My Boyfriend Is A Softie

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Jimin POV

After the dinner with the others being surprised with Jungkook eating with us it was a happy dinner. We all chatted without Jungkook saying anything but i guess all were already overwhelmed with his presence only.

After the dinner Jungkook stand up and take his and mine plates and went to kept in the sink. He then came towards me and stretch his hand and said
"let's go now"

Before I can answer Mrs. Kim interfered
"uhm..... Can I have a talk with you Jimin"

"ya sure Mrs. Kim.... I mean aunt"

Jungkook gave her and me a hard stare but went to his room alone.
Mrs. Kim motioned me to seat beside her on the chair. I then realised that Tae and Mr. Kim was not in the dining area.

She started
"thank you Jimin for today"

I asked because I was clearly confused as why she will thank me.

She clarified
"for Jungkook. He now, don't get well with us. I mean he keep minimum contact with us and you being here today really reveals the changes in him. He will do anything is his possibility to make you happy."

I blushed at her last words. But would really do anything for me? I guess I will get to know.

She continued breaking my train of thoughts
"and I am sorry that now he is mad at you "

"Don't worry aunt, we will be fine. I will go to him, now"

We greet each other goodnights and I walk towards his room. I stand in front his room. I knock on his door and said softly
"Jungkook, its Jimin"

I didn't hear anything from inside and frown but quickly the door was opened and what I saw make me laugh very hard.

I didn't hear anything from inside and frown but quickly the door was opened and what I saw make me laugh very hard

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I asked controlling myself
"what are you doing?"

"I am telling others who I belong to"
He answered and result me in giggling.

He then shifted aside and let me enter the room. Ans let me tell you I was not disappointed. My boyfriend's room is really like him.
Boy band group posters on the wall, small plant pots on the window bay, but the wall colours a soft blue. The room has a bad look but a soft and cozy look to it as well. It shows Jungkook is still the same but now he has just overshadow that.

I still love him even though he is rude and short tempered he still wants to improve himself and I am with him. The most important is to always try to make ourselves a better human being. Isn't it?

He then locked the door and turn around to face me. He said
"you can see around. There is nothing important "

I then move to the paintings and photographs on the walls and shelves. I then asked
"did you paint it?"

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