The End?

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Author note•

Thank you, everyone, to read my book.
It's now on #3 in Jikook.
I am grateful.

And I think I understand now why authors don't publish the whole book at one time. Because seeing readers so eager for another chapter is such a great feeling. A feeling of accomplishment.


Jimin POV

I feel like crap.

I have a bad headache. It's good that today is Saturday or I may have miss school. My eyes are red and swelled. My nose is red from all the crying I did last night after coming home. After yoongi hyung drop me last night I run to my room and cried to my guts.

It feels light but heavy at the same time.

I had planned to spend my day in my room with my laptop and snacks. But first I need a wash. I drag myself to the bathroom and quickly do my business there. I even hate standing right now. I hate breathing right now too. Ughh.

I drag myself back to my room and no my room doesn't have an attached bathroom. I jump on my bed and take my phone in my hold from the bedside table. I open it and freezes for a moment.

I have a ton of messages.

Tae Alien👽
(15 message; 2 miss calls)

Yoongi hyung 🐱
(5 messages)

Namjoonie hyung🧠
(4 messages)

Jin hyung💫
(1 messages; 8 miss calls)

Are they insane?
They have flooded my phone with notifications.

It's the same message that forgives him, give him a chance again, he was drunk and he didn't mean it.
I don't care if he was drunk. But why he said those words? And don't they say a drunk person speaks the truth? And even tho let's ignore what he said but the fact that he hides such an important thing from me. It hurts.
How many things he has kept hidden from me.

And no message or call from him.

Freedom my ass.

I was again going to sleep but mom knocked and came inside to inform
"Tae is here. And I don't know what is going on but the only advice I can give you is to take care of yourself. I love you, Minnie."

"I love you too ma. And me and Jungkook broke up last night. So ignore my grumpy ass."

"Oh God jimin. I didn't know that. Wait let me get Tae."

I am thankful she didn't pry too much or investigate me. I don't think I can handle it. I just want to sleep.

But that all went out of the window as soon as Kim Taehyung came into my room.

"That piece of shit. How can he!"
Tae yelled. He was fuming.

"Shh tae tae. It's fine."
I try to coax him.

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