First Time At My Boyfriend House

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Q) What is your favorite color?

Jimin POV

When I enter Tae and Jungkook house I realised it was my first time coming to their house after being in the relationship with Jungkook.

But as soon as I enter the living room Mrs. Kim quickly came to me and hugged me tightly and said excitedly
"hello Jiminie. Why didn't you came here for so long?"

"I am sorry Mrs. Kim"
I said with a slight bow.

She grab my shoulders and straighten me and said sweetly
"oh you should not call me Mrs Kim anymore. You can call me aunt or even...... mom"

"okay aunt"
I replied.

Jungkook snorted but everyone can hear that.

"ignore him Jimin ah"
Tae said me and started to drag me upstairs to his room. 

But before he can climb a stair Jungkook inserted
"if you remembered carefully, he is my Boyfriend so I may ask you where are you taking him?"

I blushed at his words but Tae answered him quickly to annoy him
"who is mad at you"

"you fought with Jimin? You are really a pabo"
Mrs. Kim said in a unbelievable tone.

Jungkook just shrugged without answer her and i can see the hurt on his face so I gave him a glare. He didn't understand first but when I point at her with my eyes he sighed and admitted
"I agree with you mom"

She looked at Jungkook liked he just said something foreign.

But Tae cutt of the silence by his singing
"ah this is the jiminie effect"

Jungkook than came towards him and ordered in a husky voice
"you are staying the night here
And in my room"

When he said the last line he gave Tae and glare and just sit on the couch.
Tae then drag to his room and without discussing about Jungkook words we went to complete our homework and assignments. I mean there is no need of any discussion because Jungkook's tone made it clear that he will not take no as a answer.

I think my time to ignore him are going to over today night.

After three hours we have completed all our works. We both went downstairs and quickly my eyes searched for Jungkook.
Seeing this Tae yelled loudly while giving me a smirk
"Mom where is Jungkook?"

"he went outside"
She answered i dont from where.

Hearing her words make me a little disappointed. I mean I must be an idiot if I think that he will wait for me for this long. He must have gone outside with his friends.

Seeing my change in mood Tae suggested
"lets inform your mother about your night stay here"

Nodding I called my mother and informed her about why I was not able to come home today. Ofcourse I told her that I want to spend time with Jungkook because I guess there was no hiding from my parents after he he confessed to me infornt of my parents.

Me and Tae start watching a movie. As the movie was at the end one question ring in my mind and I asked tae.

He hummed too ingrosed in the movie.

"why don't you call Jungkook 'hyung' as you both are brothers even though he is adopted"

"I guess Jimin ah, we were never really that close to call brother. Ieam at a time we were but with time we drift apart and I stop calling him hyung and even though he is not so big from me. He actually acts like he is a stranger to us"

I then actually get to know that why Mrs. Kim was so surprised when she hear Jungkook calling her mom.

As the movie end Mr. Kim came back from his work. He greeted me.
"good to see you jimin"

"hello Mr. Kim. I am also glad to see you. How was your day"
I asked with respect. He was a man that should be respected.

He said with a laugh.

"dinner is ready"
Mrs. Kim or aunty announced.

Tae and me get to help her while Mr. Kim went away to get fresh. As I see Jungkook was out and dinner was going to serve i messaged him

Where are you?

Awe do my little boyfriend miss me?
I will be there in a wink my buttercup.

I huff reading his words. Like he will be really be here in a wink and even call me little but it was cute.

But then the front door opened and came Jungkook with a bag but he was going towards his room so I quickly said
"dinner is ready"

He replied
"I am coming wait a minute"

Despite his words aunty, uncle and Tae sat on their chairs. I then asked
"we will not wait for him? "

"he dont eat with us"
Was the simpler reply I got from Mr. Kim.

But everyone was surprised when the chair beside me was moved and Jungkook sat there and said
"from now on I will"

With that he started to serve himself and me too if I add.


Thanks for reading.
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And sorry for not updating. I am just busy with my online classes and assignments.
Hope you understand.

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