Spending Time

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Jimin POV

After me and Tae finished our food, Yoongi hyung came back to us. I look around him for any sign of Jungkook but he was not there. So I asked
"hyung! Where's he?"

He sighed and sit on the chair beside Tae and informed
"I also don't know. We talked then i came back and he just went somewhere"

I quickly stand up and spoke
"I will be with him. Don't worry about us. Have fun. Bye! "

I run outside the hotel to find him after saying those words. I know he will be around here only. I thought of calling him but i didn't have his number. I quickly make a mental note inside my head that the first task after meeting Jungkook was to ask for his number.

I search for him for quite a long. You can say around twenty minutes. I then went to the place where we both talk to each other earlier. And thanks the Goodness that he was there sitting at the bank of the lake. I quickly make my way towards him and sat infront of him.

He quickly raise his head to see who was the stranger that sit infront of him. I then saw that he had a busted lip. I gasp and ask
"how did you get that?"

He just shrug, not answering my question. I then said sternly
"if you don't want to answer me then don't talk to me ever again"

He quickly grab my wrist even before I can act to my words and mumble a quite "stay".

I then quickly remembered my mental note and asked him
"give me your phone"

He looked me with a expression of surprise and confusion, but compiled  with my words. I took the phone from his hand and quickly inserted my number in it. Then I call myself from his number. I then give him back his phone.

"I inserted my number and called myself from your phone"
I informed him if he didn't get to know that but i am sure his intelligent mind figured out that.

I asked after a small moment of silence
"so... How you get that?"

"got in a fight"
He answer liked it was very normal for people to get in fights and got hurt


"Yoongi hyung"

I was surprised by his answers because hyung would have told me if he would fight with Jungkook. But he didn't tell me anything.

Jungkook then cleared because I think he saw the frown on my face
"Yoongi hyung hit my because I was behaving like a jerk. I didn't hit him back even though he would have punched me more."

I then stand up, offered my hand to him and said
"lets go"

He didn't answer or question me and just take my hand. I 'tried' to, drag him with me but i know he was allowing me to drag him. I was going to take him back to the hotel room and treat his wounds.

While walking I thought over many things. First, it is true there are some feelings inside me for him, but I wanted to give him some peace and wanted to understand him and to listen to his explanations. I wanted to know him inside and out.
Secondly, he actually cares a lot about his family and old friends. Even though he speak like he don't like them but that's a lot opposite. I wanted to know why he speak to them like he hate them. And thirdly, I doubt he is even gay so some type of love between us is highly impossible.

We both stop outside my room. I search my pockets for the keys when Jungkook spoke
"you known, the next room to yours is mine actually"

I was actually shock but didnt show it and take his hand and drag him inside the room.



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