Meeting A Guy

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Jimin POV

My weekend was good. The next day I leave for my house. I decided to block any thoughts about Jungkook. I am not going to avoid him because I know if I avoid him I will never move on. So I will slowly but surely move on.

Tae informed me about the trip. He told me that Yoongi hyung was bringing one more friend with him on the trip and I agreed because its not like I am an anti social person. I will love to have one more friend. I don't understand why Jungkook break up with his earlier friends. Yoongi hyung is really great and I can bet his other friends are too.

So today is Wednesday and me and Tae are going back to his house. Yoongi hyung is bringing his friend at his house so we can meet him. Tae just chat about how he loves Yoongi more and more everyday. I hope they start to date quickly. Tae is literally head over heels for him. When we reach his home Yoongi hyung was already inside. Mrs. Kim was chatting with both of them.

I notice the other guy he was quite handsome. He has black hair and sharp jawline.

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After seeing me and Tae, Yoongi hyung stand up to hug Tae and the other guy initiate a handshake towards me and introduced himself
"hello I am Kai. Nice to meet you Jimin"

"hello I am Jimin as you already know"
I said back with a smile.

He smile back at me. Then only Yoongi hyung
"oh you already introduced yourself. Jimin ah he is also coming on the trip. I hope you don't have a problem?"

"no hyung it's fine"

After that we four of us sit on the couch. Yoongi hyung and Tae sit beside each other and me and Kai sit beside each other in another couch. Kai actually chatted with me a lot as compared to others. He often compliments too. We can become great friends i think.
It was already an hour when the topic of the trip started.

As we were going to start our chat, the front door closed with a bang sound and everyone seems to know who was here. Jungkook was quite famous in the area and everyone know about his nature.

When he enter the hall he stare at us and then suddenly sit on a couch beside me. He gave me a long stare but didn't move from his seat. It was Tae who spoke first
"what are you doing here?"

He just shrug and look at Yoongi hyung and then glare at Kai.

Yoongi hyung started
"so we are just going to the outskirts of the town where there are hills and forest. I have already book the hotel rooms."

"what should I pack?"
I asked

But rather than xYoongi hyung it was Kai who answered
"I can help you in packing. I have actually went to many trips"

I nod and accepted his offer
"okay then"

But what was awkward, was the glare Jungkook gave me afterward. I ignore him and asked again
"it only for two days?"

"yes Jimin ah, Saturday and Sunday"
Hyung answered me.

Tae asked the next question
"so when we will go there and how?"

"we will meet at Tae's House on the Saturday morning and then I will drive us to the destination"
Kai answered.

"you can drive?"
I asked him quickly. He give me a big smile and nod.

"I can too, you know"
It was Jungkook who piped in. Everyone gave him a 'what was that' look. And we ignore him and get back to our discussion. The whole time Jungkook was with us and I don't know why. He can just go and hang with his girlfriends.

After our discussion ended it was already evening so everyone decided to head back to their houses. I was going to walk back home when Kai stopped me and offered
"I can drive you Jimin. A cutie like you should not walk at streets in night"

I blush because of his name for me and asked
"you don't have a problem? "

He chuckle and informed
"your home is on my way to my home. So no problem"

I nod and agreed to him with a small 'okay'. Yoongi hyung was not leaving because Tae forced him to have dinner with them. So it was only me and kai. The whole time Jungkook was glaring at me and him but I guess he didn't like 'fags' in his words. It must be disgusting for him, I bet.

Thr drive was a quite one. It was a very short drive. We both bid our goodbyes to each other and he said that he was looking forward to the trip. Then I went to the door and he drive to his home.


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