My Boyfriend Is My Stalker - 2

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Q) What is your favorite song?

Jimin POV

I quickly went to my first class ignoring how my heart flutter and beats loudly by the sweet gesture of Jungkook. Its obvious he was following me.

I shift all these thoughts to the back of my mind and sit in my seat. Tae don't share this class with me.

It was now lunch time and I was going towards my locker to keep the books there. But when I opened the locker there was a stuff toy?

 But when I opened the locker there was a stuff toy?

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"hope when you see this, it will remind you of me.
I am sorry my cupcake.
I really love you"

I take out the toy from my locker and inspect it. I then mumble
"if Jungkook gave me this then it should be name Kookie"

I then take the note and carefully kept it in my notebook and then in my bag. I left the toy at my locker and went to meet Tae.
The whole i was thinking how he get to know my locker and how can he open it when he didn't know the pin of my locker.

I saw Tae and run towards him and hugged him.

He chuckle and said in amusement
"woah jimin-ah, slow down your horses"

I giggled and informed him
"you know Jungkook gave me a soft toy"

He have a confused expression on his face so I quickly told him how I get the soft toy and give him the note to see it. He then questioned
"so you are going to forgive him?"

"I don't know Tae. His sweet actions melt my heart and it is difficult to stay from him even he is my dumb boyfriend"

We then eat peacefully and continue our rest of the classes.

It was now dispersal time and I was going towards my locker. I quickly opened my locker and take kookie and put it in my bag. I then notice a letter. I take out and open it to read it.
It says

" Jimin. It will be my last letter to you. I am actually an ex-girlfriend of Jungkook who want to separate you two but Jungkook today's actions told me that Jungkook is really serious about you. He never did those things for anyone even he was in a relation. I am actually not a  bad person Jimin but my obsession made me like this. But I have now found someone who cherish me like no one.

But I will still warn you about Jungkook. Don't get too hurt. I hope you can forget my words.

~Lisa "

"but you already create the problems between us"
I mumble quietly.

I then take the letter and put it in my bag. At the same time Tae came to me. After that we started to walk towards our homes.

Tae then started
"so, jimin ah are you coming to my house or not?"

I am sure he saw my dilemma of deciding what to do. So he then continued
"please chim, we always do our homework together and then hang out. Don't change our plan because of Jungkook"

I nod and he was hugging the life out of me.

I have actually seen my cousins debating who to choose between their friendship or love. We all can balance it if we want. People actually start to think that their love is always right even though he/she is not.
Friendship is the special bond in everyone life. When that love leave us or cheat us then that friend comes to our rescue.

Friendship is as equally important like love and relationships.

I didn't notice that me and Tae was still hugging until we hear a horn behind us. We pull back and turn around to see Jungkook on the bike.

He then said
"sometimes I want to beat the hell out of you Kim Taehyung"

I giggled.

Tae then resorted
"don't be like that big brother. If you want Jimin that much then you should not make him mad. Simple"

I was silent by Tae remark. I didn't believe he said that. I take tae hand in mine and started to drag him away from Jungkook so he didn't say anything to embarrass me.

Jungkook yelled
"just wait Tae. When I will have Jimin to me then I will not allow you to see him"

"in your dreams"
Tae said sassily.

The whole way Jungkook followed us on his bike. He sometimes asked me to ride with him but I declined him every time he asked.

We three of us reach Tae house or more specially their house.

Jungkook then said
"so, jimin is going to stay the night here?"

Before Tae can correct him I said
"and why it concerns you?"

He then get off from his bike and walk towards me. And in an instant he was infront of me. He then lean towards my ear and whisper
"because then I can have you to myself all night"

After saying that he went inside the house while me and tae following him.

I can't imagine how my day will turn out to be.


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