Departure Of Kai

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Jimin POV

We reach the hotel. Yoongi hyung were making reservation. He asked before finalising
"who is staying with whom?"

Tae asked hyung quietly
"can we have one room?"

He nod but i can see his smile forming on his face he then said
"me and Tae one room. Jungkook, you?"

He resorted
"what about Jimin and him?"

Kai throw a glare at him when Jungkook didn't take his name like his name is a plague. But what Kai said surprised me
"Jimin will be staying with me."

I quickly yelled
"No. Uhm.. I mean I will pay for my single room"

Hyung then concluded
"so it is decided. 4 rooms then"

Everyone nod. Hyung and Tae went to make the reservation and grab the keys. Jungkook was standing behind me as i can sense it and Kai infront of me. Sudeenly Kai asked Jungkook
"why are you here?"

He didn't answer. I was hoping they will not start a fight here.
Kai again asked
"you know Jungkook you are not with us anymore. So why are you doing re with us ?"

He was again met with a silent answer. Kai then said angrily
"you piece of shit. You are a jerk. You know—"

I quickly stop him before he completed his sentence
"stop Kai it's his life. We are no one to say anything"

Jungkook then chuckle and I turn so that I can see him. He then questioned me
"you also think of me like that? No doubt"

"it's not like—"
He cut me by just walking towards the other two. Kai consoled me by back bitching of Jungkook. I was happy that Tae came back and said
"Jungkook already took his keys. So these two are left"

I see the keys. One was of room no. 13 and other of 18. I take the keys to 13 and Kai the other. We walk to our rooms and decided to meet after an hour outside the hotel to do some activity.

I walk to my room, inserted the key and entered it. It was a nice room with a single bed, couch, television and a bathroom. I place my bag on the floor and went to take a bath. After fifteen minutes I came back from the bathroom and wear a full sleeve white t shirt and a sweat pants. I am here to enjoy the the weekends and not to make fashion statements so that's why I pack casual clothes only.

I played on my phone for half an hour but get bored. I decided to walk around and meet the others after half an hour at the reception. I exit the hotel and was walking around the tress when someone yelled my name. I turn around and saw Kai running towards me.

I quickly asked
"what happened?"

"nothing, I saw you alone so I came to give you company. Lets get going."

I nod at his words and we silently walk around. It was Kai who speak first
"Jimin please stay away from Jungkook"

"why so?"
I asked with a frown.

"he is just not a good company. He was a great person a long time ago but not now"

"were you friends with Jungkook earlier, kai?"

"ah.. No I was not but I have heard Yoongi's group talking about how they miss the days with Jungkook. They really thought of him as their brothers but what he did? He betrayed them"
He said in a angry voice

"but he never done anything bad towards me"
I informed him with a small smile on my face.

"he will and I don't want you to be hurt."

I was going to tell Kai that I was not his baby. I know how to deal with situations but before I speak his phone started ringing. He excused himself to pick up the call. I continue my walk, knowing that he will follow me after the call.

After five minutes he came back to me and hurriedly said
"I have to go Jimin. One of my friend needs me now. I am really sorry"

I nod and said
"it's okay, let's go to tell the others"

We silently walk to the reception seeing the other three are already there. I didn't ask him as why he has to go because truthfully it didn't effect me much. Ya he is my friend but we met recently and his continuous flirting is making it hard for me to like him. When we reach their he informed the others
"sorry guys i have to head back. One of my friends need me now. Please enjoy the time here"

Yoongi hyung just nod and Tae assured him that we all be fine. Jungkook was just busy in his phone. I bet he is talking to that girl. I really don't know why he came with us in the first place. Kai came back with his bag and gave a hug to everyone. I side hug him because it's just not feel right to hug him you know properly like.. Ugh..I can't explain.

After he was out of our sight. Tae offered
"so what we do now? Take a walk around?"



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