He Left The Party

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Jimin POV

We were still in each other arms just gazing in each other eyes. But we pull back quickly after the others start clapping and hooting.

I quickly hide behind Jungkook huge back to not be seen by others. My dad walk towards us and stop in front of Jungkook and said in a authorative voice
"if you hurt a single hair of my baby I will cut your dick and feed it to the birds"

I notice Jungkook gulped after hearing his words.

He then assured him
"don't worry Mr. Park I will take care of him"

Dad just nod and went back to stand beside mom.

Tae then come towards me and include me in a hug. I giggle at his excitement. He was so excited that he started to chant
"I am so happy Jimin ah"
"yeah you are not single anymore"
"you have a boyfriend"

I just let him hug me. It was Jungkook who broke our hug by saying
"you should hug your boyfriend Jimin"

I blush at the word 'boyfriend' beacuse it is still unusual for me and Jeon Jungkook to be my boyfriend is truely unbelievable.

Tae grab my wrist and drag to his side and said to Jungkook
"oh, now you are gay?"

"it is nothing that concerns you"
Jungkook spat.

"oh believe me, if you hurt Jimin in any way you will see the hell"
Tae threat him.

Jungkook was going to said something to Tae and I knew it was something rude so I quickly went towards him and snake my around his torse and whisper

He relaxed and just hug me back.

After that everyone walk towards the dining table. Me and Jungkook sit beside each other.

We were having a great dinner. Chatting and eating my mom delicious food. I also get to know that all were so surprised to see Jin hyung, hoseok hyung and namjoon hyung with Jungkook beacuse they used to be old friends. After Jungkook went to a wrong path they all cut ties with Jungkook or vice versa.

I was happy he was back again with them.

My train of thoughts stop when Jungkook phone start ringing.
He then excused himself by saying
"just a minute"

I then thought that me and Jungkook actually never talk about ourselves much. And if we are in a relation then we should have trust and communication. So I prepare a mental note to have a long conversation with him.

He then came back in a minute as he said. His face some discomfort, so I aksed
"what happen Jungkook?"

He stare at me for a minute and informed
"I have to go. Something came up"

"like you have to go now?"
I asked to be assured.

He nod assuring me.

Everyone around the table have a disappointment face. Jin hyung then asked
"what's so important Jungkook that you have to leave Jimin on his birthday? "

I then face Jungkook expecting an answer from him. I surely get an answer but that make me feel more sad
"there is something I can't tell you"

He then face me. I actually don't know what to do. But still I try a last time
"if I said don't go then you will still stay?"

"I can't jimin"
H answer and I can sense his anger slowly building up.

"go then"
I said to him and turn to face my food.

Everyone at the table gasp by my words. But tell me what I can do when my boyfriend will go even after I want to stay so I let him go.

He take a step towards me and said in a low voice but everyone can hear him
"jimin —"

"go jungkook or you will late"

He then came to stand next to my chair and kiss me on my forhead and said in a whisper
"happy birthday and I love you"

I didn't respond him with words neither with some body action like a nod or something.

He then said thank you to everyone and leave.
After that everyone tried to put some conversation with me but failed. I was not in the mood anymore.

After dinner, I thanks everyone for coming and all. Tae then take me to my room. Popcorn, snacks, ice cream and many other were already on the sofa.

Tae pull me towards the sofa and made me sit beside him.
He then command

And that single word was sufficient and I was already crying. We cuddled while I was crying and Tae saying sweet words to me.

The whole night went with watching movies, cuddling and Tae saying sweet words and cracking jokes.

Till midnight my mode was not that sad anymore.


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