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Jimin POV

After Kai left, we all decided to take a walk around the hotel to appreciate the nature. After that we all will have a lunch. So, now we four are walking around the woods.

We all are walking in a group and not in pairs which I am kind of grateful for. Jungkook is silent throughout the chattering. It is me and Tae bickering about something and Yoongi hyung interrupting us.

After a while of walking we all decided to sit on the ground for having rest. Jungkook didn't sit with us. He got a call from someone and gone away to chat. It was just me, Tae and hyung. I was gazing around when I saw a beautidul flower i turn around to tell Tae but saw that he was too lost in hyung's eyes. I quickly run to the flower and pluck it to gift it to Tae.

But when I get back to them I and I saw they were kissing each other, not wanting to interrupt them I turn around and walk away from them. I walk some distance and instantly stop at a lake. It was beautiful. I sat down at the bank of the lake admiring the water and its beings. But my admiration was soon break by Jungkook words
"you should not rome around an unknown place"

I was somehow shock that he was not at his phone this time because after we get here he was continuously on his phone. He speak again
"why are you so shocked to see me?"

"why are you here?"
I ask in a quiet voice because I think I was affected that he didn't talk to me at all but was at his phone most of the time. I was affected.

"you sound like you don't want me. Why 'you' are here anyways? Shouldn't you with yoongi and Taehyung?"
He asked in somewhat concern voice

"I want to give them their space so I walk here. And it's not like I don't want you here, it's just that I am surprised to see you"
I said the last line a little slow and nervously.

He then sit beside me and I can feel his eyes on me. I keep my eyes on the lake ahead not wanting to meet his eyes.

He asked

I was confused of what he is asking but then my mind registered of our conversation before hand. So I answered quickly
"you are always on your phone, chatting with that girl so it was a surprise to see you talking to me"

"and why do you think I am talking to that girl, Jimin?"
He asked in a manly voice.

"because she is your girlfriend"
I answer truthfully.

He started to laugh like a mad. I didn't understand because I didn't crake a joke. He then composed himself and clarified
"she is not my girlfriend"

I wanted to ask so badly that, why he was making it out with her or why he bring her home. But I didn't, I am not allowed to know anything about his life. I am a noone for him.

We sat in a pure silence. After few minutes it is Jungkook who started
"you know, i am not like what others define me"

"I know. Everyone told me to maintain a distance with you but I don't think you are what you show. I am sure there someone inside you who is still pure and loveable"
I said.

He stare me for a long while, then he slowly take the flower from my hand and place it in my hairs above my right ear. He smile at me. And it was a genuine smile. He then said
"let's so. I will be with you from now on"


The lake

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The lake

Jimin with his flower 🌸

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Jimin with his flower 🌸

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