Cuddle And Breakdown

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Jimin POV

I run after my conversation with Jungkook. I ran outside the hotel towards the lake. I spend some hours there just walking around the lake. When I ran, it was after afternoon. I didn't went to have dinner during 8 in the night with all of them.

It was now 9 in the night when I was deciding to go back to my room. While I was walking towards the hotel I get a call from Tae. I sighed and pick up the call
"hello Tae?"

"Jimin ah! Where are you? Do you know how much I am sacred for you?"
He was yelling at the phone and I can't take it and started to giggle.

"you are laughing and here I am... Woah I cant believe it"
He said

I then stop giggling and said
"don't worry Tae. I am fine just came out to clear my mind"

"are you okay Jimin ah? "

"I am not happy but I am okay Tae"
I answer him honestly as much as I can.

Then I cut the call and pick up my pace for the hotel. After some minutes I reached the hotel and just make my way to my room. I go inside the bathroom and take a quick bath. I then wear some loose clothes and went to sleep. Even though I can't sleep I tried my best to.

After an hour I was still awake but my eyes were closed when I feel hands around my waist. Before I can yell or speak the person said
"it's me Jimin. Shhh"

I quickly know that it was Jungkook. I turn around and raise my head and saw jungkook looking down at me. I notice his eyes and they were somewhat watery.

I questioned
"why are you here?"

He didn't speak for a while but when he started to speak and he pull me closer to himself and strengthen his hold around me. He then started
"I am sorry Jimin. What I did and said earlier was nonsense. They didn't mean anything. Please forgive me. I know I cross my line but please try to forgive me. I will do anything to have your forgiveness."

I was silent because i didn't know what to speak. I actually didn't expect him in my bed this late at night and especially not apologizing to me.

He then said to break my thoughts
"please say something, you are scaring me Jimin!"

"why do you care? I am mean why do you care Jungkook that I am angry from you?"

"see Jimin I don't know too. It just that when I am with you my heart speeds up. I get nervous. I want to protect you. I get possessive of you. I don't know"
He said in one breath and started to cry.

I don't know what to do so I just hold him tight. He completely breakdown in my arms. I have never seen him like this. He always have a tough and dominant aura.

I whisper sweet words for him
"Shhh... Its will be fine.... Everything is okay.... Shh"

After many minutes he calm down and pull back from the hug and asked the most stupid question
"can i cuddle you to sleep?"

I smile, looking in his eyes and remarked
"didn't we were cuddling minutes ago when you were crying like a baby!"

He was silent for a minute and I panicked that I said something wrong or hurt him. So I quickly started but was cut by him
"Sorry Jungkook—"

"you know Jimin I have didn't cry for months now. I don't know why I breakdown in front of you but please forgive me for what I said earlier. I am truly sorry"
He said genuinely to me.

"I forgive you but..... Please don't do it again"
I pleaded because his words actually hurt me a lot but I can't be a bitch and ignore him when he is apologising genuinely.

"I will try my best Jimin"

I smile by hearing his words. I was sad because he didn't promise me but at the the same time I was happy too that he didn't make any useless promises which can be break in the future.

I suddenly yawn and he chuckled.
His chuckle was so deep that it give me tingles.

"you should sleep Jimin. I will be going now too"
He said and started to stand up from the bed.

I quickly grab his wrist and said only one word in small voice

He didn't say anything but lay down beside me.

I turn around to face him and saw that his breathing was getting slow and his eyes were closed. I shift toward him for his body heat. I then started to comb his hair by me fingers and whisper

"you are hiding a lot of thing and I want to know all of them. Why?"


Jikook cuddling

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Jikook cuddling

Any member crying break my heart

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Any member crying break my heart. But Jungkook crying make other members cry.

all hyungs love their baby bunny.

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