Unexpected kiss and hurt

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I was laying on the bed but from the feel, it was not mine and nor it was affluent. It took me exactly three minutes to just open my eyes. What happened to me?

I tried to move my hand and was successful. I looked at my wrist and notice a needle and pipe thing attached to it. What the hell happened that got me in the hospital. The last thing I recalled was ordering my tenth coffee. But after that it is blank.

I then noticed that Jimin was sleeping on the edge of the bed while sitting on the chair beside my bed. His head was beside my knees. He looks so cute while sleeping. His lips form a small pout and his eyelashes are so long. His cute button nose attracts your finger to tap it. He looks like a baby.

I glanced at the clock hanging on the wall in front of me and it was 6 pm. How long I was out? Last time I checked the time it was around 2 pm. Not able to control my curiosity I shake Jimin by his shoulder to wake him up.

He slapped my hand away and I snickered. He sleeps like a baby too. I was going to shake him again when he raises his head from his hands and look at me. And I was shocked, not to see him awake but the smile he has on his face.

He smiled at me dreamily. Is he thinking this a dream?

And soon I am sure he is dreaming.

Because next, I know was he cupped my face and giggled. Okay, he is surely in his sleep. I was going to utter something but I was getting scolded by him "yahhhh......you".


"You are mine" he giggled.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded.

He smiled at me heavenly and suddenly his lips were on mine. I froze. Park Jimin was kissing me. As soon as the moment realised by my brain and before I can kiss him back, he pulled back and smiled
"Now you are mine.....again."

And soon he let his face fall in my lap and lured back to sleep. What just happened? He was asleep? Or drunk? Why I am here? Where is the damn doctor?

But soon my last question was answered as a doctor walked to my bed. He smiled at me and took his pen out of his pocket and soon was checking my nerves and all and noting on his reports.

"I see you are awake. How are you feeling?" He asked softly?

"I am feeling really energised truthfully even I am on a hospital bed" I responded.

He chuckled "what you remember the last thing?"

"Ordering a coffee" he hummed at my reply.

What is this reaction?

"You don't have to worry about anything. You are in perfect condition. But you fall unconscious because of the heavy dosage of caffeine."

"You mean I fall because of drinking coffee?" I implored stunned.

"Yes it contains a large amount of caffeine and it affects our body. That's why you are feeling so energised." He looked at Jimin laying his head on my lap and smiled at his direction. I don't like it. But then he turned to me and said: "he was apprehensive for you. He falls asleep after we inform him you are fine. Looking at him I can sense he skipped lunch and running low on sleep. You are lucky to have him. He is a keeper. And you can leave now".

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