Trust Me

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Jimin POV

Now, me and Jungkook was on a bench in the park. Or to be more specific, his head was on my lap while I was sitting. I was playing with his hairs and stroking it also.

He said suddenly
"I want to know everything about you jimin"

"we will get to know each other with time Jungkook ah. It is not like we can know each other in a day. To know someone requires a long time and patience"
I explained him.

"I think you are the mature one in this relation"
He said and his eyes were closed.

I giggled and agreed
"yes I also think the same"

After a long moment of silence I started
"Jungkook I have to tell you something"

He opened his eyes and look directly in my eyes with so much love and adoration that I knew that I have to share this with him. I then pull the letters from my pocket and give it to him. I sit back straight and started to see it and read it.

After fifteen minutes of silence and him reading those letters he said
"I will kill that girl. How dare she?"

"hey hey Jimin I will tell you everything please don't leave me i need u baby. I really need u"

I sighed and said
"why you always think that I will leave you?"

He didn't answer for a moment but then he said that make my heart go soft
"I always thought that you will leave me that someone better than me will make you happier than I make you"

"hey Jungkookie look at me. Never think that I will leave you. You make me the happiest being in this world and I highly doubt that there is someone better than you on this planet"
I said with utmost truth.

"You know Jimin I always want to be different. I don't want to be in crowd. And when I was in high school there were some students that were cool in my eyes. I leave everything behind, my friends even my family. I started to be with them. They drink and smoke and I did the same. I don't smoke after the day I came in relation with you and that result me in realisation that what mistake I have done "
He sighed and continued
"I always thought at night that how can I be my old self but I never had the inspiration to be a better version of me. But when you came it change. I will try to stop from drinking alcohol but that will need time. I am not goods at words, never were so please understand if I speak some rude words at you. After you came I decided to leave them who I used to see as cool but I then realised that I was only their shadow. I was not myself "

"Jungkook —"
I interrupted.

"don't jimin I want to say. I accept that I have a ton of hookups in the past but I assure that there will be none after you. You will be my last because you are my true love. I will marry you and make you completely mine. And please trust me that I will never hurt you and will always tell you everything. I love you baby"

"so you will marry me?"
I asked with innocent eyes. I listened all his words but I want to assure him I was always there for him so the best I can thought now was this.

"you only listened to that line?"
He asked clearly amused.

"how can't I? My first boyfriend will be my husband that's not so common. And I am happy to be you husband."
I said with pure love that I have for him.

"yes baby I have a complete plan to make you mine"
He said with determination.

"but still Jungkook you should also trust me to tell me your things like I tell you mine. We both are new to this and lets be there for each other as much as we can. I love you Jungkook and I don't think I will able to leave you too because my heart don't allow it "

After a long comfortable silence Jungkook said
" lets got to our next destination "

After that Jungkook bought me at a small and comfy cafe for a delicious breakfast. Then he take me to movies to see "the notebook", cliche I know but who cares.

He then took me to a resturant for lunch and then after spending some time in the park. He take me to the amusement park.

It was the best day of my life and I really don't know how i got so lucky that I have someone like Jungkook beside me.


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