My Drunk Boyfriend

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Jimin POV

It was now a month after our date. And to say that this past month was too good to be true was a understatement. Jungkook has been the best boyfriend one can dream of. He has started to talk nicely to his parents and Tae too, even though I have to threat him a lot.

He also started to focus on his future more. I got to know that he is good in almost everything. He is intelligent in studies, can draw and an athele too. My Boyfriend is perfect and I love him more every newday. We started to spend more time everyday with each other and that time are my most favorite. His kisses, hugs and flirty lines have become my blood.

He has quit smoking now and let me tell you it was not at all easy. And he is also on his way to quit alcohol. I am proud of my man.

My thoughts was interepted by Hobi hyung "so... Jimin which college you have decided to go?"

Oh yes I forget that we are all now in Jungkook house and Tae too. All are here including Tae, yoongi hyung, Namjoon and Jin hyung, Hobi hyung, me and my kookie hyung.

"I have decided to go to the same college as of Jungkookie"
I reveled to everyone. I have not told this to anyone so it was the first time.

Jungkook asked not believing my words.

Namjoon hyung pointed out
"Is it because of Jungkook? I know Jimin you love him but it is about your future."

Jungkook and the others nodded at his words.

I giggle and clarified
"Don't worry hyung. Even though he is a reason I choose that college but the main reason is, that college provide one of the best studies"

"I am hurt baby"
Jungkook said in a fake hurt tone.

I turn around in his lap. Oh yes i was sitting on his lap the whole time. I turn around and looked him in his eyes and said  "now I can be with you more and can see the pest around you more clearly"

"but I have my eyes only for my butterfly"
He said.

"ahhh.... You both are too sweet. I am having diabetes"
Yoongi hyung said even though he was smiling the whole time.

Jungkook gave him a glare and i hit him on his chest playfully.

The whole day passed happily and with a lot of fun. I am really happy to have them as my friends.

(a week after)

It was now weekends. Tae was at my house and we were watching a movie. The whole day we spent with the other hyungs and now it was evening. The other thought to go for a bike ride so, me and Tae decided to spend some time for us. We both have been busy with our boyfriends but we still walk to school and do our homework together but sometimes Jungkook came and started to disturb me with his kisses and flirty lines.

The first movie ended and Tae quickly choose the another movie. I think Tae will stay at my home tonight as it was getting dark outside. It must be around eight in the night.

But before the movie started we hear a shout from outside


"Jimin ah"

"My mochi. My butterfly"

And I know that voice very well. It was Jungkook, no doubt but I know something was up. Me and Tae went outside my house to see the commotion.

Jungkook was looking drunk but I don't know if he was. Jin hyung was keeping his hand on Jungkook's mouth and the others was holding him so that he dont fall on the ground. As soon as he saw me he started to yell
"there is my Boyfriend. See hyungssss, he is so perfect. I love him"

My heart swell up with his words but I was angry too at the same time. I walk to him and hyungs take their hands back from him. He stumble towards me and fall his head on my shoulder murmuring things that I don't understand.

Namjoon hyung started
"Chim sorry for this. We were at our hanging place when he buyed beer cans. We tried to stop him but he said that he will not get drunk if he drink in his capacity. But as you can see."
He motioned towards him.

"thank you hyung for taking care of him" I thanked all of them.

"he was so desperate to come to you that's why we drop him at your house"
Hobi hyung said with amusement and a smile.

"y-yes I can't l-live without my b-bae"
Jungkook said in a drunk voice.

"you are quite drunk, aren't you?"
I asked him.

He shook his head left and right and answered "I am n-not. T-they let m-me drink". He said gesturing towards the hyungs.

I giggled at his words and by seeing the expression on their faces. I then ensured them  "don't worry hyungs. Jungkook can stay at my house for tonight"

He kissed me on my cheeks suddenly and went back to mumble things on my shoulder. He was heavy but I tried my best to give him support to stand.

Tae then said
"I will then get going Jimin ah"

"sorry tae for —"

"don't worry Chim it is alright. By the way Yoongi is staying at my house tonigh too"
He said in a blush.

Yoongi hyung chuckled and everyone else started to leave too. They wish me luck with a drunk Jungkook.
I drag him to my room informing my parents on my way. They laughed at the state of Jungkookie because he was too cute.


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