First Meet

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Jimin POV

I and tae were walking to his house for doing our homework. We both live near each other. Our houses were just ten minutes far by walking and our school was a twenty minutes walk. We were chatting while walking and sometimes there was a comfortable silence.

We reach his home. He open the door and yelled
"mom, I am home. "

Mrs Kim quickly run towards the door and was having a large smile on her face and greeted
"welcome jimin ah. Please come inside."

"good afternoon Mrs Kim "
I greeted politely and bend down a little.

She cooed and said that I was too cute and all which make me blush it was Tae who break our conversation and said in fake anger
"mom I am here too and we are now going to do our homework in my room."

After that, we went to his room and started to do our homework peacefully. We both were serious for our studies and we're good students in the eyes of our teacher. We rarely skip our studies for fun and hang out. Although after study we didn't care anything in this world while having fun.

It was Mrs Kim yelling that cause us to make a stop
"snacks are ready. Come down now "

We both went downstairs and head towards the dining table in the hall. Their house is bigger than mine. My family is small and perfect. I am the only child and I love both of my parents. They never stop me from doing anything. They also supported when I told them that I was gay.

Me, tae and Mrs Kim were having small chats about school and my parents. But our chatting stops when the front door open and closed with a loud band sound. Quickly Jungkook was in the hall and was heading upstairs maybe towards his room.

It was Mrs Kim who spoke first
"Jungkook, where were you? "

She speak sweetly and politely but was faced with a cold answer
" why do you care? Oh, I see you are having fun with these fags "
He said with a venom laced voice.

Mrs Kim quite stand up and walk near him and angrily said
"apologise for n--, are you drunk Jeon Jungkook?"

He just shrugs and walk pass Mrs Kim but not before staring me from up to down. It gives me a shiver through my spine but it was not in a bad way and I can feel it. I lean towards tae ears and whisper
"I think I should go now tae. Thank you "

I quickly stand up from my seat not giving any attention to what tae was saying. When I start walking towards the door I heard Jungkook saying
"hope I never see you again"

I was sad. Even though I know that he was a cold and a bad boy but I never heard him talking. I have only seen him from far. But today I see how he talk to his family and others and I admit that I hate it. It was like the guy not even feel anything by seeing the hurt on his family face.

He is someone that I will surely want to avoid in my life. People like him don't care about others. But inside my heart, one part wants to know why he is like this. Everyone has a reason to change and I want to know that.

Jungkook POV

When I see 'him' my heart was beating in my heart like crazy. I know him, he is Park Jimin, best friend of Taehyung. His appearance makes me want me to protect him from this cruel world, to shower him with all my love and many more. And I hate this feeling.

And the stupid man I am, I again said some harsh words even though I don't want to
"hope I never see you again "

But he never replied back and just continue to walk towards the door and then outside the house. I stare at the door for a minute and then walk upstairs or tried to walk upstairs towards my room.

I also didn't want to be like this. But the addiction of drugs, smoking and drinking didn't let me get past it. It causes me to break friendship with my only real friends I once had Namjoon, jin, suga and Hoseok.
I also become cold who didn't speak sweetly or politely. I also started to hate my family whom I once loved the most.

But deep inside I was still the old Jeon Jungkook.


Here the bad boy

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Here the bad boy.

He is so handsome and hot

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He is so handsome and hot. I can't just help but to stare it all 24 hours.

Not mine

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Not mine. But I like this edit.
Whoever made this, I really like it.

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