I have something to say"

"me too chim. First you go"

I nod and started to speak
"it's about Jungkook. I know you told me to maintain my distance from him but it's like my thoughts had been struck around him. I don't know if I like him or not. I don't know anything. Please Tae help me. One moment I don't like him but at the next moment I want to be near him"

He pulled me in a warm hug and just repeated 'it's okay' in my ears. After a while we both pulled back and he asked
"okay I got it. So tell me what you think about him?"

I blushed but answered him eventually
"I-i think he is handsome. I want to know why he behaves like this. I want to know the real him. But i dont like his attitude."

He hum and asked again
"were you jealous when you see him with that girl at school a week ago"


"did he ever hurt you? "

"No. Even though he speak rough but he speak like that to everyone. "

"chim my friend, you have eventually developed a crush on him"

We both sit in pure silence not breaking the silence. It was Tae who break it and speak

"you are right chim. He was not like this always. He is like this from high school. Earlier he was a boy who was bad with expressing his feelings. But now he speak his mind frankly. Earlier he don't believe in violence but now violence had become his life. He didn't drink and smoke earlier too. I don't know what make him change "

"so are you angry from me Tae? "

"no pabo. Just be careful if you are going for him."

I noded and then rembered that Tae was also going to tell me something earlier. So I asked
"Tae you were going to tell me something earlier. What was that?"

He started to blush. At a time he was looking a tomato and said in a low voice
"me and suga are going for a small trip the next weekend"

I squealed and started to clap. I started him to tease him about that. After that I demanded the details and till dinner we discuss everything about the trip.
I am so happy for my best friend.


I love them

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I love them

Yoongi's smile there😉

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Yoongi's smile there😉

Yoongi's smile there😉

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