After The Trip

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Jimin POV

It is Monday morning and I am at Tae house waiting for him to come down so that we can head to school.

So as you know, jungkook leave us after he get the call. We three then take a cab to here as we have went there by kai's car. After that I have not talked to him at all. I have his number and we can chat but I think messaging him will be awkward so I didn't do it.

Tae then came down and greeted me with a hug.

He greeted with his smile
"good morning Jimin ah"

Before I can greet him back Jungkook came in the living room and just gaze between me and Tae. He didn't say anything neither he move form his place, he was still in his place.

Mrs. Kim came in the living room from the kitchen and said excitedly
"Jimin ah.. I remember your birthday is coming this week."

Jungkook stare at me and it looked like he was expecting a confirmation from me. But it was Tae who confirmed it for me

"yes eomma. Jimin is having his birthday on this Wednesday"

I nod and secretly look at Jungkook. He was lost in his thoughts and then he look at me in the eyes and turn around to go inside the room, I guess it was his room.

Tae then kiss the cheek of his mother and we both goodbye to her.

We both walk towards our school chatting.

I then asked him carefully
"Tae? So you and Yoongi hyung are dating now?"

He blush at the darkest shade of red and stutter a answer
"I was going to tell you actually Jimin ah. Yoongi hyung asked me to be his boyfriend on last day of the trip"

I jump upon him to give him a hug and said excitedly
"I am so happy for you Tae. You deserve all the love in your life."

We hugged for a while and then resume our way to school. The whole time I tease him about his love life.

The school pass quickly.

Now we were walking towards our house. When Tae asked

"Jimin ah can I ask you a question?"

I giggle and replied
"anything Tae"

He was quite for some minutes and then started to speak hesitantly

"so what about you and jungkook? I mean something happen on the trip? Any progress?"

I thought of what to say to him but whom I am kidding it was Tae. I can share everything with him from the color of my underwear to my love life.

I then started
"the last day was great actually, we had a lot of fun but then...."

Tae asked carefully not wanting to stretch the matter more if it hurts me.

I sighed and continued
"but when we reach the hotel he get a call and informed me that he has to go back. I didn't anything to him because I clearly know that my words will not affect his decision. We then have a fight and I said him to leave and I ran from him. The end"

Tae was silent for a while then he keep a hand on my right shoulder and squeeze it a little and said
"I am sorry Jimin ah —"

I chuckle and said
"why YOU are sorry Tae, its non of your fault. I think it was not in my fate"

He gave me a reassuring smile and we walk towards our house then.

The whole walk Tae was discussing thing about my coming birthday. Normally on my birthday, I celebrate with my family and Tae's family but this time I will also invite Yoongi hyung. He is great and I am happy that Tae end with him.

I was still debating for inviting Jungkook for my birthday but at last concluded that he now know my birthday and if he want to come I will not stop him. I highly doubt he will come to my birthday.

I am not important in his life and I had to accept it even though it hurts me.



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